Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

These people loved Trump until he just confessed last month that he is in favor of killing babies as a matter of birth control.

Do you still love him or not.?

When will the first lemming stop at cliffs edge before going over it for a baby killer who is proud of it.
How is
" Correct Versus Incorrect "

* Political Dogma Conceived By Half Wits Versus Mathematical Doctrine *

Proclaiming " oh look , irrelevant blathering " as a preface for your own statements following should be acknowledged as a valid truth .

* Inalienable Rites Do Not Exist *

A subjective altruism is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , while nature has decreed that not every instance of introspection is required to exist in perpetuity throughout eternity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

* Hue Have Know Idea *

It would be wise to modify your diction to use the term " norm " , rather than the morose term of " right " , when referring to public policy in a collective state .
Who is "nature"?

Human rights exist as an agreement amongst humans that we are not slaves to "nature". Humanity recognizes that we have rights afforded to us from our creation based on nothing but our acknowledgement that we are special and that what makes us special is our desire to protect each other even at risk to our own lives and wellbeing.
Human rights are for all mankind X regardless of nationality, location, ability, dependence etc. As humans we recognize each life as something precious that we do not have a right to extinguish or inhibit or neglect based on whether or not we resent providing care. We are obligated to care for and protect dependents, it's the price of being human.
How nauseating that I had to teach an adult that. The children of decent humans learn it very young.
Abortion is now a states issue.

Why is a miscarriage and abortion within the first 20 weeks an issue for the public to be invading a woman’s privacy without due process in your opinion?

Every human female is born with between a million and two million eggs in her body. Do those eggs belong to you for some reason?

nf.23.10.13 #11,382
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It isn't Trump who has moved, it is the pro-life movement which has moved.
The fake-pro/life movement fraud against female individualism in America was started by a Catholic woman named Phyllis Schlafly who handed the religious right wing including James Dobson’s “focus on the white conservative Christian protestant family” 3/4 of the anti-abortion conservative movement to DJT When she endorses the mist un/family un/Christian con man for Republican nominee before Iowa and then she up and dies a month before DJT defeated Clinton the whore of Bsbylon to them.

Schlafly Vigano and Dobson would use this deplorable movement to force full term gestation on all women and destroy liberal democracy if it does not conform to Catholic Doctrine that requires its believers to accept that the sanctity of life begins at conception. (See dvng.22.07.19 #3,636)

The Saving Baby Fetus Cult Movement was promised power to their pitifully victimized white Christian members in Iowa in 2015. See nf.22.11.29 #5,943 Fuentes

Fuentes, who founded the America First Political Action Committee and the”groyper army,” a radical fringe group, made the comments on his website’s livestream on Friday, according to Right Wing Watch. He added “we need a government of Christians” and “Jewish people can be here, but they can’t make our laws.”​
And this pblshd moralxtianorder.21.12.01 para000

1976 The Hyde amendment, a temporary budget rider that barred Medicaid from paying for abortions, passed in the House of Representatives with a large majority. It was encouraged by Catholic bishops, and, unlike in today’s polarized environment, votes were not split strictly along party lines. More than 100 Democrats supported the measure, and 32 Republicans opposed it.

At the time, some representatives argued the Hyde amendment unfairly discriminated against poor people. The law, still in place, has made it far more difficult for low-income people to obtain abortions, often forcing them to pay hundreds of dollars for the procedure. Three-quarters of people who seek abortions in the US are low-income. The policy disproportionately affects people of color.
A âfundamentalâ right: a timeline of US abortion rights since Roe v Wade

1976: This period would represent a turning point in Republican politics. Republican political activists such as Phyllis Schlafly worked to bring together evangelicals and conservative Catholics by uniting them in concern about women’s changing place in society and how they would exercise new rights, such as abortion. Until then, legal abortion had been supported by many Republicans.

“Schlafly and her supporters argue that 1960s liberalism celebrates the individual and promotes the rights of the individual at the expense of the family and at the expense of a kind of moral order,” the Harvard historian Jill Lepore told On the Media.
A âfundamentalâ right: a timeline of US abortion rights since Roe v Wade
pblshd moralxtianorder.21.12.01 para000

“Abortion becomes a linchpin” for this argument, she added.

The same year, the IRS revoked the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University, a Christian college that defiantly refused to admit Black students on “religious liberty” grounds.

The Dartmouth University religious history professor Randall Balmer argued this was an important moment in activating white evangelical protestant voters, or the “moral majority”, who would join many Catholic voters in being receptive to anti-abortion political messaging.

Evangelical opposition to abortion “was a kind of historical accident”, said Balmer, who details this history in his recent book Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right. “It allowed them to deflect attention away from the real narrative and to advocate on behalf of the fetus.”


Phyllis Schlafly adresses her supporters at a rally for and against the Equal Rights Amendment. Photograph: AP


A pro-choice rally in the 1980s. Photograph: Mariette Pathy Allen/Getty Images

While delivering his 2019 State of the Union speech, Trump called for a culture that "cherishes innocent life."
“And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God," he continued.

nf.23.10.13 #11,383

why the the leftist leaders fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.

Leftists refuse to take responsibility

mildly retarded Trumper

nvstrv.22.05.17 #33 to mshmnt.22.05.17 #1 “Leftists refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They want to be able to have unprotected sex at will, and if the result is a child they want to be able to have it ripped to pieces so they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions.”

Why do you say “leftists” when the highest supreme leader of a leaders of the religiously fanatical rightwing Republican Party has told you he is for legal abortions as contraception from six weeks through as many weeks as it takes to please the leftists. There is no line of separation between right and left according to DJT killing babies as a means of contraception.

Why don’t you condemn Trump for being Biden on reproductive rights?

nf.23.10.13 #11,385
" Myopia Of Egocentric Hubris Imbued With Rage "

* Indifference To Event Outcomes Within Nature*

How is
Who is "nature"?
Human rights exist as an agreement amongst humans that we are not slaves to "nature". Humanity recognizes that we have rights afforded to us from our creation based on nothing but our acknowledgement that we are special and that what makes us special is our desire to protect each other even at risk to our own lives and wellbeing.
Human rights are for all mankind X regardless of nationality, location, ability, dependence etc. As humans we recognize each life as something precious that we do not have a right to extinguish or inhibit or neglect based on whether or not we resent providing care. We are obligated to care for and protect dependents, it's the price of being human.
The term " nature " was used in reference to the nature of nature , by empirical evidence from the natural world , and no matter to which level of bloviate one pretends to attain , from pretentious allusions to inalienable wrights , by conjecture for some sort of intrinsic qualities within the hue mammon ape , the carnality evident by its canines assures its implicit lack of empathy and veracity on some level .

The term positivism is derived from Latin ponere, positum, meaning "to put". "Positive law" is that which is man-made, i.e., defined formally.[2]
Historically, legal positivism is in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

Natural law[1] (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on a close observation of human nature, and based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independently of positive law (the express enacted laws of a state or society).[2] According to the theory of law called jusnaturalism, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by "God, nature, or reason."[3] Natural law theory can also refer to "theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality."[4]

Perspectivism (German: Perspektivismus; also called perspectivalism) is the epistemological principle that perception of and knowledge of something are always bound to the interpretive perspectives of those observing it. While perspectivism does not regard all perspectives and interpretations as being of equal truth or value, it holds that no one has access to an absolute view of the world cut off from perspective.[1] I

Normative ethics is the study of ethical behaviour and is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates questions regarding how one ought to act, in a moral sense.

* Clueless About Reality That Suffering Requires Sentience *
How nauseating that I had to teach an adult that. The children of decent humans learn it very young.
You sound like a little girl crying about losing a baby doll , as if it had feelings , rather than it simply being your imagination about it .

So think about how much you would endear a morbidly deformed baby doll for your collection ; do you have one and do you demand that others keep theirs ?
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rtrdgysgt.23.10.13 #167

it is everyone's business
rtrdgysgt.23.10.13 #167 “it is everyone's business when life is ended for no good reason.”

Half of every conceived new life dies from natural abortion known as a miscarriage within the first twenty weeks of conception. So the reasonable question is applied to that unique timeframe regarding the right of a woman to have privacy to choose what happens in her body and her life in pursuit of liberty and happiness as a law abiding citizen of the world.

Can you answer this question that ding will not answer?

WHAT is the harm to your freedom, life and property when a woman terminates her own pregnancy in the first twenty weeks?

This was asked:

nf.22.12.09 #6,252 “are you ding involved or harmed in any way with every woman in America who terminates a pregnancy within 18 weeks of conception? If yes,

How does the fact you spent 30 minutes rounding up all those posts by me change the fact abortion is killing a baby.
Because it is not a fact that abortion kills anything remotely resembling a baby and being in favor of reproductive freedom does not mean I would ever ask my female partner to abort an accidental fetus we created.

Since the right wing messiah is pro-choice as it turns out - I was hoping you’d give up the Christo-fascist propaganda that being pro-choice make one an accessory to killing babies.

But you would have to be rational and reasonable right leaning human being but I see you are incapable of going there.

Why is a miscarriage and abortion within the first 20 weeks an issue for the public to be invading a woman’s privacy without due process in your opinion?

Every human female is born with between a million and two million eggs in her body. Do those eggs belong to you for some reason?

nf.23.10.13 #11,382
A miscarriage isn't.
" Myopia Of Egocentric Hubris Imbued With Rage "

* Indifference To Event Outcomes Within Nature*

The term " nature " was used in reference to the nature of nature , by empirical evidence from the natural world , and no matter to which level of bloviate one pretends to attain , from pretentious allusions to inalienable wrights , by conjecture for some sort of intrinsic qualities within the hue mammon ape , the carnality evident by its canines assures its implicit lack of empathy and veracity on some level .

The term positivism is derived from Latin ponere, positum, meaning "to put". "Positive law" is that which is man-made, i.e., defined formally.[2]
Historically, legal positivism is in opposition to natural law's theories of jurisprudence, with particular disagreement surrounding the natural lawyer's claim that there is a necessary connection between law and morality.

Natural law[1] (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a system of law based on a close observation of human nature, and based on values intrinsic to human nature that can be deduced and applied independently of positive law (the express enacted laws of a state or society).[2] According to the theory of law called jusnaturalism, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by "God, nature, or reason."[3] Natural law theory can also refer to "theories of ethics, theories of politics, theories of civil law, and theories of religious morality."[4]

Perspectivism (German: Perspektivismus; also called perspectivalism) is the epistemological principle that perception of and knowledge of something are always bound to the interpretive perspectives of those observing it. While perspectivism does not regard all perspectives and interpretations as being of equal truth or value, it holds that no one has access to an absolute view of the world cut off from perspective.[1] I

Normative ethics is the study of ethical behaviour and is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates questions regarding how one ought to act, in a moral sense.

* Clueless About Reality That Suffering Requires Sentience *

You sound like a little girl crying about losing a baby doll , as if it had feelings , rather than it simply being your imagination about it .

So think about how much you would endear a morbidly deformed baby doll for your collection ; do you have one and do you demand that others keep theirs ?
You do like to blather. No amount of blathering makes you even remotely decent.
There is no right to butcher dependent humans. You are a typical negative eugenics freak. You think you are intellectual, but you aren't. You're just gross.
Because it is not a fact that abortion kills anything remotely resembling a baby and being in favor of reproductive freedom does not mean I would ever ask my female partner to abort an accidental fetus we created.

Since the right wing messiah is pro-choice as it turns out - I was hoping you’d give up the Christo-fascist propaganda that being pro-choice make one an accessory to killing babies.

But you would have to be rational and reasonable right leaning human being but I see you are incapable of going there.
You think our physical appearance determines our humanity, and that it's OK to kill dependent humans if you have an aversion to their appearance?
Of course you do. That's because you obviously are a mentally ill ghoul.
Because it is not a fact that abortion kills anything remotely resembling a baby and being in favor of reproductive freedom does not mean I would ever ask my female partner to abort an accidental fetus we created.

Since the right wing messiah is pro-choice as it turns out - I was hoping you’d give up the Christo-fascist propaganda that being pro-choice make one an accessory to killing babies.

But you would have to be rational and reasonable right leaning human being but I see you are incapable of going there.
LOL what a retard claiming a fetus is not a baby. What is it then retard? Does a human fetus ever develop into something other than a human baby?
I see you cant defend your claim.
My defense has been it is only the woman who gets to refer to a fetus in her womb as a baby. You don’t get to force her to calm it that because it’s none of your fucking business.

A fetus is a fetus and that is the scientific biological medical term for waft it is.

Up to 20 weeks every single conceived, unique new human being with its own DNA has a 50-50 probability of ending up in a shit treatment plant or in a landfill or in some hillbilly Christians backyard amongst the rusted out pick up trucks burned up in a fire pit.

For the first 20 weeks I see absolutely no reason to refer to a brainless, but potential human being with its own brain as a baby.

My four month old baby granddaughter was for the first 20 weeks of her new life was brainless fetus. I take care of her five days a week when her parents are working. She has a brain and consciousness and recognizes my face and responds to it with the greatest smile I have ever received. And she loves it when I sing. “summertime” to her. Her favorite lullaby.

What my daughter decided to do with her own life during those first 20 weeks is none of my fucking business. Most certainly it is none of your ducking business. That is for sure.

I do not ever see her aborting a fetus - it was surprising but the motherhood hormones swallowed her brain and more so with the dad.

Specifically, knowing that you are a Trump lover, and he says those first 20 weeks are basically nobody’s business it is confounding why you think it is.

Must be something to do with being a Deplorable. Hillary was right.
They pretend that if if isn't a baby as they define "baby" then it isn't human, either.
I’m telling you right now every conceived new life from the moment of fertilization is a human being with a fifty fifty shot of ever developing its own brain.

I don’t refer to that as a baby until it has developed its own brain

You can put an end to your lie about what I think right now if you have an honest bone left in your body.
I’m telling you right now every conceived new life from the moment of fertilization is a human being with a fifty fifty shot of ever developing its own brain.

I don’t refer to that as a baby until it has developed its own brain

You can put an end to your lie about what I think right now if you have an honest bone left in your body.
Sure.. you're OK with accidentally killing normal kids if you can eradicate all the ones that might not thrive. Got it. You are a negative eugenics devotee.
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" More On Ignore Ram Us Grants Itself Absolution For Dictating Ewe Due Knot Foreboding For Others "

* Rites Rituals Writs Wrought *

A miscarriage isn't.
A female is able to become pregnant again in 30 days , thus elective abortion does not count as a ritual that would deprive a female for a chance at an after life in the lives to come .

* Principles Maintained Requires Dissent Descent *
You do like to blather. No amount of blathering makes you even remotely decent.
#AbortionChoiceRepublicans understand that #dobbs decision by #scouts is #sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and that #dobbs is supported by traitors to principles of us republic !

* Wear Have Hew Bin Technical Differences *
There is no right to butcher dependent humans.
That statement is absolutely factual as the application of the term " right " within the sentence does not exist .

* Determine Quality Or Opportunity For Life Of Other Individuals Within Principles Of Individualism *
You are a typical negative eugenics freak. You think you are intellectual, but you aren't. You're just gross.
Which intrinsic nature of hue mammon are you dictating is to correlated with which perspective about the morbid ? pity ? revulsion ? deference ? avoidance ?

An empirical observation of a nature in nature is that the grotesque is integrated within it , and the abortion anti-choice trope wishes to ignore " with cause " abortion and dispatch its considerations out of hand , while deferring to populous majority as do democrats .

A republican in us republic follows a motto for a credo of e pluribus unum which expects independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

A democrat in us republic , which is not following a credo of e pluribus unum , seeks populism as democracy through tyranny of individualism by authoritarianism from the collective majority .
" More On Ignore Ram Us Grants Itself Absolution For Dictating Ewe Due Knot Foreboding For Others "

* Rites Rituals Writs Wrought *

A female is able to become pregnant again in 30 days , thus elective abortion does not count as a ritual that would deprive a female for a chance at an after life in the lives to come .

* Principles Maintained Requires Dissent Descent *

#AbortionChoiceRepublicans understand that #dobbs decision by #scouts is #sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and that #dobbs is supported by traitors to principles of us republic !

* Wear Have Hew Bin Technical Differences *

That statement is absolutely factual as the application of the term " right " within the sentence does not exist .

* Determine Quality Or Opportunity For Life Of Other Individuals Within Principles Of Individualism *

Which intrinsic nature of hue mammon are you dictating is to correlated with which perspective about the morbid ? pity ? revulsion ? deference ? avoidance ?

An empirical observation of a nature in nature is that the grotesque is integrated within it , and the abortion anti-choice trope wishes to ignore " with cause " abortion and dispatch its considerations out of hand , while deferring to populous majority as do democrats .

A republican in us republic follows a motto for a credo of e pluribus unum which expects independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

A democrat in us republic , which is not following a credo of e pluribus unum , seeks populism as democracy through tyranny of individualism by authoritarianism from the collective majority .
All neg eugenics minions are slavering, drooling, hand rubbing cretins. Caricatures of creepy evil.
" Sophisticated Physical State Constraints For Survival Of Introspection "

* Subjective Altruism About Misses Selectively Seasoned Pickles *

Sure.. you're OK with accidentally killing normal kids if you can eradicate all the ones that might not thrive. Got it. You are a negative eugenics devotee.
An individual deciding best for themselves how to disposition developmental anomalies is overtly distinct from a situation where a marauding entity dictates eugenics to others as for how to disposition developmental anomalies , either before or after live birth has occurred .


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