Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Jan6 rioters was 2000 of 25.000 in DC that day. The ratio of rioters to peaceful protesters is based on that. MAGA who did not riot are “peaceful protesters” and MAGA should not be labeled as an anarchists and thugs by a US President. - DO YOU AGREE?

On September 8, Trump suggested that BLM activists are "anarchists, not protesters" and referred to them as "thugs" via Twitter. On June 30, Trump called a BLM street painting on New York City's Fifth Avenue a "symbol of hate."
Your response has nothing to do with Biden being a racist and I am not going to read through these types a post again. If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand, I dislike talking about racists as well.



What if 50 million Americans like Saint lennypartiv who voted for Trump to win a second term to the presidency, but welches on our 240 years of the American experiment in self rule when Trump lost and his challenges fizzled out. Our Democratic institutions, are worthless and no longer viable because Trump did not win.

Do you see no potential harm to our democracy if the party of saints continues with anti-American pressure that state government officials should not certify elections when the Saintly Biblical white Christian Party’s President and VP candidate does not win?

nf.23.08.13 #10,920
Again, I have answered this question of yours earlier in this thread, why do you insist on playing games? I already told you what the greatest threat to democracy is.
I have answered this question of yours earlier in this thread,
I never asked this question until this morning:

Do you see no potential harm to our democracy if the party of saints continues with anti-American pressure that state government officials should not certify elections when the Saintly Biblical white Christian Party’s President and VP candidate does not win?
nf.23.08.13 #10,920

What if Pence, Republicans in Congress and the USSC all decided that Trump gets a second term after January 6th, fraudulent electors and all, just before the inauguration date and Trump is inaugurated.

Would that be ok with you?

nf.23.09.13 #10,923
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I never asked this question until this morning:

Do you see no potential harm to our democracy if the party of saints continues with anti-American pressure that state government officials should not certify elections when the Saintly Biblical white Christian Party’s President and VP candidate does not win?
nf.23.08.13 #10,920

What if Pence, Republicans in Congress and the USSC all decided that Trump gets a second term after January 6th, fraudulent electors and all, just before the inauguration date and Trump is inaugurated.

Would that be ok with you?

nf.23.09.13 #10,923
You asked it a couple days ago, again, the answer is no.

Pence had no authority to give Trump a second term, so you are already being silly. Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election and even if they did, they have no authority to do so. We have this thing called the Constitution, either you believe in it's power or you don't. I do.

All your snarky BS makes you look stupid and uneducated.
What if Pence, Republicans in Congress and the USSC all decided that Trump gets a second term after January 6th, fraudulent electors and all, just before the inauguration date and Trump is inaugurated. •••• Would that be ok with you?


Pence had no authority to give Trump a second term, so you are already being silly. Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election and even if they did, they have no authority to do so.

I learn more about you from your non-answers than the answers you have given.

It is a “what if” question because the fifty million MAGA saint-patriots took America’s democratic institutions to the brink of authoritarianism and was possibly only stopped because Mike Pence refused to participate in the fraudulent, unconstitutional attempt to keep Trump for a second term.

The question in post #10,923 see above was made in full knowledge of the fact that Pence had no constitutional right to declare himself and Trump the winners based on the fake electors scheme.

But when you say “Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election” you are absolutely not correct.

Had Pence complied with the plan to throw the election into chaos and create the situation where the House chamber votes to decide the election according to the Eastman Plan; the Republican Party could have actually voted Trump the winner. This is what Trump trued to make happen.

“So Pence says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected there as well.”​
My main point to you is that Trump
tried by fraudulent means to launch an unconstitutional rejection of his loss after the people and the courts had spoken.

Yet fifty million MAGA Saint-patriots are running around screaming deep state DOJ witch-hunt and Democratic presidential election interference for 2024 because we have a laws that Trump may have violated and he and his cult need to learn no man is above the law include the man they regard as the only one who can make America like it was in the fifties.

nf.23.09.13 #10,925
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We have this thing called the Constitution, either you believe in it's power or you don't.
Yes, it’s very important that the President of United States believes in it and protects it and does not try to subvert it to stay in power.
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Jan6 rioters was 2000 of 25.000 in DC that day. The ratio of rioters to peaceful protesters is based on that. MAGA who did not riot are “peaceful protesters” and MAGA should not be labeled as an anarchists and thugs by a US President. - DO YOU AGREE?

On September 8, Trump suggested that BLM activists are "anarchists, not protesters" and referred to them as "thugs" via Twitter. On June 30, Trump called a BLM street painting on New York City's Fifth Avenue a "symbol of hate."
Stop cutting up my post in order to try and work some sort of nefarious narratives or trying to create some kind of insinuating bull shite from the cut up out of context words you've chosen to do this with...... And I noticed that you were working them in an attempt to make everything about race. Keep your bull shite up, and I'll report you for a review of what you are doing here.


I learn more about you from your non-answers than the answers you have given.

It is a “what if” question because the fifty million MAGA saint-patriots took America’s democratic institutions to the brink of authoritarianism and was possibly only stopped because Mike Pence refused to participate in the fraudulent, unconstitutional attempt to keep Trump for a second term.

The question in post #10,923 see above was made in full knowledge of the fact that Pence had no constitutional right to declare himself and Trump the winners based on the fake electors scheme.

But when you say “Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election” you are absolutely not correct.

Had Pence complied with the plan to throw the election into chaos and create the situation where the House chamber votes to decide the election according to the Eastman Plan; the Republican Party could have actually voted Trump the winner. This is what Trump trued to make happen.

“So Pence says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected there as well.”​
My main point to you is that Trump
tried by fraudulent means to launch an unconstitutional rejection of his loss after the people and the courts had spoken.

Yet fifty million MAGA Saint-patriots are running around screaming deep state DOJ witch-hunt and Democratic presidential election interference for 2024 because we have a laws that Trump may have violated and he and his cult need to learn no man is above the law include the man they regard as the only one who can make America like it was in the fifties.

nf.23.09.13 #10,925
Well Pence is going to have to turncoat completely on Trump in a court of law before we know exactly what might have taken place between the two. Other than that it's all political theater.
You asked it a couple days ago, again, the answer is no.

Pence had no authority to give Trump a second term, so you are already being silly. Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election and even if they did, they have no authority to do so. We have this thing called the Constitution, either you believe in it's power or you don't. I do.

All your snarky BS makes you look stupid and uneducated.
It just shows how petrified of Trump him and his co-horts truly are. It's simply amazing that Trump ran this country as well as he did, especially while under constant attacks by the left who tried a coup that has been on going since his inauguration, and yet these people hate him so damned much - WHY ?

WTH did Trump do to these people, and better yet who in the hell are these people ???? Can anyone identify exactly who these characters are, and specifically state why they hate Donald Trump so much, and then prove that they are right for hating him ???? Thanks
Pence had — at most — only a kind of hypothetical authority to reject the certification proceedings in the Senate. And it is fair to assume that he didn’t really have even that much authority.

I maintain that he did what he believed was his sworn official duty. And I happen to agree with his belief.

I’m not what you’d call an enthusiastic supporter of our former Vice President on his candidacy to get the GOP nomination.

But if he were somehow to get the nod, he wouldn’t make me hold back any vomiting on casting my Election Day vote for him over any Dumbocrap opponent.
Pence had — at most — only a kind of hypothetical authority to reject the certification proceedings in the Senate. And it is fair to assume that he didn’t really have even that much authority.

I maintain that he did what he believed was his sworn official duty. And I happen to agree with his belief.

I’m not what you’d call an enthusiastic supporter of our former Vice President on his candidacy to get the GOP nomination.

But if he were somehow to get the nod, he wouldn’t make me hold back any vomiting on casting my Election Day vote for him over any Dumbocrap opponent.
In these extraordinary circumstances that had never been experienced before, it was time for scholars to be brought in to interpret for everyone the exact allowances and duties of the government in such a situation, but because everything was rushed through in a suspect way (without a complete review in order to solve the case for we the people), I'd say we the people got royally screwed. If Pence felt he was right then that's on him, and if Trump thought he was right, then that's on him, but it's important for the people to get to the truth before we lose this Republic forever.


I learn more about you from your non-answers than the answers you have given.

It is a “what if” question because the fifty million MAGA saint-patriots took America’s democratic institutions to the brink of authoritarianism and was possibly only stopped because Mike Pence refused to participate in the fraudulent, unconstitutional attempt to keep Trump for a second term.

The question in post #10,923 see above was made in full knowledge of the fact that Pence had no constitutional right to declare himself and Trump the winners based on the fake electors scheme.

But when you say “Republicans didn't have the vote to overturn an election” you are absolutely not correct.

Had Pence complied with the plan to throw the election into chaos and create the situation where the House chamber votes to decide the election according to the Eastman Plan; the Republican Party could have actually voted Trump the winner. This is what Trump trued to make happen.

“So Pence says, fine. Pursuant to the 12th Amendment, no candidate has achieved the necessary majority. That sends the matter to the House, where the “the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote . . . .” Republicans currently control 26 of the state delegations, the bare majority needed to win that vote. President Trump is re-elected there as well.”​
My main point to you is that Trump
tried by fraudulent means to launch an unconstitutional rejection of his loss after the people and the courts had spoken.

Yet fifty million MAGA Saint-patriots are running around screaming deep state DOJ witch-hunt and Democratic presidential election interference for 2024 because we have a laws that Trump may have violated and he and his cult need to learn no man is above the law include the man they regard as the only one who can make America like it was in the fifties.

nf.23.09.13 #10,925
I said all along prosecute him and if he is convicted he does time. The fact is we survived a civil war and Trump, no matter how you dream it, Trump was not close to being President, keep dreaming.
Yes, it’s very important that the President of United States believes in it and protects it and does not try to subvert it to stay in power.
That is what I have been saying but you seem to think I am wrong, not sure why but I was never worried, I am sorry you have no confidence in it.
I said all along prosecute him and if he is convicted he does time. The fact is we survived a civil war and Trump, no matter how you dream it, Trump was not close to being President, keep dreaming.
Trump was a good President, just as good if not better in many ways than those who came before him. Why ? Because he meant what he said, and got what he said he would do for the American's that voted him in done, and it was all in spite of .... You nor anyone else can say any different unless you start lying on the man. What's it going to be ? Truth or lies ?
if Trump thought he was right, then that's on him,​
Trump pressured Pence to do this:

1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session (or Senate Pro Tempore Grassley, if Pence recuses himself), begins to open and count the ballots, starting with Alabama (without conceding that the procedure, specified by the Electoral Count Act, of going through the States alphabetically is required).​

2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act.
The criminal act by Trump, not Pence, was in creating that which is referred to as the “multiple slates of electors“ in the above excerpt from the John Eastman memo on how Trump could pull a “win” out of his ass on Jan6 from the loss of the 2020 election.

The plan was to have “Trump” certified electors from Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Nevada to be presented to Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 which meant there would be two slates of electors; one for Trump, one for Biden from each of those states.

The purpose of having two slates of electors presented to Mike Pence was so he could say that those states would not be counted on this day.

Then Mike Pence was expected to say Trump/Pence won the 2020 election.

Trump’s criminal exposure is in the Eastman memo in the second sentence bolded above:

This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act

The word “break” is actually Trump’s constitutional attorney, telling him that this plan “breaks the law” .

Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 told Trump in the days before that he would not break the law when he said he would not violate the oath he took to protect and defend the constitution of United States.

Pence had — at most — only a kind of hypothetical authority to reject the certification proceedings in the Senate.

Pence had zero authority to not count certified electors from Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Nevada on Jan6 and declare Trump and himself the winners of the 2020 ekection.

To do so Pence would’ve been engaged in the conspiracy to commit the fraud that President Trump, and his attorneys and co-conspirators in those seven states engaged in. The objective of the fraud was of course blurted out to the entire world on Jan6.

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05​
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” “””​
Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] •>•• looked at Mike Pence, ••>•• Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-EASTMAN
nf.23.09.13 #10,935
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Trump pressured Pence to do this:

1. VP Pence, presiding over the joint session (or Senate Pro Tempore Grassley, if Pence recuses himself), begins to open and count the ballots, starting with Alabama (without conceding that the procedure, specified by the Electoral Count Act, of going through the States alphabetically is required).​

2. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act.
The criminal act by Trump, not Pence, was in creating that which is referred to as the “multiple slates of electors“ in the above excerpt from the John Eastman memo on how Trump could pull a “win” out of his ass on Jan6 from the loss of the 2020 election.

The plan was to have Pence The plan was to have “Trump” certified electors from Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Nevada to be presented to Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 which meant there would be two flights of electors one for Trump one for Biden from each of those states.

The purpose of having two slates of electors presented to Mike Pence with so he could say that those states would not be counted on this day.

Then Mike Pence was expected to say Trump/Pence won the 2020 election.

Trumps criminal exposure is in the Eastman memo in the second sentence bolded above

This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act

The word “break” is actually trumps constitutional attorney, telling him that this plan “breaks the law” .

Vice President Mike Pence on January 6 told Trump in the days before that he would not break the law when he said he would not violate the OC took to protect and defend the constitution of United States.


Pence had zero authority to not count certified electors from Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and Nevada on Jan6 and declare Trump and himself the winners of the 2020 ekection.

To do so Pence would’ve been engaged in the conspiracy to commit the fraud that President Trump, and his attorneys and co-conspirators in those seven states engaged in. The objective of the fraud was of course blurted out to the entire world on Jan6.

“”” Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied. 21JAN06-DJTincite-05​
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” “””​

nf.23.09.13 #10,935
Run your mouth till the cows come home if you want too, but untill it's all settled in a courtroom for all to see (if it even goes that far), you ain't doing nothing but wasting your time and ours.
untill it's all settled in a courtroom
But Saint Beagle you do not want it settled in a Courtroom because what I presented are the facts that will be presented in a courtroom and you cannot refute a singje fact I presented in post #10,935

So I’m not wasting my time at all. My facts will be in the court proceedings that will convict Trump.

He said if Pence does the right thing Trump wins But he wins by fraud. Fraud is a crime.
But Saint Beagle you do not want it settled in a Courtroom because what I presented are the facts that will be presented in a courtroom and you cannot refute a singje fact I presented in post #10,935

So I’m not wasting my time at all. My facts will be in the court proceedings that will convict Trump.

He said if Pence does the right thing Trump wins But he wins by fraud. Fraud is a crime.
Like I said, bring on the trial. It's way past over due, because you leftist need to be shut down in your rhetoric, and the truth prevail. If Trump made mistakes because of his battle with the evil left, otherwise trying to fight fire with fire, then we'll lay that upon the weight scale, but one thing is for sure, and that is that the left have been revealed in all of this, and the deprogramming of the left will soon begin. Either way you all lose.

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