Romney's brazenness surprised Obama at debate.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

The Last 4 years of making Excuses for Obama must have been Exhausting.
Romeny did not lie, and he did not have any notes.

Looks as if you're the liar here.
Like Herman Cain said :" Obama was searching for the right retoric because he can't defend his record"
He wanted to redirect the conversation into the gray of retoric, but Mitt kept it in the light where his ineptness was elucidated!
I am sure the Mormon Church is ashamed of their most famous member.

"half" of green businesses have failed....that of 3 of 38 Mitt. You need some math lessons.
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Romeny did not lie, and he did not have any notes.

Looks as if you're the liar here.

Are you fucking kidding? He had 37 lies, at last count, in 38 minutes.
No, he did not. Disagreeing ideologically is NOT a lie. The context and discussion are centered on the 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts claimed by the Liar-in-Chief. Romney never said he would cut taxes by 5 trillion dollars, and the plan he has set out, shows he has not. Obama, on the other hand, is known quiet famously for his lies.
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Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

right, because a "clean articulate Negro" who has "no negro dialect" ( unless hes in front of a 'Negro' crowd) would never lie 'brazenly'....:rolleyes:
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

So this is now the excuse of the day? With all the great commiecrat minds out there, this is the best you can do? LMAO
He showed himself to be the bully that he is and that he'll lie to get what he wants. Ben Stein said Obama was presidential and respectful (which I guess with too many Americans doesn't count for anything). But I'll bet if Obama were behaving like that, he'd get roundly criticized. He was between a rock and a hard place.
Romeny did not lie, and he did not have any notes.

Looks as if you're the liar here.

Are you fucking kidding? He had 37 lies, at last count, in 38 minutes.
No, he did not. Disagreeing ideologically is NOT a lie. The context and discussion are centered on the 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts claimed by the Liar-in-Chief. Romney never said he would cut taxes by 5 trillion dollars, and the plan he has set out, shows he has not. Obama, on the other hand, is known quiet famously for his lies.

Oh, yes he did!!! If you persist in this it is either one of 2 things. Either YOU are lying or you have not been following this campaign. Everything Romney said in the debate was totally different from what he has said on the campaign trail. Believe it.

Your post is a fairytale.
Whaaa, sniff sniff, the president's top advisor said Romney was cheating in the debate. You almost gotta laugh if the administration wasn't so criminally stupid. How could whiny lefties accuse Romney of "brazenness"? He was polite and responded to every point. The radical left is so confused and fragmented that they don't even understand that their own candidate failed them. The reasons promoted by the left range from hysterical to absurd. Al Gore said it was the altitude. Some other leftie said Obama was accidentally overdosed in his prescription medicine intended to keep him in a constant state of "no-drama-Obama". The point that the left needs to have pushed in their face is that Obama has no agenda that he can defend.
You think this helps?

You stupid fuck....if this half white Prez is surprised by Romeny being mean he isn't prepared to deal with shit in the real world.

This half black asshole needs to be sent home.
Dam it's been almost four years now the Obama supporters have been sure that nothing has been Obama's fault now not even his own piss poor debate performance is his fault it's the moderators fault, it's Romney's fault, hell it's even the altitude in Denver's fault this was funny the first day after the debate now it's just sad and pathetic. I almost feel bad mocking you guy's over all these whining excuses your throwing out there don't get me wrong I will still do it I just feel a little bad about it now.
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

Ok, so let's say it is true Mitt pulled notes from his pocket. I would much rather have that than Obama who used executive privledge to cover up the Fast and Furious scandal. I would much rather have that than Obama and the DemocRAT party that forced socialized medicine down the throats of Americans against their will. And regardless if it is true or not about Mtt's notes, I would much rather have that, than the liar-in-chief who promised the most transparent administration ever...yet only to completely lie about it. IFFFFFF....there is any truth to Romney using these notes out of his pockets, it vastly pales in comparison to the lies, manipulations and distortions the Obama regime has given us the past 4 years.

You can make all the excuses you want, Obama flat out got his ass handed to him by Romney. And what pisses an arrogant stuck up elitist like you is that you are stuck in the mode that Republicans are dumb and the only way you can have a high intelligence is if you have the letter "D" in front of your name. Well, you just found out that you are about as wrong as can be. Romney made Obama look like an imbecile, and there is no recovering for Obama, that is how bad Romney mad Obama look. Instead of being a partisan hack, maybe you should realize there are actually people out there with high intelligence and they do NOT have a "D" in front of their name. In closing out my reply, I just thought I would let you know I am a Libertarian and you are an idiot.
The only thing Obama was surprised about is that he is actually expected to defend himself to remain POTUS. I think he resents anyone questioning him. He hasn't allowed reporters to ask tough questions and he doesn't like it at all that debate moderators can do that. He did poorly because he hasn't been put on the spot for so long, he doesn't know how respond to questions that weren't approved by him in advance. No wonder some of his supporters think he should have TOTUS for the last two debates. They know he's not worth a crap without it.
The only thing Obama was surprised about is that he is actually expected to defend himself to remain POTUS. I think he resents anyone questioning him. He hasn't allowed reporters to ask tough questions and he doesn't like it at all that debate moderators can do that. He did poorly because he hasn't been put on the spot for so long, he doesn't know how respond to questions that weren't approved by him in advance. No wonder some of his supporters think he should have TOTUS for the last two debates. They know he's not worth a crap without it.

One candidate actually spent their time preparing and studying for the debate the other spent their time hanging out on the View and David Letterman the results speak for themselves.

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