Roe overturned

I know a lot of people who had their marriages arranged. They love their husbands and wives as much as you and I do. They have a far less rate of divorce than Americans. We're really not very good at selecting spouses as a nation - even though I'm coming up on 50 years of marriage myself.

I hit 30 next year, but yeah freedom can be messy and lead to things like higher divorce rate. Seems a better alternative though.

Anyway, I don't support polygamy. I don't advocate for it and would never write my state representative asking them to vote for it or against it.

Yet it is every bit as "historical" as what you say should define marriage. That is a tad inconsistent on your part.
What a lot of nonsense. Most women that have an abortion were using contraceptives in month they got pregnant. . They either forgot it, were not using it correctly, or it simply failed which does happen with all contraception.

Anyone that believes this women use abortion as method of contraception doesn't understand how difficult is terminate a pregnancy's.

For years the Christian conservatives have created the big lie about abortion. It goes something like this. Most women that get abortions are whores and other degenerates, who frequent abortion mills, mostly blacks and Hispanics who have never seen the inside of church.

However the facts area bit a different. 62% are religiously affiliated. Most women that get abortion are White, typically in their twenties. About half have never had an abortion. Most work in low income jobs. The average age in 22 although about 12% are teenagers and 4% are minors. The largest prover of abortion in the country is Planned Parenthood. 75% of their client come to them they believe they are pregnant, only 3% get abortions.
Don’t believe me, look up Guttmacher stats…THEY say the vast majority of abortions preformed are for other than health of the child or mother, or of rape or incest.
God bless Donald Trump? It's because of Trump, this is true. However, God does not approve of abortion on demand to cover up immoral decisions by men and women.
Did he reveal this to you over the phone or was in an email?
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Yet state and local govs are way more corrupt than the feds. Well, provided a Republican isn't president, at least. Your way creates more corruption.

What creates the most corruption, of course, is the ability to buy politicians with campaign contributions.

Democrats want to stop that. Republicans fight to preserve their right to buy politicians. Democrats are anti-corruption, you're pro-corruption.
It is easier to fight corruption locally. Not to mention run his ass out of town
You know, out here in the REAL WORLD, NOBODY has talked about this decision. I haven't heard ANYONE talking about this. It's not going to be a major voting issue. High gas prices, food shortages and home heating costs will be some of the voting issues.
Yep you are right, of course I don't live in a majority run blue state that pump's these empty vessels heads full of bull crap on a daily basis, so all I can say is that nope I haven't heard anyone talking about this stuff, and especially no one advocating for abortion in my community. No protest, riot's or any such non-sense.

What's really funny, but worrisome all at the same time is how we somehow (not me), put these Looney left wing politician's who don't know chit from chinola in power..??.. LOL.

These are the folk's that the most powerful nation in the world has been taken over by.

Unfreaken believable..

Hitler couldn't do it, Stalin couldn't do it, Japan couldn't do it, China wouldn't mess with us, Korea couldn't do it, the confederacy was stopped, Vietnam was where it all began to break down.

Now we've reached possibly one of the most weakest points in our history, and we have the embicile's in charge to prove it. How the hell this happened is simply amazing. I've been busy working all my life, so it slipped right by me, but "mine eyes have seen the truth now, and the coming of the Lord, his truth is marching onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, glory glory hallelujah, glory glory hallelujah, glory glory halleluuuuuujah, his truth is marching onnnnn........
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It’s NOT a baby yet

Only has the POTENTIAL to become one
Ok - unborn baby then... How is it moral to kill an unborn baby at the convenience of a mother that decided late in the pregnancy that maybe she no longer likes her boyfriend, so she's going to take it out on her unborn baby just to show him ??? Maybe another mother decided and said to herself "wait I'm not done screwing around yet", so she hurries down to get rid of her unborn baby before it pops out and ruin's her lust and needs in life or ahhhhhhh heck this could go on all night. I'm done.
Don’t believe me, look up Guttmacher stats…THEY say the vast majority of abortions preformed are for other than health of the child or mother, or of rape or incest.
Of course. I never claimed otherwise. And if you look at those stats you'll see that most women said that they were using a contractive in the month they got pregnant. They forgot to use the pill, ran out, weren't using a diaphragm properly, husband force sex on her when she was not protected, or the contraception failed which is certainly possible.

Being force by the government to bring an unwanted child into the world because you made mistake with the contraceptive is far worst than the abortion. The pain of being an unwanted child, the effects it has on the family, and society is much worst because the affects continue long after the child is an adult. One of the biggest problems we have is unwanted children and that problem is going to become a lot worse.
Ok - unborn baby then... How is it moral to kill an unborn baby at the convenience of a mother that decided late in the pregnancy that maybe she no longer likes her boyfriend, so she's going to take it out on her unborn baby just to show him ??? Maybe another mother decided and said to herself "wait I'm not done screwing around yet", so she hurries down to get rid of her unborn baby before it pops out and ruin's her lust and needs in life or ahhhhhhh heck this could go on all night. I'm done.
An abortion is not a convivence. It is at best uncomfortable and at worst very painful. However, for most women the pain of killing their unborn child haunts them for years. And although they agree to the abortion, the repercussion from husband or parent for not having the abortion is more than they can face. If you talk to anyone who has worked in an abortion clinic and I have, they will tell you abortions are a lot of things but certainly not a convivence.
I would expect it would be. The court has turned the abortion battle into a war between states, cities, and neighbors. Notice that they released the Roe decision, closed up, and got out of town. They probably had their plane tickets and passports in their brief cases.

The Federal government has made shipments of abortion pills permanently legal in the US mail which opens the door for business in the US and abroad to sell the abortion pills through the mail.

Governors in blue states have said they will not cooperate with any investigation, apprehension of any women being charged with violating abortion laws.

Planned Parenthood who have raised nearly 300 million dollars will be paying transportation, and logging for those seeing out of state abortions.

A Cobalt Fund has opened in Colorado to help out of state women seeking an abortion. Similar funds have been started in almost all states that support a women's right to an abortion.

From laws shielding abortion providers from extradition, arrest and malpractice suits to increased funding and security for clinics, Albany and City Hall made it clear that New York will remain a safe haven for women seeking an abortion.

An Alabama preacher is urging his flock to boycott any stores that offer to help women seeking an abortion.

Several Texas legislature suggested that we need more stringent laws to stop women from getting abortions in other states.

The growing list of names of the biggest corporation that will provide assistance to their employees and families in seeking an abortion includes:







Dick's Sporting Goods​



Comcast-NBC Universal​

Warner Bros​

JPMorgan Chase​



Alaska Airlines

Goldman Sachs



Levi Strauss​

Lyft & Uber​

Match Group​




I would expect it would be. The court has turned the abortion battle into a war between states, cities, and neighbors. Notice that they released the Roe decision, closed up, and got out of town. They probably had their plane tickets and passports in their brief cases.

The Federal government has made shipments of abortion pills permanently legal in the US mail which opens the door for business in the US and abroad to sell the abortion pills through the mail.

Governors in blue states have said they will not cooperate with any investigation, apprehension of any women being charged with violating abortion laws.

Planned Parenthood who have raised nearly 300 million dollars will be paying transportation, and logging for those seeing out of state abortions.

A Cobalt Fund has opened in Colorado to help out of state women seeking an abortion. Similar funds have been started in almost all states that support a women's right to an abortion.

From laws shielding abortion providers from extradition, arrest and malpractice suits to increased funding and security for clinics, Albany and City Hall made it clear that New York will remain a safe haven for women seeking an abortion.

An Alabama preacher is urging his flock to boycott any stores that offer to help women seeking an abortion.

Several Texas legislature suggested that we need more stringent laws to stop women from getting abortions in other states.

The growing list of names of the biggest corporation that will provide assistance to their employees and families in seeking an abortion includes:







Dick's Sporting Goods​



Comcast-NBC Universal​

Warner Bros​

JPMorgan Chase​



Alaska Airlines

Goldman Sachs



Levi Strauss​

Lyft & Uber​

Match Group​




All the more reason to get the case for personhood before the SCOTUS.

Thread 'Rachel Maddow Predicts 'Fetal Personhood' SCOTUS Case Will End Abortion Nationwide.' Rachel Maddow Predicts 'Fetal Personhood' SCOTUS Case Will End Abortion Nationwide.
No, I'm saying that's not happening, and you're just lying. Because yes, that is the case.

Someone here is definitely obsessed with children's sexuality. It's all you seem to talk about.

From your defense of it, I can only surmise that you are a queer or transvestite and, therefore, you want this happening to children.
I have the right to keep and bear arms. If I can't afford one, is it the obligation of the government to buy me one?

Your right to life argument is absurd.
NO! Hopefully that ``right" is abolished.

All Humans need food, shelter, and medical care in order to live.
Of course. I never claimed otherwise. And if you look at those stats you'll see that most women said that they were using a contractive in the month they got pregnant. They forgot to use the pill, ran out, weren't using a diaphragm properly, husband force sex on her when she was not protected, or the contraception failed which is certainly possible.

Being force by the government to bring an unwanted child into the world because you made mistake with the contraceptive is far worst than the abortion. The pain of being an unwanted child, the effects it has on the family, and society is much worst because the affects continue long after the child is an adult. One of the biggest problems we have is unwanted children and that problem is going to become a lot worse.
Not a family man eh flop ? You can attempt to justify something till pig's fly, but it's still just a pig wollowing in the mud.
I hit 30 next year, but yeah freedom can be messy and lead to things like higher divorce rate. Seems a better alternative though.

Yet it is every bit as "historical" as what you say should define marriage. That is a tad inconsistent on your part.
It's not at all inconsistent. There's no requirement that government must do what was done in common law or what was done historically, it simply means that they can do those things.

This doesn't mean, though, that they needn't recognize and protect the rights assumed from common law. That's the other side of the coin.

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