Rubio: China May Be Developing the ‘Next Great Pandemic’; ‘Could Be Much Deadlier, Much More Disruptive’


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Nov 21, 2017
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Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
What you believe or do not believe is of no consequence....we must look at all the possibilities and act......aka prepare for the worst case scenario.

Anyone that knows much of the history of the 'CHICOMS' understands just how ruthless they are....unfortunately the biden regime does not.

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I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
Probably not

China is a reckless and sloppy nation

The virus most likely escaped by accident
Yep. I do believe in the repeated history of stupidity and government cover-ups, no matter whose government you talk about, including ours.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
Probably not

China is a reckless and sloppy nation

The virus most likely escaped by accident
Yep. I do believe in the repeated history of stupidity and government cover-ups, no matter whose government you talk about, including ours.
Think tanks may have had theories, but now they have a blue print is this was an accident. If it was, this has made up for any transgressions the Chinese have receive from the outside in its past. The Chinese are smart. but they have hindered themselves over the centuries. If only when their ships did not stop at the Cape of Good Hope at South Africa and kept going to explore instead of turning around and going back how history could have been different during the time Europeans were doing the same sailing..
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
What you believe or do not believe is of no consequence....we must look at all the possibilities and act......aka prepare for the worst case scenario.

Anyone that knows much of the history of the 'CHICOMS' understands just how ruthless they are....unfortunately the biden regime does not.
No. You don't "act" just because you look possibilities. Slow down cowboy. You need to let your spurs jingling and jangling, march you out into the street so easy. You may be wrong, no matter what kind of assholes that commie bastard government is. I am low on defense stocks and don't have somewhere else to go, to watch your gun play.
And it will turn out like before that US money was involved, probably approved by Fauci, and a once great country will continue to be destroyed from within by congressional parasites whose job it is to make such as Fauci answer.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
Probably not

China is a reckless and sloppy nation

The virus most likely escaped by accident
Yep. I do believe in the repeated history of stupidity and government cover-ups, no matter whose government you talk about, including ours.
Think tanks may have had theories, but now they have a blue print is this was an accident. If it was, this has made up for any transgressions the Chinese have receive from the outside in its past. The Chinese are smart. but they have hindered themselves over the centuries. If only when their ships did not stop at the Cape of Good Hope at South Africa and kept going to explore instead of turning around and going back how history could have been different during the time Europeans were doing the same sailing..
Nope. No blueprint. They still have not admitted how this could have happened or that it (in fact) happened. I do believe it happened by careless stupidity of the workers and protocols in place. The government of China certainly has not made up for any transgressions. They could have been a lot more forthcoming about the event and spread among their own population and certainly should have been. The is predictable in hindsight of how that closed communist society handles unfortunate facts, acts and occurrences in their country that affect the world stage. The only thing they have learned from their history of being one of the most conquered countries (by exterior and interior forces) in the world, is that (1) They have no intention of being conquered again, (2) Pride goes before fall, but somebody will fall down dead before they admit they hugely fkd something up or acted in a way to be found reprehensible to the rest of the civilized world. They will deny to their dying day or ours or both.
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
The fact is, it was a biological weapon developed by the Chinese. And when they realized it was out decided to restrict all travel into China to prevent it's spread in China, but allowed their citizens to seed the virus round the world.

That right there is criminal and biological war, whether they meant for it to get out originally or not.
The more astute know and have known for a long time that the greatest threat to our security is not the nuclear threat but the biological threat.

China (whether they intentionally did it or not) has just demonstrated how a stealthy biological attack can be conducted.....and not even to mention the fact that 'others' have also learned much from this event.

The bottom line the world is a much more dangerous place now and we need to invest whatever it takes to deal with the biological threat....aka.....more surveillance of china and their health problems...the goal being able to detect any virus capable of causing us harm long before it could make its way here....along with Africa....those being the 2 countries with a history of vey lethal exotic viruses running rampant.
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
The fact is, it was a biological weapon developed by the Chinese. And when they realized it was out decided to restrict all travel into China to prevent it's spread in China, but allowed their citizens to seed the virus round the world.

That right there is criminal and biological war, whether they meant for it to get out originally or not.
China covered up the existence of the virus till it reached the entire planet

That should be a wake up call to globalists that china is a menace and should treated as a threat
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
What you believe or do not believe is of no consequence....we must look at all the possibilities and act......aka prepare for the worst case scenario.

Anyone that knows much of the history of the 'CHICOMS' understands just how ruthless they are....unfortunately the biden regime does not.
No. You don't "act" just because you look possibilities. Slow down cowboy. You need to let your spurs jingling and jangling, march you out into the street so easy. You may be wrong, no matter what kind of assholes that commie bastard government is. I am low on defense stocks and don't have somewhere else to go, to watch your gun play.
Being passive or going into denial is the worst possible response when a crisis emerges....for decades during the 'cold war' our official policy of deterrance was the 'Mad Doctrine' --mutual assured destruction.....irregardless of whether or not that was a sane policy....there was no nuclear war.
There are many who believe that war has saved us from economic calamity - case in point WWII after the Great Depression. Prior to the release of the Covid virus China's economy was in trouble:

"China's economy was already slowing amid weak domestic demand, a crackdown on debt and the trade war with the U.S."

"New analysis of 1,000 Chinese companies from credit insurance firm Coface shows firms were already struggling to get paid at the end of 2019, even before the pandemic struck, with 37 per cent of companies at that point waiting more than four months to be paid, a sharp rise from the previous year."

Putting pressure on their biggest economic rival (the U.S.) by releasing a virus is not inconceivable. The Chinese government is unconcerned with killing its own people if it helps it to achieve its objectives.

Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
The fact is, it was a biological weapon developed by the Chinese. And when they realized it was out decided to restrict all travel into China to prevent it's spread in China, but allowed their citizens to seed the virus round the world.

That right there is criminal and biological war, whether they meant for it to get out originally or not.
Criminal (in my opinion, YES), but biologic warfare, NO. And, yes, there is a difference between opinion and fact. It is factually not biologic warfare. Though, in my opinion, they do, suck ass, totally.
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
The fact is, it was a biological weapon developed by the Chinese. And when they realized it was out decided to restrict all travel into China to prevent it's spread in China, but allowed their citizens to seed the virus round the world.

That right there is criminal and biological war, whether they meant for it to get out originally or not.
Criminal (in my opinion, YES), but biologic warfare, NO. And, yes, there is a difference between opinion and fact. It is factually not biologic warfare. Though, in my opinion, they do, suck ass, totally.

The release was not intentional based on what facts???

Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
What you believe or do not believe is of no consequence....we must look at all the possibilities and act......aka prepare for the worst case scenario.

Anyone that knows much of the history of the 'CHICOMS' understands just how ruthless they are....unfortunately the biden regime does not.
No. You don't "act" just because you look possibilities. Slow down cowboy. You need to let your spurs jingling and jangling, march you out into the street so easy. You may be wrong, no matter what kind of assholes that commie bastard government is. I am low on defense stocks and don't have somewhere else to go, to watch your gun play.
Being passive or going into denial is the worst possible response when a crisis emerges....for decades during the 'cold war' our official policy of deterrance was the 'Mad Doctrine' --mutual assured destruction.....irregardless of whether or not that was a sane policy....there was no nuclear war.
No passive. I believe in taking precautions. I don't care if they totally cut off Chinese from entering our country without a two-week quarantine, permanently. Furthermore, I do not care if an intricate inspection and decontamination for all Chinese goods entering our country. Would suit me fine, as I can afford to Buy American. If they screwed up this bad, and still do not admit it or take corrective actions, it is just further proof they cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the planet or our country. We should not be funding joint medical research projects there, either. Those are active steps we should take, not passive.
The hard right, thinks the Chinese Communists committed an act of war. I don't.
Well they have the blueprint now.
I still do not believe it was an intentional biologic weapon attack on the west.
I don’t care what you “believe”. The fact is they developed and weaponized a virus, unleashed it, and it has decimated Western economies and played into the hands of corrupt statists who use it to take away the rights of citizens.

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