Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense - HUMAN EVENTS

i call bullshit. we were attacked when defense spending was not at this high level.
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld…

Clearly not an objective voice.

“The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs…If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Nonsense. Conventional military has little or no effect defending us from terrorist attacks. Indeed, it’s only exacerbated the problem.

Terrorism is best combated with intelligence and security efforts, not guns, tanks, and bombs.
It is only a matter of time till we have another terrorist attack of some type regardless of our level of military spending.
1 day, 1 year, 5 years, 1,000 years all is a matter of time.

Just more fearmongering by rummy.

This is the same guy that said he doubted if the Iraq war would last 6 months. And would cost 40 billion tops.
So we should really listen to this guy?
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Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense - HUMAN EVENTS

i call bullshit. we were attacked when defense spending was not at this high level.
Ol' "Flight-Instructor" Rummy was BORN a bullshitter, obviously......

[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]

.....but, NOTHING'S more-funny than when he assumes everyone's gonna "cave", to him, like the dip-shits at FAUX Noise!!!!

[ame=]Rumsfeld Refuses to Answer Simple Question from Al Jazeera Reporter - YouTube[/ame]​

October 5, 2011

"Rumsfeld said: "There was no-one in the Pentagon that said they were not enough. The President went around the room, he asked every one of them, do you have everything you need? Do you have the numbers you want?"

However, a few weeks prior to the Iraq invasion, the Army Chief of Staff, General Eric Shinseki, had testified before Congress that a force of "several hundred thousand" troops would be required to occupy Iraq to secure it. Rumsfeld at the time rejected this figure as "far off the mark" and made it clear to military commanders that his low-ball number of required troops was the policy."

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Did ge forget he doesnt have clearance anynore and has no idea what is going on?
So according to Rummy, the US needs to continue to spend more on defense than the entire world combined while combating Third World terrorist who's budget is maybe $50,000 tops.
Rummy just want to keep on feeding the Military-Industrial Complex's bottomless trough.
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Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense - HUMAN EVENTS

i call bullshit. we were attacked when defense spending was not at this high level.

Isn't that Rumsfeld's point?
So according to Rummy, the US needs to continue to spend more on defense than the entire world combined while combating Third World terrorist who's budget is maybe $50,000 tops.
Rummy just want to keep on feeding the Military-Industrial Complex's bottomless trough.

C'mon......he was the.......

250px-Rumsfeld1.jpg the U.S. Navy!!!!
It is only a matter of time till we have another terrorist attack of some type regardless of our level of military spending.
1 day, 1 year, 5 years, 1,000 years all is a matter of time.

Just more fearmongering by rummy.

This is the same guy that said he doubted if the Iraq war would last 6 months. And would cost 40 billion tops.
So we should really listen to this guy?

many members of congress on both sides of the aisle believed the same thing...

And we are FORCED to do as they say.
So according to Rummy, the US needs to continue to spend more on defense than the entire world combined while combating Third World terrorist who's budget is maybe $50,000 tops.
Rummy just want to keep on feeding the Military-Industrial Complex's bottomless trough.

Surely even Rumsfeld can see the absurdity of continuing to fund congressional pet projects that even the defense department says they don't want?

Surely he understands that the waste and abuse in government applies to the Defense dept as well?

Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned that it will only be a matter of time before America endures another terrorist attack if Congress ends up blaming the defense budget for this country’s red ink woes. “The Department of Defense is not what’s causing the debt and the deficit. It’s the entitlement programs,” he told HUMAN EVENTS in an exclusive interview. “If we make that mistake, we’re doomed to suffer another attack of some kind, and our intelligence will be less strong and less effective.”

Rumsfeld: Attack Imminent If Congress Cuts Defense - HUMAN EVENTS

i call bullshit. we were attacked when defense spending was not at this high level.
economic disaster and terrorists are the hopes of the GOP.

The Raw Story | Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
Surely even Rumsfeld can see the absurdity of continuing to fund congressional pet projects that even the defense department says they don't want?

Surely he understands that the waste and abuse in government applies to the Defense dept as well?


Obviously he doesnt.

There is plenty of money being spent on homeland defense.....for defense against terrorism at home is more about local vigilance than anything else.

But I am curious why people think Rumsfeld has an agenda.....cant he just "be wrong"?
Surely even Rumsfeld can see the absurdity of continuing to fund congressional pet projects that even the defense department says they don't want?

Surely he understands that the waste and abuse in government applies to the Defense dept as well?


Obviously he doesnt.

There is plenty of money being spent on homeland defense.....for defense against terrorism at home is more about local vigilance than anything else.

But I am curious why people think Rumsfeld has an agenda.....cant he just "be wrong"?


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