Ron Paulbarians Are At GOP's Gate...

The deck is obviously stacked against libertarians.



The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


It's all about the NWO now. American Sovereignty must be destroyed. And the Big Government Globalists are doing their best to whittle it away. Mitt Romney/Barack Obama? I can't believe people think they're so different. They're both Big Government Globalist Harvard boys. As usual, the joke's on us. It is very sad but it is what it is.
The deck is obviously stacked against libertarians.



The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.
The deck is obviously stacked against libertarians.



The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.

And Bush took it up few notches from Clinton, he was more fiscally liberal than Clinton despite the media story that republicans want less spending and less gov't.

The next president will outspend Obama, expand gov't more than he did, and take the Constitution even less seriously than he does regardless of party affiliation.

The next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.
The deck is obviously stacked against libertarians.



The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


It's all about the NWO now. American Sovereignty must be destroyed. And the Big Government Globalists are doing their best to whittle it away. Mitt Romney/Barack Obama? I can't believe people think they're so different. They're both Big Government Globalist Harvard boys. As usual, the joke's on us. It is very sad but it is what it is.


I see Romney as being a placeholder for the next progressive globalist. Romney will win and that will give the dumbass US public enough time to forget that blatant socialism and authoritarianism is coming their way soon enough... Then in 4 years we will have a Van Jones type Marxist come in and finish us off.

It's almost like we're masochistic...

The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.

And Bush took it up few notches from Clinton, he was more fiscally liberal than Clinton despite the media story that republicans want less spending and less gov't.

The next president will outspend Obama, expand gov't more than he did, and take the Constitution even less seriously than he does regardless of party affiliation.

The next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.

Lets not forget about the Patriot Act which gives government pretty much unlimited authority over the people. The Patriot Act is pretty much a circumvention of the Bill of Rights.

Of course the progressives were crying about it when Bush signed it but since Obama has extended it 3 times they have nothing to say. Shows how partisan some people are.

I was against the flipping thing since day one (and I voted for Bush).

The Patriot Act was just waiting for government abuse, and it has been abused - severely.
I'll bet more people are concerned about who wins Dancing With The Stars or American Idol than they are who becomes the next president or congressman. They just vote for whichever party they were brought up believing is right..

Just out of personal curiosity I took a job doing political polling and I can tell you most people vote party ticket instead of candidate.

You hit the nail on the head here Mr. Nick people only care about the two parties because that is what mainstream media features as well people want a quick fix no one wants to really look at the problem and how to solve it.

And, even though I don't agree with Ron Paul on most of his issues. I feel that honestly he would actually address some if not most of the problems that both sides of the aisle ether ignore or make worse

The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.

And Bush took it up few notches from Clinton, he was more fiscally liberal than Clinton despite the media story that republicans want less spending and less gov't.

The next president will outspend Obama, expand gov't more than he did, and take the Constitution even less seriously than he does regardless of party affiliation.

The next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.

And in the process, lowers public expectations from elected officials. I actually had a friend argue with me last night about Obama's broken promises that I was a sucker to believe he would keep his promise on this or that, or that it is irrelevant that he broke the promise.


So i told him, "what difference does it make, then? If you're not going to hold anyone accountable for the promises they make when entering office, it's sort of all irrelevant."

To this he got uptight. But I think it is true. If Obama said he would lower the deficit by half his first term, I expect him to at least TRY to do that and show his work to the public. Not raise the deficits to record highs and pretend like his original promise never happened.
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I dare Toto and the other Ron Paul haters to go to these guys faces and tell them they are delusional.He'll backtrack like he always does and say something like -"Thats not what I meant." or something like that ,but he does.:lol:


Adam Kokesh - Letter to Obama - YouTube

Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops Video Compilation Song Dedication.avi - YouTube

again i would like to see the people who keep saying ron paul supporters are delusional,go on record saying they are going to go up to THESE guys faces and tell them they are delusional.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

we already know you wont do it.:lol:
You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.

And Bush took it up few notches from Clinton, he was more fiscally liberal than Clinton despite the media story that republicans want less spending and less gov't.

The next president will outspend Obama, expand gov't more than he did, and take the Constitution even less seriously than he does regardless of party affiliation.

The next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.

Lets not forget about the Patriot Act which gives government pretty much unlimited authority over the people. The Patriot Act is pretty much a circumvention of the Bill of Rights.

Of course the progressives were crying about it when Bush signed it but since Obama has extended it 3 times they have nothing to say. Shows how partisan some people are.

I was against the flipping thing since day one (and I voted for Bush).

The Patriot Act was just waiting for government abuse, and it has been abused - severely.

exactly.very well said.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Well, those are youtube videos and this is an anonymous messageboard. So you're probably right. No one is going to say any of this stuff to faces.

The deck is obviously stacked against Americans. They are the ones who will pay the consequences of the acts perpetrated by the welfare/warfare state.


You're right about that....

We get the same shit every election... Well I suppose Obama has taken it up a notch or two from the normal shit.

And Bush took it up few notches from Clinton, he was more fiscally liberal than Clinton despite the media story that republicans want less spending and less gov't.

The next president will outspend Obama, expand gov't more than he did, and take the Constitution even less seriously than he does regardless of party affiliation.

The next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.

so very true,it just goes round and round in circles.I say this all the time each time a new president gets in but with Obama I just cant help but have to say it again which is that I have a hard time believing anybody could be worse than Obama though except then again like i said,I said the same thing when Clinton was leaving which is why I made the mistake of rooting for Bush to get elected since Gore went along with whatever Clinton did,then when Bush left I said-"Well at least nobody can be worse than Bush." so im sure I will be wrong again saying the next president wont be worse than Obama because you nailed it,the next guy always lowers the bar from the one before him.
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The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?

So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.

He changed his mind. Gaaaah!

Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.
it isn't just about having a party platform. There is the Libertarian Party. That party is a confused one though. Gary Johnson?

When i first read about him I was OK with it. then I read an interview from a non MSM talk show and the man is confused. He claims to wan tto intervene in things like the false Kony comapign, then turn around and claim noninterventionist.

This same party put Bob Barr up.

The media will not give any credit or coverage of a third party. they want to strctly maintain the two party paradigm to keep the ducks in line as you have outlined. That's the establishment. It would take a massive grassroots movement and a public critical of the two party system to change that. i dont see it happening.

Ron Paul has been out of the race all along, now that he announces that the campaign wont waste funds on the remaining primary states and will focus on delegates, the media is clamoring how he's dropping out. Dropping out? According to these shmucks, he was never in! Now he's out.

They can handle a horse race, but they have no idea how to handle a movement.

yep,yep and yep.
The idea that there is absolutely no difference between the Dems and GOP is part of the delusion.
The idea that Ron Paul will singlehandedly turn this country back to 1789 is also a delusion.

You guys considered Haldol?

So Romney's your answer? lol! Good luck with that. He's gonna get thrashed. Maybe after that happens, you old-guard Neocon dopes will wake up. I hope so anyway.

He changed his mind. Gaaaah!

Romney isn't a Republican anywhere but MA. Palin won't get elected dog catcher. She's a popular flack. She's good at it and making good money, which is fine. But it doesn't qualify her for president.
We do not know who will emerge as a presidential contender. I do know it better be someone a whole lot more inspiring than the crop we had last time.




Oh man, thank you thank you thank you for posting that.

Romney goes from not even being a republican, to being a good candidate in Rabbi's mind. What happened between now and 2010? Romney wasn't in office, the only thing that happened is Rabbi was told who to support by those pulling his puppet strings.
A third party will get traction when it is led by someone who isn't looked at by a large number of people as your crazy uncle (Perot), doesn't have a questionable past of courting undesirables (Paul), and hasn't been previously smeared by one of the two major Parties (Nader).

It has to be led by someone who has a clean history, with no skeletons.

We already knew this about Rabbi. But anyone confused who views this thread should have the fog lifted.

A third party will get traction when it is led by someone who isn't looked at by a large number of people as your crazy uncle (Perot), doesn't have a questionable past of courting undesirables (Paul), and hasn't been previously smeared by one of the two major Parties (Nader).

It has to be led by someone who has a clean history, with no skeletons.

So.......perfection? Good luck with that. the plebs are already drinking from the nonsense trouth over who ate what meat and who bullied who.

It's not a problem of the conadidates, but of public perceptions. People are worried about all the wrong things and only hear media soundbites.

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