Romney Surges


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Michael Fell

With less than two weeks to go before Election Day, Mitt Romney has eliminated the 16 point advantage Barack Obama once enjoyed among women. Last month, women preferred Obama over Romney 56% to 40% on the economy. Now, the difference is 49% for Romney and 45% for Obama. Where understanding people’s problems is concerned, Obama’s lead among women has shrunk from 58%-36% to a 50%-43%.

The polls consistently show a real surge to Romney, away from Obama:

Rasmussen: Mitt Romney 50% nationwide, Obama 47%.

Gallup: Romney 50%, Obama 47%.

ABC News/Washington Post: 49% Romney, 48% Obama… Romney Surges | Right Wing News

Granny says if its inna Bible, den it must be true...
Does Bible code predict President Romney?
27 Oct.`12 - Hebrew expert claims Mitt's destiny embedded in Scripture
A well-known Bible-code researcher has bad news for Barack Obama, as he claims hidden texts in the Holy Bible indicate Mitt Romney will be America’s next president. Moshe Aharon Shak, an orthodox Jew and author of “Bible Codes Breakthrough” has produced a series of videos on YouTube with his modern analysis of Scripture. For those not familiar with Bible codes, they are said to be secret messages embedded in the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament.

Those who claim the codes’ validity say they disclose information about both the past, as well as the future. The messages are decoded when a computer is used to search in a certain pattern, such as every fourth or fifth Hebrew letter within a given matrix. “The matrix is found in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, verses 13 and 14,” says Shak, a mechanical engineer from Montreal, Canada. “There we find his first name, last name, day and month of birth, and the term ‘president.’ Fifteen terms consisting of 85 letters are found telling a fascinating story.”

Shak says the Hebrew code goes beyond merely stating that Romney will be president, but also describes the kind of leader he’ll be. “The codes are telling us: a fitting president,” he explains, adding that Romney’s name is associated with the phrase, “the man (is) for Him,” referring to the Master of the universe. “I suppose that means that he (Romney) will follow His (God’s) ways,” said Shak. “But the term goes both ways. It also means that the Master of the universe will be for him, for Romney.” The BibleCodesDigest website has looked at Shak’s videos, and says, “Although he claims that the search is done by established methodology guided by scientific principles, there are two critical caveats that must be understood.”

The first is that interpretation of the codes can be faulty, and the second is that undiscovered codes can shed more light on the intent of a matrix. “In contrast to Shak’s beliefs, BCD believes that codes present well-known viewpoints, which may or may not be true,” the site continues. “For example, a code such as Romney will be president could be either (1) a fact or (2) an opinion about what may happen. If codes only present facts, then they can be used to make predictions. However, if codes can be either a fact or an opinion, they cannot be used to make reliable predictions.

by Michael Fell

With less than two weeks to go before Election Day, Mitt Romney has eliminated the 16 point advantage Barack Obama once enjoyed among women. Last month, women preferred Obama over Romney 56% to 40% on the economy. Now, the difference is 49% for Romney and 45% for Obama. Where understanding people’s problems is concerned, Obama’s lead among women has shrunk from 58%-36% to a 50%-43%.

The polls consistently show a real surge to Romney, away from Obama:

Rasmussen: Mitt Romney 50% nationwide, Obama 47%.

Gallup: Romney 50%, Obama 47%.

ABC News/Washington Post: 49% Romney, 48% Obama… Romney Surges | Right Wing News


Actually it's 51 t0 46 on gallup
Romney Surges

Only in your mouth...

Bubble Boy fAiL

Gallup: Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days

By Terence P. Jeffrey
October 27, 2012 - In the most precipitous decline it has seen in more than a year, President Barack Obama's job approval rating has dropped 7 points in three days, according to Gallup.

In the three-day period ending on Oct. 23, says Gallup, 53 percent said they approved of the job Obama was doing and 42 percent said they did not.

Gallup: Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days |


The k00ks best spend this week clearing out their medicine cabinets of ANY shit that can be potentially harmful during a moment of deep grief. The razors are obvious, but there is other stuff in there to be concerned with..............
Romney sees race tighten up with groups nationally? So what. :lol:

This year, we’ll see what happens. No candidate in recent times has won from as far back as Romney was in late September, and, until this year, there was no historical tendency for the trailing candidate to make up ground in October—two of the many valuable facts that I have learned from Silver. Now that Romney is surging, and has been surging for several weeks, how likely is he to go on and win? The FiveThirtyEight model, lacking useful precedents or any theory of what determines how people vote, can’t really help us answer that question. It essentially says that if Obama continues to do relatively well in the battleground states, he will probably scrape through. That’s a useful thing to know—in fact, I’ve been saying much the same thing myself—but does it mean that Nate Silver, or anybody else, really knows who’s going to win the election? No.

Thursday morning update: Clearly some people don’t like this post, which is fair enough. One of the roles of the columnist is to provoke, and, occasionally, enrage. Rather than address the criticisms in the comments section individually, I’ll say a few things and leave it at that.

Firstly, it was not my intention to make a political point, or to give succor to the Republicans. As I indicated, I agree with Silver that Obama is still ahead where he needs to be ahead, and that he is likely to win. What I query is the apparent precision of the FiveThirtyEight forecasts, and whether its model adds very much to the opinion polls.

Read more Brooks vs. Silver: The Limits of Forecasting Elections : The New Yorker

Brooks vs. Silver: The Limits of Forecasting Elections : The New Yorker
by Michael Fell

With less than two weeks to go before Election Day, Mitt Romney has eliminated the 16 point advantage Barack Obama once enjoyed among women. Last month, women preferred Obama over Romney 56% to 40% on the economy. Now, the difference is 49% for Romney and 45% for Obama. Where understanding people’s problems is concerned, Obama’s lead among women has shrunk from 58%-36% to a 50%-43%.

The polls consistently show a real surge to Romney, away from Obama:

Rasmussen: Mitt Romney 50% nationwide, Obama 47%.

Gallup: Romney 50%, Obama 47%.

ABC News/Washington Post: 49% Romney, 48% Obama… Romney Surges | Right Wing News

Some in the gentler sex have not abandoned their good sensibilities. When some see Obama using his middle finger like he did in New Hampshire the other day, they will realize how sexually disrespectful he really is and vote the other way. If he manages to continue concealing his hatred from their notice, they will know it in about 2 months when all stops let loose and he reveals his true purpose: to subjugate the American people into the subjective whims of the United Nations, now a jihadist organization with the cooperation of powerful liberals in America.

Others of us already know it and have known since a thorough review of his lackluster Senate voting record and record of nonparticipation in traditional values of America--its protection and its betterment.

I'm in particularly unhappiness with reports of mobs of black Obama youth attacking white people with no provocation whatever at the Wisconsin and the Iowa State Fairs in August. Several of their victims were sent to the local hospitals with severe concussions. That can result in early dementia as they grow up, disabled. I'm further appalled none of the perpetrators was detained longer than to just get them off the fairgrounds for a couple of hours. Attacking people with maiming force in a mob warrants removal from society for longer than overnight.

Women can see these kinds of things clearly. It is likely to lose a number of thinking women from liberalism for the duration of their lives.
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Granny says if its inna Bible, den it must be true...
Does Bible code predict President Romney?
27 Oct.`12 - Hebrew expert claims Mitt's destiny embedded in Scripture
A well-known Bible-code researcher has bad news for Barack Obama, as he claims hidden texts in the Holy Bible indicate Mitt Romney will be America’s next president. Moshe Aharon Shak, an orthodox Jew and author of “Bible Codes Breakthrough” has produced a series of videos on YouTube with his modern analysis of Scripture. For those not familiar with Bible codes, they are said to be secret messages embedded in the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament.

Those who claim the codes’ validity say they disclose information about both the past, as well as the future. The messages are decoded when a computer is used to search in a certain pattern, such as every fourth or fifth Hebrew letter within a given matrix. “The matrix is found in Deuteronomy Chapter 28, verses 13 and 14,” says Shak, a mechanical engineer from Montreal, Canada. “There we find his first name, last name, day and month of birth, and the term ‘president.’ Fifteen terms consisting of 85 letters are found telling a fascinating story.”

Shak says the Hebrew code goes beyond merely stating that Romney will be president, but also describes the kind of leader he’ll be. “The codes are telling us: a fitting president,” he explains, adding that Romney’s name is associated with the phrase, “the man (is) for Him,” referring to the Master of the universe. “I suppose that means that he (Romney) will follow His (God’s) ways,” said Shak. “But the term goes both ways. It also means that the Master of the universe will be for him, for Romney.” The BibleCodesDigest website has looked at Shak’s videos, and says, “Although he claims that the search is done by established methodology guided by scientific principles, there are two critical caveats that must be understood.”

The first is that interpretation of the codes can be faulty, and the second is that undiscovered codes can shed more light on the intent of a matrix. “In contrast to Shak’s beliefs, BCD believes that codes present well-known viewpoints, which may or may not be true,” the site continues. “For example, a code such as Romney will be president could be either (1) a fact or (2) an opinion about what may happen. If codes only present facts, then they can be used to make predictions. However, if codes can be either a fact or an opinion, they cannot be used to make reliable predictions.

Before the days of Bible Code leanings, my grandfather, who was a classic Christian Bible Studies man who nightly and faithfully read Barclay's library of Bible guides that were popular in the late 50s and early sixties, had come to the conclusion that the Bible was easy enough for most all of the people who read it to understand and make a decent life for themselves and their families with following the Master's footsteps. He was the son of a Presbyterian minister, and I always got the impression he didn't trust other people to push him around, he trusted that God would guide him to do good with his life.

He spent his life raising money for and helping veterans of World War I and World War II, especially those who were severely disabled by their wounds. He passed away before the VietNam war heated up into a full national engagement. I'm sure if he lived to be 150, he'd still be lending his full support to veterans and the wounded in all American conflicts.

That said, he was my link to things before in our nation--our ancestors were a little band of freedom fighters throwing off the pains that a distant and uncaring monarchy imposed upon their lives, with no hope ever of being represented in their courts. The little band often called on God and held prayer meetings in the Continental Halls of Philadelphia, where they often met to discuss how they would deal with their unfortunate political situation of waiting forever for a royal ear, only to receive papers six months later that the monarch would not allow them to send a spokesperson even, to their court, much less be given any measure of voice in the scheme of England's affairs.

That sewed the seeds of liberty and the desire to be free men who decided their own course and destiny. And so they set about freeing themselves from foreign troops and dictates as best they could, offering their young sons who quickly outgrew shoes, becoming Washington's rag-tag barefoot band with occasional gifts from Congress for those who ran out of their own gunpowder after a skirmish. Through it all, General Washington frequented a quiet place to ask God's help, and he received strength from his meditations and renewed resolve from the constant news from the Continental Congress that a pittance would be alloted him always later. A resourceful man, Washington knew people who would help the cause and filled in the blanks with just everyday people's gifts to his army. Enough to throw off the Brits and make them desire safe passage back to England and throw off sympathizers with other agendas than America's own good.

Mitt has a background of devotion to family, his church, his former state, and this nation, whom he feels called to help.

I think Mitt will help in these areas:

  1. Jobs and employment
  2. Manufacturing renewal
  3. Reduce government size and scope
  4. Eliminate all vestiges of overspending
  5. Real reduction of deficit, not just promises
  6. Reduce the moral decline in America
  7. Pass and stick to a budget
  8. Veteran benefit upgrades
  9. Promoting Congressional return to civility
  10. Promote international peace through reconciliation and strength
  11. Discourage terrorism as a political wheel
  12. Make a lasting case for American unity
Walt, if that fits someone's idea of the Bible Code, sobeit. :)
Elephants are protective, vigilant, trustworthy and courageous parents, whether you like it or not, Dante, and we are going to whip the ass for its fiscal negligence and downgrade. We will have a triumphant march on November 6:



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