Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States is — about to end.

This is a grave abuse of clerkship.A Scotus law clerk
LEAKED a Febuary Draft Opinion from our Supreme
This has to be addressed Immediately.Find out who pulled
this stunt.The last bastion of Protection is guarding our
Supreme court.
OR ... will this Leaker be celebrated as a Honorable
If this passes muster ... The End of the SCOTUS is
Hey genius. Abortion will not be banned, just a matter for states, but left wing liars will act like its the end of the world.
And Conservative women will still get Abortions, all while applauding this decision.
You see, Conservatives are hypocrites.
Do as I say, NOT as I do........... Conservative Motto.
It defacto bans abortion for anyone who doesn't have the means to travel to a state where a woman's right to privacy will still be the law of the land. Get ready for more generational poverty Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina etc...

And women of means in red states will still have access to abortion services.
This is why they leaked:
"Justices can and sometimes do change their votes as draft opinions circulate and major decisions can be subject to multiple drafts and vote-trading…The court’s holding will not be final until it is published, likely in the next two months." (Politico)
— Andrew Kolvet (@AndrewKsay) May 3, 2022

It’s impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the Court, in terms of the destruction of trust among the Justices and staff. This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) May 3, 2022

“No draft decision in the modern history of the court has been disclosed publicly while a case was still pending. The unprecedented revelation is bound to intensify the debate over what was already the most controversial case on the docket this term.”
— Eamon Javers (@EamonJavers) May 3, 2022
So you think all women should think like you do. Typical Dem scum. You don’t have the support of HALF the women in the country with your up to the moment of birth abortion. Enjoy that Republican landslide in the midterms. And keep your idiocy in your own country.
Don't be too sure on that one, Ace.

But feel free to jizz all over yourself in anticipation until November rolls around.
For some unknown reason you think all women support killing babies. They don't , Dumbass.

For some unknown reason you think all women who favour choice would choose abortion. I chose to carry all of my pregnancies to term.

This isn't Constitutional, or even moral. This shows the Republicans complete lack of respect for the rights of women.
I am making no predictions. We will see polls in about a month, when the leaked information becomes common knowledge. We will know the results in November only.
Hopefully a bunch of leftists go on an abortion spree!
And Conservative women will still get Abortions, all while applauding this decision.
You see, Conservatives are hypocrites.
Do as I say, NOT as I do........... Conservative Motto.
Spot on.

And no one believes conservatives’ “states’ rights’/let the people decide” lie – overturning Roe is about compelling conformity, punishing dissent, and compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

If conservatives weren’t such hypocrites, if they were consistent with their “states’ rights” rhetoric, then they’d respect the will of the people in blue states concerning firearm regulatory measures.

Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States is — about to end.

A few things:

1) First time I ve ever seen something like this leaked.

2) This will lose votes for the GOP. It’s stupid.

3) Yankees suck

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