Rudy has enough dirt......

If you had even half a functioning brain, you would see that this is true.
No, I would say it is incidental. I would say that the factors I mentioned have depressed wages far more than the "digital revolution". The "digital revolution" did not cause the 10 people working at the local mcdonald's tonight to lag behind the 10 people working at mcdonald's 30 years ago. The digital revolution did not produce the very clear disparity between unionized jobs and otherwise even today, that is clear in the data. The digital revolution did not marginalize labor, like same magical spirit. Economic policy did that. Now we have a low- to -no-skilled workforce that can't survive on telemarketer wages in a society where prices have not been kind enough to lag as much as wages have. We have a crumbling infrastructure and rising deficits, after decades of tax cuts and "taking the hit" on globalization without modernizing our work force. That would have been the same in the past, in the coal revolution, the industrial revolution, the evolution of communication, you name it. You pointing at the digital revolution for this signal is nonsense, and it comes down to policy and marginalization of labor. Period. Look no further than the policies and corporatization of our government.
In other words, you have no idea what productivity means.
I love how people who support the President express themselves. Nothing of substance; it's all about name calling. So sad that rather than have conversations about how jacked up our Country has become and what can be done to fix the few things we actually can that the Republicans and Democrats have decided it's better to bullshit the American people because they know people don't vote. Here's the truth....unless you are a native American, you are here because of immigration. The U.S. Government is corrupt from top to bottom and is merely the puppet being controlled by corporations. The rich are getting richer while the middle class and poor Americans struggle every day to put food on the table and a roof over their head. Donald Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp." He said he was going to build a wall and blames the Democrats for illegal immigration. Yet, it has been PROVEN that he employs undocumented, illegal immigrants at his country clubs, golf courses, and hotels. Donald Trump's slogan to "Make America Great Again" sounded good and millions of Americans bought into it. How has that worked out for the average American? Do you have more money in your pocket? Are you more secure in your home? Do your children have more opportunities to become the best they can be? Is the air your breathe and water you drink cleaner, safer, less toxic? If it's civil war you all want, then trust and believe civil war is what you'll get. Your gated communities won't save you. Your rich friends won't save you. Your hatred of all things and people not like you certainly won't save you. I'm ashamed of what our Country has become. I'm ashamed to tell my Grandchildren that the President of the United States couldn't and wouldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. I'm amazed that Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying to Congress about getting a consensual blowjob in the Oval Office. Yet, they see nothing wrong with strong arming a desperate country like Ukraine to try to ensure they remain in control of our government. There is a reckoning coming for all of us and I just hope we are ready to deal with the consequences. May God have mercy on us all!
I love how people who support the President express themselves. Nothing of substance; it's all about name calling. So sad that rather than have conversations about how jacked up our Country has become and what can be done to fix the few things we actually can that the Republicans and Democrats have decided it's better to bullshit the American people because they know people don't vote. Here's the truth....unless you are a native American, you are here because of immigration. The U.S. Government is corrupt from top to bottom and is merely the puppet being controlled by corporations. The rich are getting richer while the middle class and poor Americans struggle every day to put food on the table and a roof over their head. Donald Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp." He said he was going to build a wall and blames the Democrats for illegal immigration. Yet, it has been PROVEN that he employs undocumented, illegal immigrants at his country clubs, golf courses, and hotels. Donald Trump's slogan to "Make America Great Again" sounded good and millions of Americans bought into it. How has that worked out for the average American? Do you have more money in your pocket? Are you more secure in your home? Do your children have more opportunities to become the best they can be? Is the air your breathe and water you drink cleaner, safer, less toxic? If it's civil war you all want, then trust and believe civil war is what you'll get. Your gated communities won't save you. Your rich friends won't save you. Your hatred of all things and people not like you certainly won't save you. I'm ashamed of what our Country has become. I'm ashamed to tell my Grandchildren that the President of the United States couldn't and wouldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. I'm amazed that Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying to Congress about getting a consensual blowjob in the Oval Office. Yet, they see nothing wrong with strong arming a desperate country like Ukraine to try to ensure they remain in control of our government. There is a reckoning coming for all of us and I just hope we are ready to deal with the consequences. May God have mercy on us all!

Don't blame we Republicans. We learned everything we know about being uncivil from you Democrats.

Like they say, "What goes around comes around..."
Don't blame we Republicans. We learned everything we know about being uncivil from you Democrats.

Like they say, "What goes around comes around..."

Total, utter bullshit. I put it down to Bubba being elected. That's where it truly started going south in the US. The Repubs just couldn't deal with a 'hayseed' from a broken home, but with an IQ that makes Trumplethinskin look like an lobotomised amoeba, and just started shit trying to get rid of him. Still going on today. Hillary has been vilified for the past 25 years because she had the tenacity to be married to the man. She has done nothing wrong - she has been one of the most investigated politicians in US history, and she has been charged with nothing, zilch, nada.

The Dems then did the same with GW. Went after him and made his life hell. Wasn't the brightest bulb, but the viciousness shown by some Dems was OTT.

Then came Obama. Almost every Deplorable, Nimrod, neocon whackadoodle on this board still thinks he was born in Kenya and is a closest Muslim.

And then we have Trump. I reckon the lowest mark for a president pre Trump goes to GW. Maybe Harding after him. But Trump is just so low it's ridiculous. He's embarrassing. Hell, I'm not even American and he makes me embarrassed to be white.

My grandfather got torpedoed in WWII. He was in the merchant navy. One of his ships also got bombed. However, the ship that got torpedoed was the RMS Transylvania on 10 August 1940. He lost 36 friends that day. Ten years earlier on May 2 Mary Anne MacLeod caught that same ship from Scotland to New York. If my grandfather was alive, I'd say the Germans torpedoed the ship 10 years too late.
Don't blame we Republicans. We learned everything we know about being uncivil from you Democrats.

Like they say, "What goes around comes around..."

Total, utter bullshit. I put it down to Bubba being elected. That's where it truly started going south in the US. The Repubs just couldn't deal with a 'hayseed' from a broken home, but with an IQ that makes Trumplethinskin look like an lobotomised amoeba, and just started shit trying to get rid of him. Still going on today. Hillary has been vilified for the past 25 years because she had the tenacity to be married to the man. She has done nothing wrong - she has been one of the most investigated politicians in US history, and she has been charged with nothing, zilch, nada.

The Dems then did the same with GW. Went after him and made his life hell. Wasn't the brightest bulb, but the viciousness shown by some Dems was OTT.

Then came Obama. Almost every Deplorable, Nimrod, neocon whackadoodle on this board still thinks he was born in Kenya and is a closest Muslim.

And then we have Trump. I reckon the lowest mark for a president pre Trump goes to GW. Maybe Harding after him. But Trump is just so low it's ridiculous. He's embarrassing. Hell, I'm not even American and he makes me embarrassed to be white.

My grandfather got torpedoed in WWII. He was in the merchant navy. One of his ships also got bombed. However, the ship that got torpedoed was the RMS Transylvania on 10 August 1940. He lost 36 friends that day. Ten years earlier on May 2 Mary Anne MacLeod caught that same ship from Scotland to New York. If my grandfather was alive, I'd say the Germans torpedoed the ship 10 years too late.

Cool story bro. Still voting for Trump, though.

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