For Those So Confident If AHillarry Victory...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillry from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?
Put the bottle down. It's time to pass out, asshole.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillry from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

As long as their hit men keep killing long as their "computer wizards" keep rigging the elections....

Hey! why Demrats wont be confident!~
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillry from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

As long as their hit men keep killing long as their "computer wizards" keep rigging the elections....

Hey! why Demrats wont be confident!~

... as long as Dems keep making cemeteries all over the country vote Democrat...
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillry from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

As long as their hit men keep killing long as their "computer wizards" keep rigging the elections....

Hey! why Demrats wont be confident!~

... as long as Dems keep making cemeteries all over the country vote Democrat...

You got it !!!!!!:2up:
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

Unless you guys can spawn more bitter uneducated white christian mooks , you lose! not enough of those alone to elect anyone
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

I believe it is those like you that are desperate at this point. You know deep down Donald John Trump has no chance of winning the Electoral College, so you will point to polls that you find that are slanted to fit your view while telling those voting for Clinton they are worried about Trump.

Your boy Trump can't talk about his hands and the size of his penis and can not call Hillary Clinton " Canadian Anchor Baby " or insult Clinton looks because unlike the GOP primaries the national stage will not put up with the childish nonsense from the unhinged retard.

Now you will educate me on how Trump is the next Ronald Reagan and after November you will decry that Trump was cheated and in 2020 you will deny you ever voted for Trump while nominating Jerry Springer to run against Hillary Clinton...
College educated whites are offended by the ridiculous suggestions from the Trump campaign about any number of things. Obama "founding" ISIS is nonsense. Trump's financial plans are total garbage. Going back into the Middle East for the 3rd time in 25 years is particularly stupid. Suggesting that "2nd Amendment People" do something about Hillary appointing judges wasn't a gaffe; it was a dogwhistle to his people. And now the latest that women should quit their job if harassed at work is just about the most ridiculous thing ever.
Hillary bitch is sick with power....a wanna be President ...a piece of scum.

If ....and I mean IF.....she goes and sit on the same desk his husband had sexual relations with "that woman"


in that case ...I have no more respect for USA

Fuck them.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

I believe it is those like you that are desperate at this point. You know deep down Donald John Trump has no chance of winning the Electoral College, so you will point to polls that you find that are slanted to fit your view while telling those voting for Clinton they are worried about Trump.

Your boy Trump can't talk about his hands and the size of his penis and can not call Hillary Clinton " Canadian Anchor Baby " or insult Clinton looks because unlike the GOP primaries the national stage will not put up with the childish nonsense from the unhinged retard.

Now you will educate me on how Trump is the next Ronald Reagan and after November you will decry that Trump was cheated and in 2020 you will deny you ever voted for Trump while nominating Jerry Springer to run against Hillary Clinton...

ON the other hand, Trump can point out that Hillary is a liar, a crook and the most corrupt politician ever to run for President. He can also point out that she attacked the victims of Slick Willies various sexual assaults and rapes. She sold her office for personal gain, and she was the most incompetent SOS we've ever had.
College educated whites are offended by the ridiculous suggestions from the Trump campaign about any number of things. Obama "founding" ISIS is nonsense. Trump's financial plans are total garbage. Going back into the Middle East for the 3rd time in 25 years is particularly stupid. Suggesting that "2nd Amendment People" do something about Hillary appointing judges wasn't a gaffe; it was a dogwhistle to his people. And now the latest that women should quit their job if harassed at work is just about the most ridiculous thing ever.
Of course, you're an imbecile spouting pure pablum.
Notice how none of the lib scum have offered any relevant input to the OP? That's because they are terrified that thier party masters may not successfully rig this. That is thier fear. For all thier tough talk; thier greatest fantasy is that Trump doesnt make it to the debates, or the polls for that matter. Hence the "see! He just disqualified himself"! Threads we see daily.
You'd have to be college educated to understand it.

The last week has basically signaled Trump's candidacy is on life support. The accusations are now so outrageous that even his enablers are cringing at having to come up with ways to support this small fraction of a man.

His suggesting that if he doesn't win PA, Hillary cheated is particularly thick. The GOP hasn't taken the state since 1988--28 years ago.

In 2012, Romney desered a better party.
In 2016, the Party deserves a better candidate.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?
People not showing up to vote. We are confident but people have to actually go out and vote. In Michigan republicans are trying to do away with straight ticket voting. What are they afraid of? Why they trying to make long lines even longer?

We need to keep reminding women about the Republicans war on women. Don't believe it? Go to work for fox news .

Trumps a gaffe machine. The damage is done
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

I believe it is those like you that are desperate at this point. You know deep down Donald John Trump has no chance of winning the Electoral College, so you will point to polls that you find that are slanted to fit your view while telling those voting for Clinton they are worried about Trump.

Your boy Trump can't talk about his hands and the size of his penis and can not call Hillary Clinton " Canadian Anchor Baby " or insult Clinton looks because unlike the GOP primaries the national stage will not put up with the childish nonsense from the unhinged retard.

Now you will educate me on how Trump is the next Ronald Reagan and after November you will decry that Trump was cheated and in 2020 you will deny you ever voted for Trump while nominating Jerry Springer to run against Hillary Clinton...

ON the other hand, Trump can point out that Hillary is a liar, a crook and the most corrupt politician ever to run for President. He can also point out that she attacked the victims of Slick Willies various sexual assaults and rapes. She sold her office for personal gain, and she was the most incompetent SOS we've ever had.
We know your talking points. No ones buying it
You'd have to be college educated to understand it.

The last week has basically signaled Trump's candidacy is on life support. The accusations are now so outrageous that even his enablers are cringing at having to come up with ways to support this small fraction of a man.

His suggesting that if he doesn't win PA, Hillary cheated is particularly thick. The GOP hasn't taken the state since 1988--28 years ago.

In 2012, Romney desered a better party.
In 2016, the Party deserves a better candidate.

Hillary is crushing Trump in the polls seems to be the Hillary talking point for the week, and like a dutiful obedient drone you repeated wit perfectly. Following orders is the only substitute for thinking among Hillary supporters, apparently.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

I believe it is those like you that are desperate at this point. You know deep down Donald John Trump has no chance of winning the Electoral College, so you will point to polls that you find that are slanted to fit your view while telling those voting for Clinton they are worried about Trump.

Your boy Trump can't talk about his hands and the size of his penis and can not call Hillary Clinton " Canadian Anchor Baby " or insult Clinton looks because unlike the GOP primaries the national stage will not put up with the childish nonsense from the unhinged retard.

Now you will educate me on how Trump is the next Ronald Reagan and after November you will decry that Trump was cheated and in 2020 you will deny you ever voted for Trump while nominating Jerry Springer to run against Hillary Clinton...

ON the other hand, Trump can point out that Hillary is a liar, a crook and the most corrupt politician ever to run for President. He can also point out that she attacked the victims of Slick Willies various sexual assaults and rapes. She sold her office for personal gain, and she was the most incompetent SOS we've ever had.
We know your talking points. No ones buying it

Listen to the drone who regurgitates Hillary talking points like clockwork.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

You had better hope that Donald Trump refuses to debate Hillary Clinton, she's going to run him through a paper shredder. He's not going to have 16 other candidates that he can insult to divert attention. There will be no yelling and screaming Trump supporters. The moderators are going to have 1-1/2 hours with him to ask questions, and if he goes into his typical (platitude speak, mouth moving, words coming out, but never really saying anything) they'll be right back on him to insure he answers the question, and when he does Hillary Clinton will have a 1-1/2 minutes to show how incompetent and unqualified he really is.

As far as the polling data--you don't need to pay any attention to that. The Clinton campaign has already pulled adds in several battleground (swing states) because they're internal polling data is showing double digit leads in all those states, so they are moving this money into RED states that are in play, like Utah, Nevada, Arizona. Already Trump is losing states that Mitt Romney won.
Polls: Clinton Pulling Ahead in Battleground States
Clinton campaign pulls ads from Colorado
Confident Clinton Pulling Ads, as the Trump Train Goes Off the Rails | RedState
Trump is losing all 10 of the states with the closest results in 2012

The writing is already on the wall, Hillary Clinton is going to win in an historic landslide election. At this rate, she may be the 1st
ever to win all 50 states.


Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
You wanted Trump, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And this is why all your Reich wing talk show hosts are in full trottle melt down right now.
You hacks sure don't act like it. It seems like everyday now you keep fantasizing about some gaff that could disqualify Trump and save Hillary from having to face him in the debates, and the polls. So what are you so afraid of?

I believe it is those like you that are desperate at this point. You know deep down Donald John Trump has no chance of winning the Electoral College, so you will point to polls that you find that are slanted to fit your view while telling those voting for Clinton they are worried about Trump.

Your boy Trump can't talk about his hands and the size of his penis and can not call Hillary Clinton " Canadian Anchor Baby " or insult Clinton looks because unlike the GOP primaries the national stage will not put up with the childish nonsense from the unhinged retard.

Now you will educate me on how Trump is the next Ronald Reagan and after November you will decry that Trump was cheated and in 2020 you will deny you ever voted for Trump while nominating Jerry Springer to run against Hillary Clinton...

ON the other hand, Trump can point out that Hillary is a liar, a crook and the most corrupt politician ever to run for President. He can also point out that she attacked the victims of Slick Willies various sexual assaults and rapes. She sold her office for personal gain, and she was the most incompetent SOS we've ever had.

And I suppose those 3500 class action law suits (due to be in court soon) over Trump University will NEVER come up during the debates, or Hillary will just forget to mention it.--LOL
Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam


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