Rudy Finding Dirt on the President's Enemies


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The night of the long knives becomes for the Democrats.
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
You should watch the 2 hour special by investigative reporter, Chanel Rion, on OAN Network. All the Ukrainian bigwigs and Rudy with all his signed affidavits of his investigation. The special has been aired the past 3 days and it will be on again a couple more times.
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?

How ironic you should say that.

Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
You should watch the 2 hour special by investigative reporter, Chanel Rion, on OAN Network. All the Ukrainian bigwigs and Rudy with all his signed affidavits of his investigation. The special has been aired the past 3 days and it will be on again a couple more times.

Of course OAN would show something like that. They are Trumps new favorite channel, and are more likely to report some new Russian based conspiracy theory than even fox. It's where Alex Jones gets lots of the crap he broadcasts.
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
You should watch the 2 hour special by investigative reporter, Chanel Rion, on OAN Network. All the Ukrainian bigwigs and Rudy with all his signed affidavits of his investigation. The special has been aired the past 3 days and it will be on again a couple more times.
OANN is pure propaganda, you know that, don't you? It's not a news channel....
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
But heard it from someone who heard it from someone else is gospel as long as its about Trump, right ?
so, you think the 10 people that testified who all were following the same policy and goal of getting Velensky to announce on CNN that he's investigating the Bidens in order to get his DC meeting and military aid, just made that up out of thin air? With no direction from the Top?

And somehow these minions got Mulvaney at OMB to hold the military aid back, without the president giving the order?

Some of Trump's enemies are about to find out the hard way there is a price to pay for their animosity towards the president.

<< Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is also acting as President Donald Drumpf’s personal attorney, reportedly met and interviewed former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Thursday >>

Report: Rudy Giuliani in Ukraine to Interview Prosecutor Joe Biden Pushed Out | Breitbart

Shokin has no credibility whatsoever. Two corrupt bastards saying exactly what the other wants them to say.
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
You should watch the 2 hour special by investigative reporter, Chanel Rion, on OAN Network. All the Ukrainian bigwigs and Rudy with all his signed affidavits of his investigation. The special has been aired the past 3 days and it will be on again a couple more times.

Propaganda by a fake news network.
never once, working at several corporations, did the CEO tell me DIRECTLY, what direction he wanted my area of business to head in....

but I'll be damned.... I knew it!

How could I possibly know what direction with my area of product to move towards if I never PERSONALLY SPOKE to my CEO about it?

the president of the Corp., who has contact with the CEO, couldn't have possibly passed down the information or direction to head in, to the VP's, who then passed it on to the Directors, and the directors to their managers and managers to their employees....... :rolleyes:

BUT BUT BUT.... I did not have it FIRST HAND from my CEO...oh my oh my!


this truly isn't rocket science...

it's against the law for campaigns get help from Foreign countries in our elections....

he's spitting in the face of the law!

and knows he can't be fined for the campaign finance law abuses because the governing body,

the FEC, does not have a quorum....

there are 5 board members, 3 of them have quit or retired over the past 2 years and Trump admin never replaced them or even offered names up to replace them...
without a minimum of 3 board members, the FEC can not act and protect the upcoming election...

it's the wild wild west out there.... no one is governing it

Just what the president wants.... chaos, lawlessness... :eek:
Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?

No that the Democrats style. Everything they say is full of shit. Just like you dumb sissy ass. Liberal pussy.

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it's against the law for campaigns get help from Foreign countries in our elections....

he's spitting in the face of the law!

and knows he can't be fined for the campaign finance law abuses because the governing body,

the FEC, does not have a quorum....

there are 5 board members, 3 of them have quit or retired over the past 2 years and Trump admin never replaced them or even offered names up to replace them...
without a minimum of 3 board members, the FEC can not act and protect the upcoming election...

it's the wild wild west out there.... no one is governing it

Just what the president wants.... chaos, lawlessness... :eek:

Collecting Information
It’s important to collect as much information as possible about the case. It’s a good idea to visit the scene of crime for collecting proof or other valuable information which can strengthen the case. If there are witnesses, the attorney must talk to them and gather information. A defense attorney must work extensively to collect evidences and protect them from being manipulated.
Some of Trump's enemies are about to find out the hard way there is a price to pay for their animosity towards the president.

<< Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is also acting as President Donald Drumpf’s personal attorney, reportedly met and interviewed former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Thursday >>

Report: Rudy Giuliani in Ukraine to Interview Prosecutor Joe Biden Pushed Out | Breitbart

not QUITE!

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is raising the specter that Joe Biden intervened in Ukrainian politics to help his son’s business.

But if that was Biden’s aim, he was more than a year late, based on a timeline laid out by a former Ukrainian official and in Ukrainian documents.

The official described to Bloomberg details about the country’s political dynamic in the run-up to early 2016 when Biden, then the U.S. vice president, threatened to hold up U.S. funding to Ukraine unless it cracked down on corruption. Biden’s chief demand was the ouster of a top Ukrainian prosecutor who he said had been ineffective. The episode has come under the spotlight in the last week because at one point, that prosecutor had been investigating a natural gas company where Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board and received substantial compensation.

There’s little question that the Bidens’ paths in Ukraine held the potential for conflict, and in a tweet last week, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. should investigate the matter.

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”

Kasko’s assessment adds a wrinkle to one of the first political intrigues of the 2020 election season. It undercuts the idea that Biden, now a top Democratic presidential candidate, was seeking to sideline a prosecutor who was actively threatening a company tied to his son. Instead, it appears more consistent with Biden’s previous statements that he was pressing for the removal of a prosecutor who was failing to tackle rampant corruption: According to public reports and internal documents from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, U.S. officials had expressed concern for more than a year about Ukrainian prosecutors’ failure to assist an international investigation of Zlochevsky.


Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

oh and this too!

After the U.K. request, Ukrainian prosecutors opened their own case, accusing Zlochevsky of embezzling public funds. Burisma and Zlochevsky have denied the allegations.

The case against Zlochevsky and his Burisma Holdings was assigned to Shokin, then a deputy prosecutor. But Shokin and others weren’t pursuing it, according to the internal reports from the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office reviewed by Bloomberg.
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Does anybody doubt that anything Rudy comes up with will be made up shit?
You should watch the 2 hour special by investigative reporter, Chanel Rion, on OAN Network. All the Ukrainian bigwigs and Rudy with all his signed affidavits of his investigation. The special has been aired the past 3 days and it will be on again a couple more times.

Of course OAN would show something like that. They are Trumps new favorite channel, and are more likely to report some new Russian based conspiracy theory than even fox. It's where Alex Jones gets lots of the crap he broadcasts.

This impeachment has not proved one credible fact. Hear say and opinions. That’s not how it works and Schiff has changed how the impeachment process is suppose to work besides his abuse of power for ordering wire taps with proper approval. You idiots have nothing. They know they can’t beat President Trump in 2020 so they continue to try and fail miserably to slander him. Americans are tired of the Democrats bullshit. They have not accomplished nothing in 3 years. While important issues are put on the back burner while they try embarrassingly to slander President Trump. Reappearing lies doesn’t make them true. They House has done nothing since they took over. That’s ok because they will lose the house badly in the next election. Just think President Trump get to nominate two more Supreme Court justices as well. Suck on that loser.

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