Romney Considering Another Run

Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners

There you go projecting again.

IF a Republican is to win it will have to be an out-of-the blue surprise candidate. One the Democrat Hate Machine hasn't had enough time to demonize.
Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners

There you go projecting again.

IF a Republican is to win it will have to be an out-of-the blue surprise candidate. One the Democrat Hate Machine hasn't had enough time to demonize.
Yeah the mystical person who is out there, that nobody knows about (but trust, this person does have a presidential resume), and who will excite the 10's of millions of "real conservatives" who refuse to vote for RINO's but will step in and save the country this time around. Yeah you guys have been crying for that candidate for a long time.
Sounding a tad desperate there, 1-candlepower!

Now are you really sure Your Kenyan Dictator won't just executive-order Himself "President for Life"?

Careful how you answer....don't wanna blow your cover!
And there it is. Always ignoring reality and avoiding the question or offering the solution.

I'm very hurt you belittled my message board user name
LOL - You're afraid to go see what you're bitching about. BTW, the population of SLC is more non mormon in the second place.

Romney came into the governorship on a negative three year negative job growth trend (which apparently was enough for even Mass libtards to vote Republican) and he left on an upward three year positive job growth trend. So, once again you've thrown out lame points. Source: Massachusetts Job Growth Department of Numbers


Point was, that you fail to get is that his job growth was more pathetic than 47 other states.

His state was LAST in job creation save for Michigan and Ohio.
LOL - You're afraid to go see what you're bitching about. BTW, the population of SLC is more non mormon in the second place.

Romney came into the governorship on a negative three year negative job growth trend (which apparently was enough for even Mass libtards to vote Republican) and he left on an upward three year positive job growth trend. So, once again you've thrown out lame points. Source: Massachusetts Job Growth Department of Numbers


Point was, that you fail to get is that his job growth was more pathetic than 47 other states.

His state was LAST in job creation save for Michigan and Ohio.

Point was that you made a lame superficial talking point (that knowing you isn't even true; go ahead and source your pretend point). Clearly, Romney got desirable results where his predecessor had failed.
Point was that you made a lame superficial talking point (that knowing you isn't even true; go ahead and source your pretend point). Clearly, Romney got desirable results where his predecessor had failed.

No, Desirable results would have been Romney being so popular in 2006 that he ran for and won a second term.

Instead, Romney's approval rating at the end of his term was 34%, and he had issued nearly 800 vetoes of things the legislature did, all of which were overturned. The GOP LOST seats in Massachusetts in 2004 and 2006.

Romney As Governor 800 Vetoes And One Big Deal NPR

There's a reason why Romney didn't want to talk about his time as governor, and instead wanted to talk about his time at Bain-of-our-existence Capital.

Point was that you made a lame superficial talking point (that knowing you isn't even true; go ahead and source your pretend point). Clearly, Romney got desirable results where his predecessor had failed.

No, Desirable results would have been Romney being so popular in 2006 that he ran for and won a second term.

Instead, Romney's approval rating at the end of his term was 34%, and he had issued nearly 800 vetoes of things the legislature did, all of which were overturned. The GOP LOST seats in Massachusetts in 2004 and 2006.

Romney As Governor 800 Vetoes And One Big Deal NPR

There's a reason why Romney didn't want to talk about his time as governor, and instead wanted to talk about his time at Bain-of-our-existence Capital.


So now that I refuted your point, you just want to give me more propaganda to refute? Typical joe blow. Anyhow, go ahead and post your Mass had the third lowest job growth rate link. Focus, guy.
I hope Romney decides not to run so I can watch all of you cry when the GOP nominee who isn't Romney loses

Kind of an non-sequitur given that Romney can't win.
Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners
Rand Paul has done better in recent polling than Romney, and is more in tune with most Republicans. He would be a tolerable candidate for soft blue states.
Apparently, most Republicans disagree with me.

GOP leaders appear skeptical about Mitt Romney's prospects if he seeks the White House for a third time in 2016, but according to a new poll, everyday Republicans' message to the former governor is: Come on in, the water's fine.

Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they want the former Massachusetts governor to run and only about a quarter, 26 percent, say they do not, according to the CBS News survey.

Half said former Florida Governor Jeb Bush should get in; 40 percent said the same about former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

Almost 60 Percent of Republicans Say Romney Should Run Poll - Bloomberg Politics
I hope Romney decides not to run so I can watch all of you cry when the GOP nominee who isn't Romney loses

Kind of an non-sequitur given that Romney can't win.
Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners
Rand Paul has done better in recent polling than Romney, and is more in tune with most Republicans. He would be a tolerable candidate for soft blue states.
“Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they want the former Massachusetts governor to run and only about a quarter, 26 percent, say they do not, according to the CBS News survey.”

The reasoning among these republicans may be that Romney didn't so much lose in 2012 as he was beaten by Obama, where it's very difficult to defeat an incumbent president; and given the opportunity in an 'open election' with no incumbent in the WH, he'd stand a better chance.

59 percent of republicans are also delusional.
Yes, let's hope that the GOP nominates any of of the clowns from the clown car.
That there's even talk about Romney running a third time is indicative of the GOP's desperation, in that they know they have no other viable candidates to run.

Do you listen to yourself? Going with the guy that didn't win is allegedly desperate? That's not logical. This shows that they're confident in their candidate. It shows fortitude, not desperation. The only desperation is coming from the legions of USMB libtard posters who will say anything bad about Romney cos they're ever so scared of the GOP's best candidate.
Oh please, by all means, run Romney. :D

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Who is "my guy"?

At the moment I see NO candidate from any party (major or minor) who looks even remotely qualified to dig America out of the hole Obama has dug. True, He was "shovel ready" when elected - ready to shovel out a deep hole in which to bury the idea of America being in any way exceptional.

Why are you so filled with hatred for differently-abled people that you use the offensive "G-Word" TWICE in one post?

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I hope Romney decides not to run so I can watch all of you cry when the GOP nominee who isn't Romney loses

Kind of an non-sequitur given that Romney can't win.
Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners
Please, pretty please, dear GOP, nominate Ted Cruz. Thank you. For then Hillary would not even need to go on the campaign trail.

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I hope Romney decides not to run so I can watch all of you cry when the GOP nominee who isn't Romney loses

Kind of an non-sequitur given that Romney can't win.
Oh but Jeb can win right? Oh yeah, Jeb Bush could win. Rand Paul too. And Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry. Those guys, they are all electable. Real winners
Rand Paul has done better in recent polling than Romney, and is more in tune with most Republicans. He would be a tolerable candidate for soft blue states.
You know the situation is desperate when Righties are describing their own candidates as tolerable. It's gonna take a person with the communications skills of a Ronald Reagan and the extraordinary respect earned by Dwight Eisenhower all wrapped in one and without a skeleton in his closet to knock Hillary off trajectory.


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