romney and his tax.. A must read.

The left will never understand this. They have little knowledge of how investments work. They just know he's rich cause he has lots of money and he should share it with them.

Hollywood and Sports figures make tons more than Romney but many of them die broke because they squander it. Especially those Hollywood types.

I am not sure how the right would understand this either.

There are more on the right "below" poverty than the left. And yes that is a fact,

and the % is substantial! so why does the right try and protect the rich?

uhhh faux news brainwashed! thatÂ’s why!

muhahahahaha (laughing diabolically!)

because itÂ’s so true!

The left will never understand this. They have little knowledge of how investments work. They just know he's rich cause he has lots of money and he should share it with them.

Hollywood and Sports figures make tons more than Romney but many of them die broke because they squander it. Especially those Hollywood types.

I am not sure how the right would understand this either.

There are more on the right "below" poverty than the left. And yes that is a fact,

and the % is substantial! so why does the right try and protect the rich?

uhhh faux news brainwashed! thatÂ’s why!

muhahahahaha (laughing diabolically!)

because itÂ’s so true!

So he paid what he is legally supposed to pay plus gave 4 million dollars to charity and did not take all the tax breaks that he could have and he is still evil to you guys. I bet Obama would not have done the same . And How about Biden. He gave a whole 300.00 to charity ..
What happens when the few own most of the wealth in a nation, and have the ability to pass on great wealth unencumbered by taxes to future generations?

What happens when the few are able to use great wealth to influence elections?

What happens when the elected officials are bribed by the few to pass laws which greatly benefit the wealthy?

What happens when the law of our land allows great wealth to influence our elections?

What happens when the elected officials are dependent on bribes to maintain their job?

What happens when our Representatives in the Congress and the POTUS are all beholden to the 1%?
The left will never understand this. They have little knowledge of how investments work. They just know he's rich cause he has lots of money and he should share it with them.

Hollywood and Sports figures make tons more than Romney but many of them die broke because they squander it. Especially those Hollywood types.

I am not sure how the right would understand this either.

There are more on the right "below" poverty than the left. And yes that is a fact,

and the % is substantial! so why does the right try and protect the rich?

uhhh faux news brainwashed! that’s why!

muhahahahaha (laughing diabolically!)

because it’s so true!

So he paid what he is legally supposed to pay plus gave 4 million dollars to charity and did not take all the tax breaks that he could have and he is still evil to you guys. I bet Obama would not have done the same . And How about Biden. He gave a whole 300.00 to charity ..

mittens exploits the tax code, and anyone that exploits anything to benefit himself,

"I don’t want leading the free world"

What happens when the few own most of the wealth in a nation, and have the ability to pass on great wealth unencumbered by taxes to future generations?

What happens when the few are able to use great wealth to influence elections?

What happens when the elected officials are bribed by the few to pass laws which greatly benefit the wealthy?

What happens when the law of our land allows great wealth to influence our elections?

What happens when the elected officials are dependent on bribes to maintain their job?

What happens when our Representatives in the Congress and the POTUS are all beholden to the 1%?

What do you mean "when"??

The left will never understand this. They have little knowledge of how investments work. They just know he's rich cause he has lots of money and he should share it with them.

Hollywood and Sports figures make tons more than Romney but many of them die broke because they squander it. Especially those Hollywood types.

I am not sure how the right would understand this either.

There are more on the right "below" poverty than the left. And yes that is a fact,

and the % is substantial! so why does the right try and protect the rich?

uhhh faux news brainwashed! thatÂ’s why!

muhahahahaha (laughing diabolically!)

because itÂ’s so true!

you do not understand the conservative ideology.

It has nothing to do with how wealthy you are.

You are confused as to why "poor" conservatives are conservatives...why dont they want the rich to bail them out?

Becuase they are conservatives....thats why.

Try to understand conservatism before you trash may not agree with it...but you wouldnt feel the need to trash it either.
The lefty nitwits will have shit fits because he paid what he was legally required to pay.

Do the righties have shit fits over Romney's "47%" of the population not paying taxes LEGALLY? :eusa_silenced:

None whatsoever.

The only reason the 47% became part of the narrative was becuase Obama started to talk about how the rich needed to pay their fair share.

So the right responded....fair share? How can the rich not be paying their fair share if 47% dont pay any federal income tax at all?

It was not a was a response.

There is a difference.
The lefty nitwits will have shit fits because he paid what he was legally required to pay.

Do the righties have shit fits over Romney's "47%" of the population not paying taxes LEGALLY? :eusa_silenced:

None whatsoever.

The only reason the 47% became part of the narrative was becuase Obama started to talk about how the rich needed to pay their fair share.

So the right responded....fair share? How can the rich not be paying their fair share if 47% dont pay any federal income tax at all?

It was not a was a response.

There is a difference.

I think you are taking Romney's words out of context. What he said was:

those who are "dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."

Sounds like more than a "response" to me. Do you honestly believe that all senior citizens, military personnel and veterans feel this way?
You know, it's starting to REALLY piss me off that Democrats can't run on the issues but rather spend their time assassinating the character of Mitt Romney. The more I learn about the guy, the nicer he is. He's a walking talking SAINT, and they've painted him out to be a monster. It's really nauseating when you think about it. What kind of people could be proud of doing that? :eusa_eh:

Good article. Bookmarked for my emails.. :thup:
Do the righties have shit fits over Romney's "47%" of the population not paying taxes LEGALLY? :eusa_silenced:

None whatsoever.

The only reason the 47% became part of the narrative was becuase Obama started to talk about how the rich needed to pay their fair share.

So the right responded....fair share? How can the rich not be paying their fair share if 47% dont pay any federal income tax at all?

It was not a was a response.

There is a difference.

I think you are taking Romney's words out of context. What he said was:

those who are "dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."

Sounds like more than a "response" to me. Do you honestly believe that all senior citizens, military personnel and veterans feel this way?

Va.....I know what he meant. He does not feel the way it came out. I have been following Romney through the entire primary season and since....Yes, that taope is damning.....but he was talking off the cuff...and did not mean the way it came out. Happens to all of us.

And I was responding to the question of the thread...not to Romneys mis speaking.
You know, it's starting to REALLY piss me off that Democrats can't run on the issues but rather spend their time assassinating the character of Mitt Romney. The more I learn about the guy, the nicer he is. He's a walking talking SAINT, and they've painted him out to be a monster. It's really nauseating when you think about it. What kind of people could be proud of doing that? :eusa_eh:

Good article. Bookmarked for my emails.. :thup:

They attempted to paint Bill Clinton as a racist.

It is the way his campaign operates. I am not surprised.
I am not sure how the right would understand this either.

There are more on the right "below" poverty than the left. And yes that is a fact,

and the % is substantial! so why does the right try and protect the rich?

uhhh faux news brainwashed! thatÂ’s why!

muhahahahaha (laughing diabolically!)

because itÂ’s so true!

So he paid what he is legally supposed to pay plus gave 4 million dollars to charity and did not take all the tax breaks that he could have and he is still evil to you guys. I bet Obama would not have done the same . And How about Biden. He gave a whole 300.00 to charity ..

mittens exploits the tax code, and anyone that exploits anything to benefit himself,

"I donÂ’t want leading the free world"


you are wrong.

He did not "exploit" the tax code.

Republicans AND democrats wrote the tax code based on what they believed would be in the best interest of international trade and development. Offshore investing was deemed something that needed to be incentivized (is that a word)....for the more Americans invest oiffshore, the more offshore investing would come here.

That is not exploiting.

Loopholes havens and shelters were eliminated from the tax code 30 years ago.

Do not trash what you dont understand.
The lefty nitwits will have shit fits because he paid what he was legally required to pay.

Do the righties have shit fits over Romney's "47%" of the population not paying taxes LEGALLY? :eusa_silenced:

None whatsoever.

The only reason the 47% became part of the narrative was becuase Obama started to talk about how the rich needed to pay their fair share.

So the right responded....fair share? How can the rich not be paying their fair share if 47% dont pay any federal income tax at all?

It was not a was a response.

There is a difference.

My point was that both sides are legal. Romney and the "victims" are both legally right, to pay or not pay the taxes they do.
As for fair share, nothing in our tax code is remotely fair for anyone.
The right always complains about the "victims / moochers" who don't pay their hundreds to thousands of dollars in taxes. Yet they say nothing about the millions to billions the upper class hides in taxes. I complain more about ENRON, AIG, General Electric, and the "accounting practices" than I do about the crack whore criminally defrauding the system of foodstamps. Why? because it would take several million crack whores to cheat their way to the same money as one upper class person (Mitt Romney) does.
There is a difference between poor people and criminals. Just like there is a difference between rich people and criminals (Madoff).
You know, it's starting to REALLY piss me off that Democrats can't run on the issues but rather spend their time assassinating the character of Mitt Romney. The more I learn about the guy, the nicer he is. He's a walking talking SAINT, and they've painted him out to be a monster. It's really nauseating when you think about it. What kind of people could be proud of doing that? :eusa_eh:

Good article. Bookmarked for my emails.. :thup:

They attempted to paint Bill Clinton as a racist.

It is the way his campaign operates. I am not surprised.

Not surprised. Just disgusted. :eusa_sick:
I mean, seriously... I've tried to do some good with my life. I give what little I have to all who ask, I'm generally quite kind to people in my daily life. Heck, I've taken somebody else's teenager to raise and treated him same as my own for two years, and to this day if he needs more help. But damn, this guy just puts us all to shame in terms of generosity, and not just with his money but with his time. What more could one expect? The more I learn about him, the more it pisses me off to see him treated this way.
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