Rush Limbaugh warned us before he went to his reward....this is what he said....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Limbaugh told us the democrats no longer cared to play the election game......that day is over....

I wish Limbaugh were alive today to weigh in on the Biden administration’s massive power grab.

Excerpts from the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 1, 2020 radio show:

They resent the whole premise behind elections. … Therefore, they don’t believe in campaigns. They don’t believe in the free, open exchange of ideas.

They don’t believe in giving legitimacy to anybody who is not already on their side. So if this is who they are psychologically — if they have no interest in persuading people, if they have no interest in acquiring power as a result of massive public support — then who are they? …
They don’t want it to derive from persuading people that their ideas are the best — and where is all of that codified? All of that thinking, all of that behavior is codified in elections. What are elections about? …
[E]lections are the result of persuading millions of people to support you. They resent having to do that.
They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support Black Lives Matter. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to support burning down American cities and private property. They can’t persuade a majority of Americans to go along with their ideas on guns and eliminating free speech. They can’t persuade anybody to agree with that!
Those are things they’re gonna have to force on people, and they are more than willing and eager to force that stuff on you, but they need the power to do it. So they have to go through the motions. …
But they resent the hell out of it. And in their world, it’s the one thing standing in their way: This need, this requirement to win elections. And I’m just telling you: As soon as they can figure out a way to eliminate elections, they will do it, ’cause they resent the hell out of it. …
They are attempting to win elections without broad public support. That’s what they’re trying to do. That’s just another way of phrasing what they’re doing. How do you win elections without broad public support?
You have to cheat. You have to game the system. Most people who consider themselves Americans and practitioners of small-D democracy, believe in the sanctity of elections. They believe in the sanctity of campaigning and convincing a majority of Americans to support them.
That’s where you get your mandate. That’s where you get the power to implement your ideas. And the more people voting for you, the more power you have, the bigger mandate you got. These people resent having to get a mandate. Why should they have to get public approval? Screw these idiots. …
That’s who these people are, and they’re so ticked off they’re burning down your town; they’re burning down your city. They resent the hell out of having to please you. They resent the hell needing your support. They hate it. They’re not interested in your support. They’re not interested in what you think. They’re not interested in your point of view. They don’t care to have to find out who you are and how to persuade you. And they resent the hell out of the fact they have to do it.

It’s all about knowing who anybody is. And how do I know? I listen to them. I watch ’em. It’s abundantly clear. They do not like America. It’s beneath them. They do not like the democratic process. They resent it. It’s beneath them. Their ideas, such as they are, are all that matter. And if you don’t agree with them, too bad. You can’t stop ’em. You’re nobody.

Here is an excellent part of that exchange w/ Limbaugh (not sure name of person who saidi)

They [elite democrats] don’t believe in giving legitimacy to anybody who is not already on their side. So if this is who they are psychologically — if they have no interest in persuading people, if they have no interest in acquiring power as a result of massive public support — then who are they? What are they? They want power simply to have it.

They don’t want it to derive from the people.
Limbaugh told us the democrats no longer cared to play the election game......that day is over....

I wish Limbaugh were alive today to weigh in on the Biden administration’s massive power grab.

Excerpts from the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 1, 2020 radio show:

Democrats don't like campaigning because nobody likes them or their policies.
They needed a way to win elections without actually having a candidate people liked.
So they invented COVID and that led to mail-in voting.
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Limbaugh told us the democrats no longer cared to play the election game......that day is over....

I wish Limbaugh were alive today to weigh in on the Biden administration’s massive power grab.

Excerpts from the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 1, 2020 radio show:

That fat drug-addled blowhard, is worm food. Rush was a nasty degenerate. Why would any decent person want to resurrect his hatred?
“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. We actually live in a complex experiment for organizing a commerce union of different states of cultures that are all using the same flawed government model. In general, the output of the misordered series of experiments has been favorable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world. However, the increasingly vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable malfunction and symptom cycling of the inaccurate experiment over-run.
Here is an excellent part of that exchange w/ Limbaugh (not sure name of person who saidi)

They [elite democrats] don’t believe in giving legitimacy to anybody who is not already on their side. So if this is who they are psychologically — if they have no interest in persuading people, if they have no interest in acquiring power as a result of massive public support — then who are they? What are they? They want power simply to have it.

They don’t want it to derive from the people.

Biden got more votes than Trump. For that matter, so did Hillary. Do you need "Massive" support or just enough to win?
Biden got more votes than Trump. For that matter, so did Hillary. Do you need "Massive" support or just enough to win?
They counted more votes for Biden...but Trump got more REAL votes from REAL people.
Mail-in ballots helped John Fetterman get elected. Over 70% of mail-in ballots went for Fetterman.
Mail-in ballots mailed out to unsolicited addresses, hiding the counting rooms from the press and observers, taking ballots to an unauthorized location to be counted without verifying the signatures matched.

What could possibly go wrong?
They counted more votes for Biden...but Trump got more REAL votes from REAL people.
Mail-in ballots helped John Fetterman get elected. Over 70% of mail-in ballots went for Fetterman.
Mail-in ballots mailed out to unsolicited addresses, hiding the counting rooms from the press and observers, taking ballots to an unauthorized location to be counted without verifying the signatures matched.

What could possibly go wrong?

And the excuse for Clinton getting more votes than Trump?
Well...he was leading Clinton in the popular vote the day after the election....but CA kept counting till they got her an extra 2 - 3 million votes so they'd have an excuse to call his Adm illegit.
Is it your contention that the Dems cheated in 2016 not to win, but just to try making Trump look less legitimate as president?
Limbaugh told us the democrats no longer cared to play the election game......that day is over....

I wish Limbaugh were alive today to weigh in on the Biden administration’s massive power grab.

Excerpts from the transcript of Limbaugh’s October 1, 2020 radio show:

"went to his reward"................ :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Is it your contention that the Dems cheated in 2016 not to win, but just to try making Trump look less legitimate as president?

By running Hillary they did pretty much cede the election. Why they thought running the most despised and divisive politician in the country was a good idea is probably something that will be be explained.
Is it your contention that the Dems cheated in 2016 not to win, but just to try making Trump look less legitimate as president?
The Dems cheated.....but it didn't they set out to de-legitimize the Trump Administration.

FBI agents were on the record stating that they were going to make sure that Trump didn't win, but if he won they had Plan B ready. "Russian Collusion".

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By running Hillary they did pretty much cede the election. Why they thought running the most despised and divisive politician in the country was a good idea is probably something that will be be explained.
Hillary would have made a better president than Biden, which is not saying much....because she would be horrible.

And she was a much better campaigner. That's why they locked Sleepy Joe up for the duration of the campaign,

to keep him from being exposed as the angry dirtbag everyone has realized him to be.

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