Rudy Giuliani Knows What He's Doing

Giuliani's dad was a felon....guess the old saying the apple doesn't fall from the tree has some truth to it. Look at all trump's flunkies in prison or awaiting prison. How can republicans not only stick up for this low life trump but try to hold him up as a hero. He's not even a decent human being by any stretch of the imagination.

You better believe he does. From his days as a prosecutor, Rudy’s been right there where it matters. And he’s made a comfortable life or himself, along with becoming a very successful member of several law firms. He routinely interacts with foreign government. Now, he’s President Trump’s personal lawyer with working on the Ukraine corruption situation since May 2019.

In the pages of Adam Schiff’s impeachment report, however, an entirely different character emerges. That Giuliani is a savvy operator who rolls his bureaucratic opponents with ruthlessness and ease. He is the master of what Ambassador William Taylor branded the “irregular channel,” which appears to have been a very profitable piece of turf. Giuliani’s unofficial perch in the Trump administration seems to be the basis for a booming business. Butt-dials aside, he should be regarded as one of the most outrageously effective influence peddlers of all time.

But what makes Giuliani such a dangerous figure is that one can never be sure who he is representing. Is he advocating on behalf of the president, or an unnamed client? This is a blurry line that he actively exploits, such as the time he solicited the business of the king of Bahrain—now a client. When he first arrived in the country, state media described him as leading a “high-level United States delegation.”

A whole lot more @ Rudy Giuliani Is Living the Dream

Giuliani Uncovers Treasure Trove Of Ukrainian Documents, “Biden Money Laundering And Perjury” @ BREAKING: Giuliani Uncovers Treasure Trove Of Ukrainian Documents, "Biden Money Laundering And Perjury"

The president then said he believes Giuliani wants to present a report to the Attorney General William Barr and to Congress.

Will anything be done?

No Guilliani doesn’t know what he is doing. Probably the dumbest and inept lawyer I’ve ever seen.

1. Went to Ukraine to dig dirt against his boss political rival is bad enough but the sad part of that is. He is working with corrupted Ukrainian people like Shokin a well known corrupted prosecutor general. What do you expect from corrupted Shokin?
At the same time FBI are looking at his financial illegal activities..

***2. Guilliani while in Ukraine worked with Ukrainian law makers like Yuri Boyko biggest a pro Russian parliament in Ukraine. And Oleg Voloshyn, Andriy Derkach doing dirty for Putin in Ukraine.
These are the enemies of current president Zelensky.
Zelensky never and refused to meet corrupted Guilliani in Ukraine.

So tell me ... What is Guilliani credibilities coming back with those dirt? He can create all sorts of lies like Trump.

3. Two of Guilliani buddies Parnas and Fruman are indicted of illegal campaign contribution to Trump campaign.

Even GOP Gaetz called weird why Guilliani is in Ukraine.

Guilliani is going to jail.

As an add on.
*** From my item #2 above. These are the same pro Russian law makers people that pushed ....... its the Ukrainian not the Russian that interferes in 2016 election.

Uncle Pooty wanted Mrs. Clinton elected. After all, during the Obama Regime, Mrs. Clinton officially reset US relations and Obama allowed Pooty to annex Crimea. He was counting on making major progress in his quest as the Soviet Lincoln and getting the Union back together.

Who is uncle Pooty?

Uncle Pooty is Vlad Putin's nickname, the President of the Russian Federation.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Why is the President's personal lawyer going to Ukraine?

Because he's a moron?
Because, as a defense attorney, he is entitled to gather evidence to prove the innocence of his client.

Exactly. Just like defendants back in the day could hire the Charles Townsend Agency back in the day to help gather evidence on worldwide basis to exonerate them, we have the same today.

Mr.Giuliani is gathering evidence, and assembling a Tremendous Defense.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.

How can a case be "Airtight" when all of the "witnesses" that have come forward have only testified to hearsay and their opinions?

Mr. Turtle has to listen to his constituents, and the people of Kentucky love their President.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.
Only if your definition of 'air-tight' is a colander.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.

How can a case be "Airtight" when all of the "witnesses" that have come forward have only testified to hearsay and their opinions?

Mr. Turtle has to listen to his constituents, and the people of Kentucky love their President.
They haven't. Go back and read/watch the testimony. "No first hand knowledge" is just a wing-nut talking point.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.

Mr. Turtle is really interested in making sure that any Senate Trial is fair. The liberal procedure of Secret hearings in the Capitol sub basement isn't going to happen. Further, the President has a very busy schedule. Sen. McConnell needs to coordinate to make sure that he's available for the long trial and to find out how much time the President's Dream Team will need to present his case. Remember, the OJ Simpson case took 134 days.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.
Maybe Mc Connel should rip the Constitution and Bill of Rights like fascist thugs Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler who basically ran two kangaroo courts reminecent of third world dictatorships?
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.

No one has "predetermined" the outcome at all.

It just doesn't look like the Libs have much of a case at this point in time. The Lib house managers will be given every opportunity to present their case. If its worthy, if it proves their case beyond a reasonable doubt, the people will vote for conviction, and Mr. Turtle can't prevent that.
Bullshit. There is an airtight case for both counts.

Moscow Mitch is on record saying both that he is coordinating with the Whitehouse, which is ridiculous in the face of it, who ever heard of a juror coordinating with the defense, and that "we know tRump will be acquitted".


He should be recused.
Airtight? Ha ha ha. There isn't even a case!

It's funny how Leftards are complaining about "bias" and what hasn't even happened in the Senate, when there wasn't a peep out of these morons despite Schiff and Nadler's disgusting behavior.
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.
Maybe Mc Connel should rip the Constitution and Bill of Rights like fascist thugs Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler who basically ran two kangaroo courts reminecent of third world dictatorships?
All he is doing is gathering evidence to present to DOJ for possible indictments and trials. He's also keeping the president's back by showing that the effort to gather information is legal.
He's doing illegal things to prove they're legal?

Let me know when the trial starts.
There won't be a real trial.

Moscow Mitch has ready predetermined the outcome.

Which is also illegal BTW.
Maybe Mc Connel should rip the Constitution and Bill of Rights like fascist thugs Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler who basically ran two kangaroo courts reminecent of third world dictatorships?
Aw come on, Schiff and Nadler are an embarrassment to everything our country stands for. They ran their committees like Stalinist third world dictatorships. The Democrat day of reckoning will arrive soon. It will be worse for you than what happened to the treasonous Dems of UK.
The Leftists in the UK are still shaking their heads, trying to figure out why they got tromped so bad.

A sign of things to come for the Dims.

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