Donald Trump’s overt racism has increased a problem the Republican Party has sought to disguise since Barack Obama was first elected in 2008, the obvious racism of the GOP.
Republican leaders want African-Americans to vote for their candidates, but their candidates’ loyalty and service is promised exclusively to further enrich the fat cats so as to secure the contributions necessary to run GOP political campaigns. This is one of the many reasons Republican politicians ignore or completely deny the existence of issues specifically impacting African-Americans and other minorities.
So, what can the GOP do to create poor and middle income, uneducated, black right-wingers eager to vote against their own best economic interests? First, they must determine why the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers consistently vote against their own best economic interests. Why, indeed?
Well, the Republicans constantly remind the poor and middle income, uneducated (and some educated) white right-wingers of Reagan’s wisdom concerning those Americans living in poverty. Conservatives regularly cite what the believe to be Reagan’s “wisdom”, that the poor are lazy and stupid, have too many children (usually out of wedlock), and cheat the poor, uneducated white right-wingers out of their hard earned money so as “welfare queens” they can live in luxury.
Of course, it is generally understood by the poor, uneducated, white right-wingers that all of these “welfare queens” are African-Americans. Even though many of the poor, uneducated white right-wingers also depend on social programs, they hate the lazy blacks and vote GOP because it’s well known that Republicans candidates will purge these “lazy blacks” from the welfare rolls and make them go to work.
However, since the majority of Reagan’s “welfare queens” are poor, uneducated white right-wingers, the “lazy black welfare queen” scam won’t work to woo African-American voters to the GOP. This is particularly true in states with Republican legislatures and governors that have passed legislation disguised as laws to prevent “voter fraud”, but are actually designed to make it difficult to impossible for poor blacks to vote.
With the many other actions by the GOP that expose their open contempt for all poor people (remember Romney’s 47% remark), how can the RNC convince poor blacks to become as eager as poor whites to vote Republican. Obviously justifying the right wing racism cultivated by the GOP for decades won’t work on blacks. So, what to do, what to do?
Promise to create jobs? That always fools the poor, uneducated white right-wingers. But the past four decades prove Republican policies and tax cuts have provided billions of dollars to pay corporations to move factories and jobs OUT of the United States. No, only the poor, and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers keep falling for that “job creation” scam.
Wait, promise the poor, uneducated blacks better schools. That will make them like and vote for Republican candidates. No, that won’t work. Education is the first place Republicans cut funding to provide tax cuts for the very rich.
It seems courting the African-American vote is going to require, no, demand a tremendous change in the Republican Party. What to do, what to do?
If the needed changes to court the minority vote are accomplished by Republican leaders, the poor and middle income, uneducated white right wing voters will abandon the GOP in droves. Again, what to do, what to do? With Trump’s success as a racist we know the Republican Party has the majority of the the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wing vote sewn up. Can’t rock that boat.
Can’t do anything to risk pi**ing off the super-rich political contributors either.
It’s quite apparent the Republican Party leaders know their party must change to appeal to the minority voters, including African-Americans. It’s also quite apparent they’ve known this since 2008 (probably long before).
But to remain the Grand Old Party, they must remain true to their traditional agenda, and we know what those results will be. More wealth for the one percent, more wage stagnation for working people, more tax cut for the super-rich, more poverty, more income inequality, more needless wars, and MORE death and debt. Most of all we will hear more of the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers blaming minorities (especially African-Americans), liberals, the Democrats, Obama, Clinton(s), Carter, FDR, and others for the mess that’s been created by the GOP and their welfare for the fat cats.
In addition to their usual conservative nonsense, fairy tales, and denial, the right-wingers’ responses to this OP will prove the last sentence of the above paragraph true beyond a doubt. Watch and see.
Republican leaders want African-Americans to vote for their candidates, but their candidates’ loyalty and service is promised exclusively to further enrich the fat cats so as to secure the contributions necessary to run GOP political campaigns. This is one of the many reasons Republican politicians ignore or completely deny the existence of issues specifically impacting African-Americans and other minorities.
So, what can the GOP do to create poor and middle income, uneducated, black right-wingers eager to vote against their own best economic interests? First, they must determine why the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers consistently vote against their own best economic interests. Why, indeed?
Well, the Republicans constantly remind the poor and middle income, uneducated (and some educated) white right-wingers of Reagan’s wisdom concerning those Americans living in poverty. Conservatives regularly cite what the believe to be Reagan’s “wisdom”, that the poor are lazy and stupid, have too many children (usually out of wedlock), and cheat the poor, uneducated white right-wingers out of their hard earned money so as “welfare queens” they can live in luxury.
Of course, it is generally understood by the poor, uneducated, white right-wingers that all of these “welfare queens” are African-Americans. Even though many of the poor, uneducated white right-wingers also depend on social programs, they hate the lazy blacks and vote GOP because it’s well known that Republicans candidates will purge these “lazy blacks” from the welfare rolls and make them go to work.
However, since the majority of Reagan’s “welfare queens” are poor, uneducated white right-wingers, the “lazy black welfare queen” scam won’t work to woo African-American voters to the GOP. This is particularly true in states with Republican legislatures and governors that have passed legislation disguised as laws to prevent “voter fraud”, but are actually designed to make it difficult to impossible for poor blacks to vote.
With the many other actions by the GOP that expose their open contempt for all poor people (remember Romney’s 47% remark), how can the RNC convince poor blacks to become as eager as poor whites to vote Republican. Obviously justifying the right wing racism cultivated by the GOP for decades won’t work on blacks. So, what to do, what to do?
Promise to create jobs? That always fools the poor, uneducated white right-wingers. But the past four decades prove Republican policies and tax cuts have provided billions of dollars to pay corporations to move factories and jobs OUT of the United States. No, only the poor, and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers keep falling for that “job creation” scam.
Wait, promise the poor, uneducated blacks better schools. That will make them like and vote for Republican candidates. No, that won’t work. Education is the first place Republicans cut funding to provide tax cuts for the very rich.
It seems courting the African-American vote is going to require, no, demand a tremendous change in the Republican Party. What to do, what to do?
If the needed changes to court the minority vote are accomplished by Republican leaders, the poor and middle income, uneducated white right wing voters will abandon the GOP in droves. Again, what to do, what to do? With Trump’s success as a racist we know the Republican Party has the majority of the the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wing vote sewn up. Can’t rock that boat.
Can’t do anything to risk pi**ing off the super-rich political contributors either.
It’s quite apparent the Republican Party leaders know their party must change to appeal to the minority voters, including African-Americans. It’s also quite apparent they’ve known this since 2008 (probably long before).
But to remain the Grand Old Party, they must remain true to their traditional agenda, and we know what those results will be. More wealth for the one percent, more wage stagnation for working people, more tax cut for the super-rich, more poverty, more income inequality, more needless wars, and MORE death and debt. Most of all we will hear more of the poor and middle income, uneducated white right-wingers blaming minorities (especially African-Americans), liberals, the Democrats, Obama, Clinton(s), Carter, FDR, and others for the mess that’s been created by the GOP and their welfare for the fat cats.
In addition to their usual conservative nonsense, fairy tales, and denial, the right-wingers’ responses to this OP will prove the last sentence of the above paragraph true beyond a doubt. Watch and see.