Roy Moore says he'll sue WaPo

He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

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Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?
Say, since I haven't seen this thread for a while --- is RoyBoy suing WaPo for its refusal to run the O'Keefe fake news scam?
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?

He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?

So Weinstein kept the press quiet about Moore.

Interesting twist on this conspiracy theory?
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?

So Weinstein kept the press quiet about Moore.

Interesting twist on this conspiracy theory?

Crazy theory pops. Nice dance too.
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?


That's it? I win a conjunction and a question mark??

Weinstein --- for whatever reason and I don't profess to know what it is, maybe it was just "time" --- opened the floodgates for women victims to start telling their stories. Not that there wasn't already a trickle --- Weiner, Ensign, all those Rump stories ignited by the audiotape --- but Weinstein seems to have opened the floodgates.

You seem to have started from a premise that these women's stories were some kind of political operation, rather than what they simply are............ women's stories.

Why do you hate women?
Last edited:
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?


That's it? I win a conjunction and a question mark??

Weinstein --- for whatever reason and I don't profess to know what it is, maybe it was just "time" --- opened the floodgates for women victims to start telling their stories. Not that there wasn't already a trickle --- Weiner, Ensign, all those Rump stories ignited by the audiotape --- but Weinstein seems to have opened the floodgates.

You seem to have started from a premise that these women's stories were some kind of political operation, rather than what they simply are............ women's stories.

Why do you hate women?

Oh, you forgot about Cosby?

And since when has a political foe not used rumors that where COMMON KNOWLEDGE against their opponent?

You thinking the Democrats wanted him winning, not once, but twice?

Go one.....
Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?


That's it? I win a conjunction and a question mark??

Weinstein --- for whatever reason and I don't profess to know what it is, maybe it was just "time" --- opened the floodgates for women victims to start telling their stories. Not that there wasn't already a trickle --- Weiner, Ensign, all those Rump stories ignited by the audiotape --- but Weinstein seems to have opened the floodgates.

You seem to have started from a premise that these women's stories were some kind of political operation, rather than what they simply are............ women's stories.

Why do you hate women?

Oh, you forgot about Cosby?

And since when has a political foe not used rumors that where COMMON KNOWLEDGE against their opponent?

You thinking the Democrats wanted him winning, not once, but twice?

Go one.....

Yes I forgot Cosby and I'm sure myriad others. Tiger Woods too. Neither of whom have anything to do with politics, as doesn't Weinstein. As I said it's been building up, like an orgasm.

And once again you're launching from a premise of "political operation" rather than "women speaking". I still want to know, why do you hate women? Obviously Cosby, Weinstein, Wood, whatzisname that other actor, and others, got the same finger pointed at them without a "political operation".

As far as "what Democrats wanted" I wouldn't think his getting elected to the bench was much of a concern especially since he kept coming in with his own rope. I suspect it was an amusement at most.

"Go one" what?
Yeah sure, like his fellow perv The Angry Creamsicle in the White House - Creepy Roy is full of hot air.


(CNN) Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore says he will sue the Washington Post over its report alleging he pursued sexual relationships with teenagers -- including a 14-year-old -- when he was in his 30s.

"The Washington Post published another attack on my character and reputation because they are desperate to stop my political campaign. These attacks said I was with a minor child and are false and untrue -- and for which they will be sued," Moore said Sunday night during a campaign speech in Huntsville, Alabama.​

Roy Moore threatens to sue Washington Post over report - CNNPolitics

Does he realize that if he does that, he's going to have to take the stand to defend pedophilia?

At worst it would be the MF version of pederasty, not pedophilia.

The other 3 stories involved 17-18 year olds, which can consent in Alabama and other states.

The question still remains is it appropriate behavior for a thirty year old to prefer High School girls

He says he got their mommy’s permission. [emoji849]

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Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?


That's it? I win a conjunction and a question mark??

Weinstein --- for whatever reason and I don't profess to know what it is, maybe it was just "time" --- opened the floodgates for women victims to start telling their stories. Not that there wasn't already a trickle --- Weiner, Ensign, all those Rump stories ignited by the audiotape --- but Weinstein seems to have opened the floodgates.

You seem to have started from a premise that these women's stories were some kind of political operation, rather than what they simply are............ women's stories.

Why do you hate women?

Oh, you forgot about Cosby?

And since when has a political foe not used rumors that where COMMON KNOWLEDGE against their opponent?

You thinking the Democrats wanted him winning, not once, but twice?

Go one.....

Yes I forgot Cosby and I'm sure myriad others. Tiger Woods too. Neither of whom have anything to do with politics, as doesn't Weinstein. As I said it's been building up, like an orgasm.

And once again you're launching from a premise of "political operation" rather than "women speaking". I still want to know, why do you hate women? Obviously Cosby, Weinstein, Wood, whatzisname that other actor, and others, got the same finger pointed at them without a "political operation".

As far as "what Democrats wanted" I wouldn't think his getting elected to the bench was much of a concern especially since he kept coming in with his own rope. I suspect it was an amusement at most.

"Go one" what?

So, this was a bullshit story then. As the story goes, his hitting on high schools, at malls, at high schools and even the cops being told to keep him away from high teens. All common knowledge and required NO ONE TO STEP FORWARD.

So what the hell does Weinstein have to do with this again?

Please, tell us all, we’re dying to know
Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?



What did I win?


That's it? I win a conjunction and a question mark??

Weinstein --- for whatever reason and I don't profess to know what it is, maybe it was just "time" --- opened the floodgates for women victims to start telling their stories. Not that there wasn't already a trickle --- Weiner, Ensign, all those Rump stories ignited by the audiotape --- but Weinstein seems to have opened the floodgates.

You seem to have started from a premise that these women's stories were some kind of political operation, rather than what they simply are............ women's stories.

Why do you hate women?

Oh, you forgot about Cosby?

And since when has a political foe not used rumors that where COMMON KNOWLEDGE against their opponent?

You thinking the Democrats wanted him winning, not once, but twice?

Go one.....

Yes I forgot Cosby and I'm sure myriad others. Tiger Woods too. Neither of whom have anything to do with politics, as doesn't Weinstein. As I said it's been building up, like an orgasm.

And once again you're launching from a premise of "political operation" rather than "women speaking". I still want to know, why do you hate women? Obviously Cosby, Weinstein, Wood, whatzisname that other actor, and others, got the same finger pointed at them without a "political operation".

As far as "what Democrats wanted" I wouldn't think his getting elected to the bench was much of a concern especially since he kept coming in with his own rope. I suspect it was an amusement at most.

"Go one" what?

“That other actor”-

You mean Kevin Spacey?

Scary that an actor who plays the part of the prez is held to a higher standard than the real prez.

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He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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Actually the original hit piece proves he was a gentleman. Two women who actually dated him said nothing went pas kissing. The other said se turned him down for a date.
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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Fuck you. Innocent until proven guilty.
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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Oh my fucking God. Are you really that stupid.


You are a special kind of stupid!
He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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Actually the original hit piece proves he was a gentleman. Two women who actually dated him said nothing went pas kissing. The other said se turned him down for a date.


The accusation concerns children. It’s idiotic to believe adult women are the same as children.

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He should.

Yeah, just like trump sued all the women and children he molester and raped.


SHAME ON YOU tinydancer

I never want to where you or the rest of the pedo apologists say they care about children.

Sent from my iPhone using

Pure bullshit. You need to explain how, if this was such common knowledge about someone so reviled by the left, how for nearly 40 years no Media outlet, including the likes of CNN and MSNBC, HELL NOT EVEN THE NATIONAL ENQUIRE, picked up on this. And for nearly 40 years, how this COMMON KNOWLEDGE was not used against him in not one, but two runs for the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Friggin Court? Not the DNC, not the ACLU, not NOW or the LGBT groups from across the country?

Political reality is, that if this was out there, and as the press reported time and time again, it was COMMON KNOWLEDGE, it would have been used against him by political foe's and reported in the press WAY EARLIER THAN 3 WEEKS AGO.

Now I hate to burst your sorry little bubble cuz it seems you want nothing more than to think a child was molested, but, unless you can somehow explain the above, your just going have to except the fact that it didn't happen.

Now go back under the rock you climbed out of.

Actually that’s easy t answer.

Think of the children who are hearing the adults they want and need to trust. The adults who are using every stinking excuse they can to excuse what the KNOW Moore did.

You think those kids will come forward with their dirty little secret?

I can tell you - No they won’t.

It’s Moore who needs to crawl back under his rock.

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Fuck you. Innocent until proven guilty.


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