Roger Stone: Why I will stick with Trump in 2024


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Does anyone really believe that anybody other than Donald Trump would take on those who profit mightily from our current open borders?

Does anyone really think anybody other than Donald Trump will expose and correct the epic corruption in our intelligence agencies and law enforcement bureaus, such as the CIA and FBI?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump is prepared to confront and penalize the Red Chinese for manipulating our currency, stealing our intellectual property, and flooding our country with deadly fentanyl?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will mount a national campaign for term limits for members of Congress?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump would impose a ban on former members of Congress, or the Executive Branch, from lobbying after leaving high government office?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will challenge the two-party duopoly that is literally trying to erase our heritage, cancel our Constitution, and destroy the very freedoms that guarantee the American way of life?

Does anyone really believe that anybody other than Donald Trump would take on those who profit mightily from our current open borders?

Does anyone really think anybody other than Donald Trump will expose and correct the epic corruption in our intelligence agencies and law enforcement bureaus, such as the CIA and FBI?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump is prepared to confront and penalize the Red Chinese for manipulating our currency, stealing our intellectual property, and flooding our country with deadly fentanyl?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will mount a national campaign for term limits for members of Congress?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump would impose a ban on former members of Congress, or the Executive Branch, from lobbying after leaving high government office?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will challenge the two-party duopoly that is literally trying to erase our heritage, cancel our Constitution, and destroy the very freedoms that guarantee the American way of life?

Wait until he finds out Trump was bigging up China, Trump loved illegal immigrants working for him on the cheap, Trump doesn't give a damn about any of these issues, he'll only present an image of doing so because he knows people will buy it.

In 4 years did he do anything that has had a lasting impact that was positive? No.
In 4 years did he do anything that has had a lasting impact that was positive? No.
Considering the fact that Biden's handlers immediately set about to dismantle everything Trump did, even if doing so would harm the country, AND considering the common sense comparison of that 3 years prior to the pandemic to the debacle of the Biden presidency, you folks will be hysterical if you can't find a way to keep him from running. Not bad for a guy who "had no lasting impact".

The truth is, none of these lame legal attacks can stop him from running and you folks don't have anyone in the wings who has any chance of defeating him unless the same kind of corrupt crap that happened in the battleground states in 2020 can be pulled off a second time.
Considering the fact that Biden's handlers immediately set about to dismantle everything Trump did, even if doing so would harm the country, AND considering the common sense comparison of that 3 years prior to the pandemic to the debacle of the Biden presidency, you folks will be hysterical if you can't find a way to keep him from running. Not bad for a guy who "had no lasting impact".

The truth is, none of these lame legal attacks can stop him from running and you folks don't have anyone in the wings who has any chance of defeating him unless the same kind of corrupt crap that happened in the battleground states in 2020 can be pulled off a second time.

Oh right, "not bad", but everything got dismantled.....

How about "No matter what Trump does, you'll cheer it on".

Here's the fun bit.

"Trump agrees to honour 'One China' policy despite threats"

"Trump on China’s Xi consolidating power: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day’"

"Trump China visit: US leader strikes warmer tone with Xi Jinping"

"Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'"
In Trump's first two years, he was all pro-China, because he saw the money signs. It took him two years to realize his supporters hate China, and then he changed his tune.

The next fun thing is that Biden has been consistent in his support for Taiwan and opposition to China. And yet, you hate Biden because.... and you love Trump because.... yet both of them were anti-China for two years, and one was pro-China for two years....
Well Trump can take on anything he wants as long as its not from the oval office. People do complain about Biden but he did beat trump in the last election. Its in the history books.
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Well Trump can take on anything he wants as long as its not from the oval office. People do complain about Biden but he did beat trump in the last election. Its in the history books.
Biden was supposed to fall at Trump's feet, but Biden cheated, so it was Trump who fell at Biden's feet

next time Trump will cheat better...and win
Does anyone really believe that anybody other than Donald Trump would take on those who profit mightily from our current open borders?

Does anyone really think anybody other than Donald Trump will expose and correct the epic corruption in our intelligence agencies and law enforcement bureaus, such as the CIA and FBI?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump is prepared to confront and penalize the Red Chinese for manipulating our currency, stealing our intellectual property, and flooding our country with deadly fentanyl?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will mount a national campaign for term limits for members of Congress?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump would impose a ban on former members of Congress, or the Executive Branch, from lobbying after leaving high government office?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will challenge the two-party duopoly that is literally trying to erase our heritage, cancel our Constitution, and destroy the very freedoms that guarantee the American way of life?

Lolol 😆 Trump steals intellectual property.
Biden was supposed to fall at Trump's feet, but Biden cheated, so it was Trump who fell at Biden's feet

next time Trump will cheat better...and win
So you think Trump will cheat better and thus win. Well if he uses his tax preparers as campaign managers then yeah, he may have a shot at winning or go down as a loser. Still first he has to win the republican nomination. I can't wait as it will be nasty.
So you think Trump will cheat better and thus win. Well if he uses his tax preparers as campaign managers then yeah, he may have a shot at winning or go down as a loser. Still first he has to win the republican nomination. I can't wait as it will be nasty.

Wait until he finds out Trump was bigging up China, Trump loved illegal immigrants working for him on the cheap, Trump doesn't give a damn about any of these issues, he'll only present an image of doing so because he knows people will buy it.

In 4 years did he do anything that has had a lasting impact that was positive? No.

As opposed to...?

I often refer back to 1989 as the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union dissolved. America was the sole super power in the world and could essentially expand influence at will. From that point on America became increasingly weaker.

33 Years of career politicians later and where is the U.S? What were "allies" doing during that time that encouraged Americas loss of power?

A real outsider is the best way to reverse course on so many self-destructive policies. Those profiting don't care about Americas future, they are selfish, naive and don't stand for much let alone America.
Oh right, "not bad", but everything got dismantled.....

How about "No matter what Trump does, you'll cheer it on".

Here's the fun bit.

"Trump agrees to honour 'One China' policy despite threats"

"Trump on China’s Xi consolidating power: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day’"

"Trump China visit: US leader strikes warmer tone with Xi Jinping"

"Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'"
In Trump's first two years, he was all pro-China, because he saw the money signs. It took him two years to realize his supporters hate China, and then he changed his tune.

The next fun thing is that Biden has been consistent in his support for Taiwan and opposition to China. And yet, you hate Biden because.... and you love Trump because.... yet both of them were anti-China for two years, and one was pro-China for two years....
Such a whiney nitpicker you are ... geeze.
The establishment robber barons from both parties are petrified that Trump will return and ruin their plans to keep robbing our government. Regardless of what you call them, these evil people who have coopted our government for their own enrichment, already control the media, the education system and a great amount the dirty political money. In the end, Trump is the only person with the smarts, energy and balls to fight these lowlifes. Trump, for the people.
Oh right, "not bad", but everything got dismantled.....

How about "No matter what Trump does, you'll cheer it on".

Here's the fun bit.

"Trump agrees to honour 'One China' policy despite threats"

"Trump on China’s Xi consolidating power: ‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day’"

"Trump China visit: US leader strikes warmer tone with Xi Jinping"

"Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'"
In Trump's first two years, he was all pro-China, because he saw the money signs. It took him two years to realize his supporters hate China, and then he changed his tune.

The next fun thing is that Biden has been consistent in his support for Taiwan and opposition to China. And yet, you hate Biden because.... and you love Trump because.... yet both of them were anti-China for two years, and one was pro-China for two years....

If you paid attention TRUMP spoke highly of how China's policy was good for China, he often praised democrats naming Pelosi as sticking together.
So while TRUMP said nice things in public his policy was imposing tariffs on China, or have you forgot about the hysteria from the left over the TRUMP tariffs were going to cause the price of Campbell's soup to be $15. Funny how the same economists have had little to say about the prices of everything skyrocketing under Biden.
Does anyone really believe that anybody other than Donald Trump would take on those who profit mightily from our current open borders?

Does anyone really think anybody other than Donald Trump will expose and correct the epic corruption in our intelligence agencies and law enforcement bureaus, such as the CIA and FBI?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump is prepared to confront and penalize the Red Chinese for manipulating our currency, stealing our intellectual property, and flooding our country with deadly fentanyl?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will mount a national campaign for term limits for members of Congress?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump would impose a ban on former members of Congress, or the Executive Branch, from lobbying after leaving high government office?

Does anyone think that anybody other than Donald Trump will challenge the two-party duopoly that is literally trying to erase our heritage, cancel our Constitution, and destroy the very freedoms that guarantee the American way of life?

Brown Shirts MAGA Red-Caps gonna Brown Shirt MAGA Red-Cap.

Especially after the failed Beer Hall Putsch Insurrection of January 6, 2021.

With any luck the Orange Comb-Over Benedict Arnold who summoned and incited and pointed the Band of Traitors towards the Capitol will be indicted.

Along with as many of his lieutenants and familiars and minions and useful idiots as can be found and proven to have played a part in Rump's Big Lie villainy.


Rump was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Agenda is mostly helpful and right for America but Rump is a budding Mussolini -like autocrat who is willing to set aside the Constitution at will.

That kind of scum is simply unfirt for high office in the United States and certainly not as the Chief Executive of our beloved and ancient Republic.

Dump your Orange Albatross while there is still time - otherwise you are going lose the White House, and he will drag House and Senate down with him.

You advance somebody like Ron DeSantis - capable of executing The Agenda without the drama-queen teenage angst and idiocy - and you might win.
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Well Trump can take on anything he wants as long as its not from the oval office. People do complain about Biden but he did beat trump in the last election. Its in the history books.
Cheating does produce desirable results.
Considering the fact that Biden's handlers immediately set about to dismantle everything Trump did, even if doing so would harm the country, AND considering the common sense comparison of that 3 years prior to the pandemic to the debacle of the Biden presidency, you folks will be hysterical if you can't find a way to keep him from running. Not bad for a guy who "had no lasting impact".

The truth is, none of these lame legal attacks can stop him from running and you folks don't have anyone in the wings who has any chance of defeating him unless the same kind of corrupt crap that happened in the battleground states in 2020 can be pulled off a second time.
By "corrupt crap" this sychophant means Black people voting overwhelmingly against Trump.

There was NO ELECTION FRAUD (cheating) in the 2020 election on a scale sufficient to overturn the outcome. Your Orange Comb-Over lost. Bigly.
The only significant cheating and fraud was done by Republicans.
It appears that Stone had meetings with Trump supporters (Proud boys and other participants) prior to the riot that has been exposed. It has also been reported that Stone wanted trump to issue a blanket pardon for any actions for himself and various others involved in the capital riots. Trump lawyers argued that he should not do this and in the end Trump did not issue the pardons prior to leaving office. That must have pissed off Stone who now seems to want to save himself buy turning on Trump.

Don't blame him because by being a foot soldier for Trump has cost him dearly. If he goes to jail again there is no pardon. So I hope he turns on Trump and implicates Trump.

The " E Tu Brute" movement that Trump is facing by the republicans who have had enough of Trump.

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