Russia considers supplying S-300 to Syria in response to illegal aggression

sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.

old texts---------of course. I read lots of old texts long ago-----
written by your pals. They are very repetitive. I heard the
same texts 15 years after I first read them-------they seem to be part
of the Pakistani grammar school curriculum
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.

old texts---------of course. I read lots of old texts long ago-----
written by your pals. They are very repetitive. I heard the
same texts 15 years after I first read them-------they seem to be part
of the Pakistani grammar school curriculum
Funded by US tax dollars.....of course we got more than we bargained for.
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.

old texts---------of course. I read lots of old texts long ago-----
written by your pals. They are very repetitive. I heard the
same texts 15 years after I first read them-------they seem to be part
of the Pakistani grammar school curriculum
Funded by US tax dollars.....of course we got more than we bargained for.

The Pakistani educational system is funded by the US taxpayer? I did not know-----does the US write the curriculum?
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.

old texts---------of course. I read lots of old texts long ago-----
written by your pals. They are very repetitive. I heard the
same texts 15 years after I first read them-------they seem to be part
of the Pakistani grammar school curriculum
Funded by US tax dollars.....of course we got more than we bargained for.

The Pakistani educational system is funded by the US taxpayer? I did not know-----does the US write the curriculum?
From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad
sheeeesh-----poor capt. blei------still stuck in the HOOKAH BARS of the 70's
Yinon masturbatory fantasies, DA GRAND PLAN--------soon to be replaced
by the "9-11 INSIDE JOB" For literary value----The Odessa Files,
at least--------far more----uhm LITERARY
Old texts don't seem to lose there relevance among our friends in Israel.

old texts---------of course. I read lots of old texts long ago-----
written by your pals. They are very repetitive. I heard the
same texts 15 years after I first read them-------they seem to be part
of the Pakistani grammar school curriculum
Funded by US tax dollars.....of course we got more than we bargained for.

The Pakistani educational system is funded by the US taxpayer? I did not know-----does the US write the curriculum?
From U.S., the ABC's of Jihad

find better sources The WASHINGTON POST is an islamo Nazi sensation
rag. That the USA FUNDED muslim organizations to produce school books
is a travesty------but the USA did not produce them. That the USA funded the filthy MUJAHADEEN from Pakistan who ventured into Afghanistan with the
INTENTION (based on their Pakistani mosque controlled educations) to
DEVELOPE A SHARIAH SHIT HOLE THERE------was not a design of the USA--------just a remarkable LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE NATURE OF ISLAM-----nobody asked me Way back in the 1980s I UNDERSTOOD THE
GROSS MISTAKE------because I was acquainted with lots of Pakistanis in
the USA since the early 1960s
About time. S-300 in adequate numbers and the constant air raids will have an end. If you want peace, prepare for war.

Lavrov on S-300 Supply: After West's Attack, We Mull All Options to Defend Syria - Muraselon DO realize that those systems are being deployed to defend against US forces, right?
Don´t attack Syria, then.

Tell that to Trump. He's the one that said he's gonna throw missiles every time Syria uses chemical weapons.
About time. S-300 in adequate numbers and the constant air raids will have an end. If you want peace, prepare for war.

Lavrov on S-300 Supply: After West's Attack, We Mull All Options to Defend Syria - Muraselon DO realize that those systems are being deployed to defend against US forces, right?
Don´t attack Syria, then.

Tell that to Trump. He's the one that said he's gonna throw missiles every time Syria uses chemical weapons.
He is a sad old fuck siding with terrorist groups, that blow up children and Trump doesn´t care:
Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)

You better call him and tell him he is putting Americans at risk for foreign interests and he better leave the White House now.

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