Ronald Reagan, socialist...

Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty
Reagan invested in infrastructure and science

Todays "freedom" caucus or tea party are nothing more then anarchist that believe that government is evil and should be abolished.

You've got to love the "logic" behind "Elect me and I'll shut down the government and put myself out of a job...and then I'm going to Disney!" Wonder how the people who elected them feel when these leeches duck out to the lecture circuit?
Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty
Reagan invested in infrastructure and science

Todays "freedom" caucus or tea party are nothing more then anarchist that believe that government is evil and should be abolished.

and the National Hero raised the national debt 189% ....

Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty
Reagan invested in infrastructure and science

Todays "freedom" caucus or tea party are nothing more then anarchist that believe that government is evil and should be abolished.

and the National Hero raised the national debt 189% ....


What's even funnier is they don't seem to care...hell, george w Bushs wars costing the tax payers 4-5 trillion dollars and tax breaks caused most of the current debt.

But, they don't seem to see a problem with this at all. Oh'noo's,,,,it is our infrastructure, science institutions, and child's education that must be cut to the bone. least according to USMB standards:

At the two minute mark, Reagan says, "But the heartening thing is that no one in Washington is standing up and saying, 'Leave the tax system as it is, it's wonderful, we love it.' Just about everyone admits it has to be changed. The only disagreements now are over the specifics. And no one, or just about no one, is saying we ought to raise taxes and take more of the people's money. Actually, I think it would be fun if some politician would say that. I haven't seen anyone run out of town on a rail in years. "

What's weird about that is he gave this speech in 1985. In 1984, a politician did say we ought to raise taxes, and he WAS run out of town on a rail. I wonder if Reagan's Alzheimer's was making him forget.

Reagan won the 1984 election by the biggest landslide in history.
Why do dumbfucks always bring up basic govt services to use in the socialism argument as some sort of "gotcha"?
I have yet to understand why people call him a conservative. Do conservatives grow the govt 1000%?
And he made the US a debtor nation.

He was a crook, a liar, a criminal and now he's a saint.
I have yet to understand why people call him a conservative. Do conservatives grow the govt 1000%?


well, not all government is bad. Only a anarchist would think this way.

Conservatives in the old days focused on social issues and maintaining the family. quite a few republican real conservatives advanced common sense government from building our highways, establishing nasa, epa and investing in our country.

Your area of conservative seems to be that of someone that just hates government and wants the 18th century.
Reagan granted 3 million illegals amnesty
Reagan invested in infrastructure and science

Todays "freedom" caucus or tea party are nothing more then anarchist that believe that government is evil and should be abolished.

and the National Hero raised the national debt 189% ....


What's even funnier is they don't seem to care...hell, george w Bushs wars costing the tax payers 4-5 trillion dollars and tax breaks caused most of the current debt.

But, they don't seem to see a problem with this at all. Oh'noo's,,,,it is our infrastructure, science institutions, and child's education that must be cut to the bone.
Didn't a Democrat cut NASA budget by 20% a couple of years ago?
Infrastructure? Does the right never develop infrastructure legislation?
Childs education? You mean the one that we throw more money at than anyone int he world and we STILL rank like #30 out of the world?
I have yet to understand why people call him a conservative. Do conservatives grow the govt 1000%?


well, not all government is bad. Only a anarchist would think this way.

Conservatives in the old days focused on social issues and maintaining the family. quite a few republican real conservatives advanced common sense government from building our highways, establishing nasa, epa and investing in our country.

Your area of conservative seems to be that of someone that just hates government and wants the 18th century.
Im not a conservative.
Not all govt is bad, but when you have almost 500 agencies, something is WRONG. Nothing wrong with basic govt services. Its all that unconstitutional bullshit I don't like.
Why do dumbfucks always bring up basic govt services to use in the socialism argument as some sort of "gotcha"?

Because idiots like you want to also cut them. You want America to become a third world country.

Everytime here in Oregon we need to invest in infrastructure and education = a big no from you conservatives.
Who wants to cut basic govt services besides libertarians, dumbfuck? I want America to be a 3rd world country?LOL ok
you are more of a moron than you were a couple of years ago.

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