RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

No court even looked at election fraud.

The reason for that was, all those boisterous crap that was being spewed outside the court all disappeared once the gavel fell. The facts remain that they were all lies and would have gotten every one of the lawyers disbarred and probably jailed as well. You can't look at something that doesn't exist.

And remember this, it cost Foxnews a few billion to learn that lesson.
The reason for that was, all those boisterous crap that was being spewed outside the court all disappeared once the gavel fell. The facts remain that they were all lies and would have gotten every one of the lawyers disbarred and probably jailed as well. You can't look at something that doesn't exist.

And remember this, it cost Foxnews a few billion to learn that lesson.
Wrong. The courts dismissed cases based on precedent, or because there was no legal way to challenge a rigged election. They did not look at evidence at all.
Wrong. The courts dismissed cases based on precedent, or because there was no legal way to challenge a rigged election. They did not look at evidence at all.
OR MOST IMPORTANTLY -- because they didn't want to see Lefty (and his useful idiots) go on a rampage when the election was invalidated.
Go back to old fashioned hand counts (AND VOTER ID), NO MAIL IN VOTES EXCEPT ABSAENTEE BALLOTS IF REQUESTED...and verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.

Problem solved. You do these things, and Trump loses - I'll say the election was fair and square and we move on.
Except your side doesn't want that. Gee... I wonder why.

WE start slapping the Voter Fraud people over and over until they smarten up. By smarten up, it could be one of two ways. They actually move from being stupid to being ignorant and learn that they have been stupid OR they learn that the slapping stops when they stop saying stupid things even if they believe them. Either way works.
Wrong. The courts dismissed cases based on precedent, or because there was no legal way to challenge a rigged election. They did not look at evidence at all.

Funny how we find voter fraud around here. We compare the authorized voters to the actual recorded voters. And low and behold, in the 2020 and 2022 election, they found a few GOP members to have cheated. Funny how we can have mailin votes and actually know when you turn in more than one. One GOP idjit turned in his ExWifes ballot only to find out that Colorado compares with other states. She voted in another state as herself. Yes, folks, we have a voter fraud problem here but it's from the Republican side. But it's not enough to sway the election one way or another. Yes, stupid people do try to cheat and they go to prison and lose their right to vote and own firearms for the rest of their lives.

Corrupt ballots in = bad initial count = bad recount.

Fraud..... FOOL

Go back to old fashioned hand counts (AND VOTER ID), NO MAIL IN VOTES EXCEPT ABSAENTEE BALLOTS IF REQUESTED...and verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.

If there was a Garbage in then that was how I voted. No one forced me to vote one way or another. It could be that what you are calling "Garbage in" is just me disagreeing with you when I vote. Hey, I can live with that.
OR MOST IMPORTANTLY -- because they didn't want to see Lefty (and his useful idiots) go on a rampage when the election was invalidated.

Wow, that's one mighty big tin foiled hat you have there. You may wish to adjust it a bit.
we are in agreement on the 2 party system that deprives most of us of a real choice, but you are very wrong about the 2020 results. senile joe could not raise a crowd of more than 20 people while Trump routinely had over 50 thousand at his rallys. Biden did not get over 70 million votes, the 2020 election was the start of the end of the USA.
The myth is that we do have a "two party system." It's been a ONE PARTY system since Reagan and that has been all but proven.
I agree that we need balance. We also need compromise. Reagan and O'Neill, Clinton and Newt worked together and got things done for all of us. Will we ever see that again? probably not.

Newt didn't "work with" Clinton. He set up the Starr Investigation, investigated everything that Republicans could make up, and then impeached the guy over a lie about a blow job. All because Clinton was more popular than Reagan! And revenge for Nixon.
The myth is that we do have a "two party system." It's been a ONE PARTY system since Reagan and that has been all but proven.

No you don't, and no it has not. These are the lies right wingers tell themselves so they can justify their illegal activies. Everybody is the same. Democrats mostly eliminate the criminals before they get to the White House, or senior positions within the party. Republicans are the real criminals.

See arrests and convictions since Nixon.
No you don't, and no it has not. These are the lies right wingers tell themselves so they can justify their illegal activies. Everybody is the same. Democrats mostly eliminate the criminals before they get to the White House, or senior positions within the party. Republicans are the real criminals.

See arrests and convictions since Nixon.
Wake up and smell the coffee. It absolutely is a Uniparty system with very few exceptions (Rand Paul being one). The Uniparty gets the population screaming about whatever (abortion), etc while they rob everyone blind and the federal government gets ever more powerful.
Was Dragonlady watching the TV news on the night of the election? Trump was winning when we went to bed, votes for Biden appeared out of nowhere after midnight.
Why do you even bother claiming that there is no evidence, White? There is a mountain of it and I think you know it. You're stuck with Biden because the senile old bastard refuses to step aside so you have to put lipstick on a VERY ugly pig and pretend it's a beauty queen! You spoke earlier about voting for the person who would create less damage to the country? With all due respect...I don't know if the US can take another four years of Joe Biden in the Oval Office. He's awful with the economy. His border policies are going to destroy the country. He's never been right on a foreign policy issue. He never takes responsibility for his mistakes. Worst of all he has a knack for surrounding himself with people who are even more incompetent than he is. It's a recipe for a real disaster.
Quit lying. There is not evidence sufficient for the committee to make a recommendation to the full House, nor has there been evidence sufficient to recommend charges to the Department of Justice. All hearing before that committee present evidence, but sometime, simply not anything that would link the President, so Johnson will not bring it to the floor to be embarrass by the losing vote. Try to get a grip. These people are in no position to risk backlash in an election year of Republican seeking another term or trying to gain seats as new Representatives, or negatively affect the 2024 Presidential election without enough evidence to do more than look like ineffective partisan hacks, who cannot govern, not even able to govern their own party. Wake the fuck up. You will simply have to bash Biden on partisan basis on the internet, without the House vote, you favor.
Quit lying. There is not evidence sufficient for the committee to make a recommendation to the full House, nor has there been evidence sufficient to recommend charges to the Department of Justice. All hearing before that committee present evidence, but sometime, simply not anything that would link the President, so Johnson will not bring it to the floor to be embarrass by the losing vote. Try to get a grip. These people are in no position to risk backlash in an election year of Republican seeking another term or trying to gain seats as new Representatives, or negatively affect the 2024 Presidential election without enough evidence to do more than look like ineffective partisan hacks, who cannot govern, not even able to govern their own party. Wake the fuck up. You will simply have to bash Biden on partisan basis on the internet, without the House vote, you favor.
Wow...are you always this clueless? You REALLY don't think there is evidence of the Biden family conducting influence peddling on a grand scale? Would you care to take a crack at explaining what goods or services the Biden's provided for that twenty million plus dollars that they collected from China, Russia and Ukraine? Would you like to explain what those dozen shell companies were formed for OTHER than money laundering? The old saying of "Just follow the money!" has never been more applicable than it is in this scandal, White! Those bank records reveal EXACTLY what the Biden's were doing and who they were doing it with!
Wow...are you always this clueless? You REALLY don't think there is evidence of the Biden family conducting influence peddling on a grand scale? Would you care to take a crack at explaining what goods or services the Biden's provided for that twenty million plus dollars that they collected from China, Russia and Ukraine? Would you like to explain what those dozen shell companies were formed for OTHER than money laundering? The old saying of "Just follow the money!" has never been more applicable than it is in this scandal, White! Those bank records reveal EXACTLY what the Biden's were doing and who they were doing it with!
Learn to read, Jackoff. You are lying again, maybe a congenital liar.
I never said that. Here is what I said, you lying sack of shit.
"Quit lying. There is not evidence sufficient for the committee to make a recommendation to the full House, nor has there been evidence sufficient to recommend charges to the Department of Justice."

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