Ron Paul skeptical about Trump's Syrian attack!

Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
It makes perfect sense. The only way to end the war and keep Assad in power is to so demoralize the rebels that they give up and six years of bombing with conventional weapons doesn't seem to have effected their moral.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !

And he is having his jets resume flights to demonstrate this?

But with 20 fewer jets and a promise there will be fewer still if he uses chemical weapons again.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
And as more people start to weigh the facts, more are raising the same questions you and I do.
lol It depends on who those people are. The US shared its intelligence with all of our top allies and not one of them expressed any doubt about Assad's guilt. In fact, every one of the US's allies supported the strike. Apparently, according to Paul, the only people in the world who aren't warmongering lovers of perpetual war are Iran, Assad, Russia and Paul's followers.
Critical Thinking the Other national deficit. So yes only critical thinkers took Paul seriously and I was one of them. I even got a campaign sign signed by him.
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
On the contrary, in the video Paul is not offering a simplistic explanation of what has transpired. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.
You are obviously a true believer. He makes false statements about peace being at hand in order justify one of his rants about warmongers and perpetual war.
"Things were going along reasonably well for the conditions" is not equal to "peace is at hand". Stop being so disingenuous.

Which statements were false in regards to the changing conditions?

1) trump said the let the Syrians decide who should run their country.
John McCain rips Trump administration over Syria policy -
"I'm sure they took note of what our Secretary of State (Rex Tillerson) said just the other day that the Syrian people would be determining their own future themselves -- one of the more incredible statements I've ever heard."

^^This is actually one of the more incredible statements I have ever heard coming from a U.S. Senator.

2) Peace talks were breaking out.
Iran's Rouhani says Syrian peace talks to continue in Kazakhstan

3) al Qaeda and ISIS were on the run, maybe defeated.
As caliphate dreams evaporate, ISIS hard up for cash
John McCain needs to be put in the nut house.
He's dropped all pretenses! Kind of refreshing.
fake news takes it right in the nuts

Here he is at his day job.

Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says


Why should we believe the Turks? Who knows what their motivations are.
Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says


Why should we believe the Turks? Who knows what their motivations are.
How about the British or the French or the Germans or the Japanese or the Australians? The US showed the intelligence to all of its allies and not one of them expressed doubt about Assad's guilt, and all of them supported the missile attack.

Btw, what are your motivations?
...Oh millions do actually. Its why his son is now a Senator.
Yeppers... that's right... your boy doesn't place well... blame your fellow countrymen... yeah, that's the ticket... not.

Alternatively... far larger numbers of millions do, indeed, think critically...

It's just that they don't buy into the Paulian Isolationist dogma nor are they willing to throw needy Americans under the bus like your boy would...

Oh, they're Critical Thinkers, alright... it's just that they think critically of your boy and his old man... or is it your boy and his kid... whatever...
Dick lick. President Hypocrite was pushing the SAME non interventionist policy Paul was. Try again. Paul didn't WIN because 1. He was cheated 2. The media COMPLETELY ignored him even when he was in first place in polls in Iowa!

He was cheated?

Bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahaahhahaha !!!

Good one!

You DO have a sense of humor, after all !!!

Excuses... excuses... excuses...

I'll bet the dog at your homework at school, too...

Paul lost because his message and policies did not sufficiently resonate with the American People so as to be elected to the Presidency...

Next slide, please.


Like some kind of freak amalgamation of Orgasmic ObamaBots and Trumpians and Jehovah's WItnesses and Used Car Salesmen and Insane Priests...

Scary stuff...

Every time one of the Pauls loses a primary or election, the Republic dodges a bullet.
...Oh millions do actually. Its why his son is now a Senator.
Yeppers... that's right... your boy doesn't place well... blame your fellow countrymen... yeah, that's the ticket... not.

Alternatively... far larger numbers of millions do, indeed, think critically...

It's just that they don't buy into the Paulian Isolationist dogma nor are they willing to throw needy Americans under the bus like your boy would...

Oh, they're Critical Thinkers, alright... it's just that they think critically of your boy and his old man... or is it your boy and his kid... whatever...
Dick lick. President Hypocrite was pushing the SAME non interventionist policy Paul was. Try again. Paul didn't WIN because 1. He was cheated 2. The media COMPLETELY ignored him even when he was in first place in polls in Iowa!

He was cheated?

Bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahaahhahaha !!!

Good one!

You DO have a sense of humor, after all !!!

Excuses... excuses... excuses...

I'll bet the dog at your homework at school, too...

Paul lost because his message and policies did not sufficiently resonate with the American People so as to be elected to the Presidency...

Next slide, please.

Media ignored him dunce. He led in Iowa and he was STILL ignored.We got our revenge though. We refused to back McAmnesty or Willard. :)


Like some kind of freak amalgamation of Orgasmic ObamaBots and Trumpians and Jehovah's WItnesses and Used Car Salesmen and Insane Priests...

Scary stuff...

Every time one of the Pauls loses a primary or election, the Republic dodges a bullet.
Yes because avoiding a war and putting America first is some HORRIBLE fucking policy!
Only some one who doesn't know what critical thinking is would believe critical thinkers supported Ron Paul. Like other cult leaders, Paul offers simplistic explanations to complex problems in a manner that soothes his followers' anxieties and gives them a sense of certainty about the world and the belief they are now superior to other people.
You believe the media...just the "right wing" media and you think somehow that makes you mentally superior to the lefties. Paul was right on about every damn thing,simple solutions are the best solutions only politicians make things harder than need be to make it seem things CAN'T be fixed. So yep critical thinkers are the only ones that supported Paul.
I listened to Ron Paul in the video and he lied about peace being at hand or doubts about Assad's guilt in order to rant on about warmongers and perpetual war. If you really were a critical thinker, you would have been shocked by his lies.
And what supernatural RW ability did you use to discern that Paul was lying in his video, telekinesis ?

The whole thing is a work. It makes zero sense for Assad to do this .

Assad was framed !
It makes perfect sense. The only way to end the war and keep Assad in power is to so demoralize the rebels that they give up and six years of bombing with conventional weapons doesn't seem to have effected their moral.

Umm no. Assads been winning . Why launch a Chem attack that not only gets the world mad at you , it humiliates your pals in Russia who vouched for your gas free existence ?
Syria 'chemical attack': What we know - BBC News

On Thursday, Turkey's health ministry said the initial results of post mortems carried out on three victims under WHO supervision suggested that they "were exposed to a chemical substance (Sarin)". They suffered "pulmonary oedema [build-up of fluid], increase in the lung weight and blood in the lungs", it added.

Deadly nerve agent sarin used in Syria attack, Turkish Health Ministry says

So,Turkish autopsies are enough validation for Trump's knee jerk response? Even if the Turkish post mortem reports are true, that doesn't tell us who is responsible. Sarin gas is relatively easy to manufacture.
As Ron Paul suggested, anyone wanting to stir up more international opposition to Assad in this manner could do so easily. For me, Trump's actions are alarming because,ostensibly,he acted unilaterally and without validation.

Do a poll then, how many people would trust THIS Slow Acting CONGRESS to be informed to discuss actions in Syria(that need swift response), & to not to blab that info to Clinton, Obama, Susan Rice, etc or even electronically to others on unsecure networks? In other words Fearing one of these traitors and sabotagers would give Assad a heads up or even sell Assad the info.
Er... Trump's people warned the Russians well before the strike. Do you think the Russians didn't warn Assad as well? Looks like Assad had time to move his planes and vacate the base . In act I am beginning to suspect the whole thing was orchestrated to take the domestic pressure off Trump at home. He, Putin and Assad might have colluded and arranged a false strike on one base. And I think the cruise missiles hit their intended targets: vacant hangars, open sea water, and desert sands. The runways were largely untouched.

Have you been under a rock since the attack? If so, how could you possibly believe any of that bullshit you just trotted out for everyone to laugh at?

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