Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!


Coming from a devout mental midget that means a lot. :thup:

Your the retard that wants to act like they cant make up their mind and I am then mental midget?


I've made up my mind shit for brains.

I agree with some Conservative ideals, and some liberal ideals.

Take a break and think about it.

Yeah, we just don't see you criticize any libs in this thread. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You are soooooooooooooo in the middle!
When Romney said he liked firing people, I don't remember the conservatives around here saying that it was just fine to take that out of context and misrepresent what he was saying.

When did you people change? When did you flip flop on that principle?

That sad thing is, he probably thinks that fits.

He said it, hang him with it. It is not out of context He is telling the democratic welfare voters that they have helped businesses succeed. It is pure BS but he just doesn't know any better.
You have posted many apologist replies.

Who do you think you are fooling?

And the hilarious part is, he thinks he IS fooling everybody.

But what liberal in this thread has he argued with or disagreed with?

I haven't seem him make any disagreements with liberals for such a "non partisan."

He ONLY disagrees and argues with conservatives.

Oh, but that's because he's "non-partisan." :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

It's hilarious. I have seen libs pull this one for years, and they always arrogantly think they are fooling people.

But NOTICE, that the only "partisans" are conservatives?




What is a real job? Governor of MA, Mormon Recruiter, Investor with no skin in the game? Retiree still pulling down $21 Million per annum of other peoples money?


Buddy, you lost on that one!


Two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale on Chicago's South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[29][30] He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[31] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[32] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time in Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.[33][34] He returned to Kenya in 1992 with his fiancée Michelle and his sister Auma.[33][35] He returned to Kenya in August 2006 for a visit to his father's birthplace, a village near Kisumu in rural western Kenya.[36]

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[37] and president of the journal in his second year.[31][38] During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as an associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[39] After graduating with a J.D. magna cum laude[40] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[37] Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention[31][38] and led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations,[41] which evolved into a personal memoir. The manuscript was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[41]

See: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Romney spent 30 months in Europe - earning a deferment from military service during the Vietnam Conflict - as a recruiter for the Mormon Church. How is being a professional proselytizer more of a job than being a community organizer in the United States?

Romney was Governor for four years, spent years risking other people money and enjoyed firing people to benefit stockholders. Obama is author, was a State Senator and a US Senator and has been President of the United States since January 2009.

How does that disagree with what I said.

Obama was a community organizer. He has never worked in the private sector.


Remember that eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil corporation that you class envy/marxist libs think is a negative for Romney?


Buddy, you lost on that one!


Two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale on Chicago's South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[29][30] He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[31] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[32] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time in Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.[33][34] He returned to Kenya in 1992 with his fiancée Michelle and his sister Auma.[33][35] He returned to Kenya in August 2006 for a visit to his father's birthplace, a village near Kisumu in rural western Kenya.[36]

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[37] and president of the journal in his second year.[31][38] During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as an associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[39] After graduating with a J.D. magna cum laude[40] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[37] Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention[31][38] and led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations,[41] which evolved into a personal memoir. The manuscript was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[41]

See: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Romney spent 30 months in Europe - earning a deferment from military service during the Vietnam Conflict - as a recruiter for the Mormon Church. How is being a professional proselytizer more of a job than being a community organizer in the United States?

Romney was Governor for four years, spent years risking other people money and enjoyed firing people to benefit stockholders. Obama is author, was a State Senator and a US Senator and has been President of the United States since January 2009.

And even if all of that is true, which is questionable, what does that have to do with Obama telling me that somebody else built my business?

Nice................"even if all of that is true, which is questionable". Very political, not too subtle, but clearly you've learned from Bachmann and Palin. Not subtle but very dishonest.

That said, rather than attack Obama with blanks, why not respond to my criticism of Romney. Defend his work with the Mormon Church as the work of a true Christian, not as a draft dodger; explain how risking other peoples money and even today accepting million's of dollars for doing nothing is the right stuff to become POTUS.

I almost forgot to respond to your question. He did not say someone else built your business. That's nothing more than hyperbole and partisan bullshit. You built your business - if in fact you actually have a business, which is questionable - because the foundation was provided by others. Remember, "it takes a village".
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I don't need to fool anyone, you do it to yourself. I didn't even say Romney was wrong, but the attacks still come.

Only partisans would be so belligerent. :thup:



He's calling you "uppity!" :clap2::clap2::clap2::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And what he means is only CONSERVATIVES would be so "uppity!"

Yeah, how DARE we disagree with the great "non-partisan"(BULLSHIT!) Bob Collum.

Just because he has NEVER disagreed with a liberal in this thread, has nothing to do with it! :eusa_snooty:


You're really going out on a limb eh TPS?

Link to me using the word "uppity" since you felt the need to quote me.

The part in bold apparently constitutes proof for TPS. :thup:

What else can we conclude from YOU saying someone is BELLIGERENT for "DARING" to disagree with the great "non-partisan" you.

That's another way of saying, he's "uppity," for daring to disagree with you.

But I have YET to see you disagree with ONE LIB in this thread.

Still waiting for that sign of "non-partisanship."


All that says is Congress wanted this railroad too and passed laws to allow GRANTS OF LAND.

It does not say they BUILT IT!

A business needs land and/or zoning to build a business? YOU DON'T SAY!

That hardly means government did it for them. That's called a business working WITHIN THE LAW!


Who pays for roads and bridges being built and maintained?

Who pays for public education?

Who pays for the defense of this country?

Who pays for law enforcement, the criminal justice system, the prison system?

Excellent point.

The government pays for it all.

Where does the government get the money?

From the taxpayers.

Who are the taxpayers?

Businesses and their employees because the benefit sucking poor don't pay any taxes.
Two years after graduating, Obama was hired in Chicago as director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale on Chicago's South Side. He worked there as a community organizer from June 1985 to May 1988.[29][30] He helped set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization in Altgeld Gardens.[31] Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.[32] In mid-1988, he traveled for the first time in Europe for three weeks and then for five weeks in Kenya, where he met many of his paternal relatives for the first time.[33][34] He returned to Kenya in 1992 with his fiancée Michelle and his sister Auma.[33][35] He returned to Kenya in August 2006 for a visit to his father's birthplace, a village near Kisumu in rural western Kenya.[36]

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[37] and president of the journal in his second year.[31][38] During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as an associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990.[39] After graduating with a J.D. magna cum laude[40] from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago.[37] Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention[31][38] and led to a publishing contract and advance for a book about race relations,[41] which evolved into a personal memoir. The manuscript was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father.[41]

See: Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Romney spent 30 months in Europe - earning a deferment from military service during the Vietnam Conflict - as a recruiter for the Mormon Church. How is being a professional proselytizer more of a job than being a community organizer in the United States?

Romney was Governor for four years, spent years risking other people money and enjoyed firing people to benefit stockholders. Obama is author, was a State Senator and a US Senator and has been President of the United States since January 2009.

And even if all of that is true, which is questionable, what does that have to do with Obama telling me that somebody else built my business?

Nice................"even if all of that is true, which is questionable". Very political, not too subtle, but clearly you've learned from Bachmann and Palin. Not subtle but very dishonest.

That said, rather than attack Obama with blanks, why not respond to my criticism of Romney. Defend his work with the Mormon Church as the work of a true Christian, not as a draft dodger; explain how risking other peoples money and even today accepting million's of dollars for doing nothing is the right stuff to become POTUS.

Because nothing you have pointed out has anything to do with the whether Romney will be good president.

All you can do is bring up he's MORMON? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'd rather have a Mormon as president than a Marxist community organizer!
Looks like Bob couldn't bring himself to disagree with a lib.

So, he ran away.

But in a "non-partisan" way.


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