riots in Minneapolis prove social distancing is nothing but a political hammer used by the left !

They are rioting because they are angry and stealing makes them feel better. The fire department showed up then left. The police are gone. The mob is in the vacant police building tearing it apart.

This is the way to end a lockdown!!
There is a mob of idiots that are not protesting but are now rioting and endangering many. An important aside, since we are living in crazy times, where is all the worries and danger I've heard from MSM about being out in large groups and the threat of the Wuhan Virus?

I'm not making light of the rioting, I am pointing out a vital question. Why suddenly after 24/7 screaming that we are all going to die if we don't stay away from one another, is there not any similar dire fears, at least some comments about the risk of this virus when so many are out together?

Has anyone heard media even talk about this regarding this mob (on top of the obvious shock factor of the fires and rioting)?

Its probably attributable to risk recognition. Worrying about a virus is great but what is probably greater is worrying about a violent thug who is "protesting" by being violent. The looters across the nation are not demonstrating; they are stealing. I hope they catch everyone of them and enhance the charges for maximum punishment.

I understand your point, I don't understand their 180. We have shut down the world for this great fear, we've learned much more now, they've attacked all groups. I want to hear consitency.

I've watched CBC in particular for months talk about how we all have to basically stay away from even family members and loved ones dying, many haven't had proper funerals or been able to say their goodbyes, they freaked out when a bunch of young people hit the beach. There are hundreds out in Minnesota right now, strangers, yelling and spreading fluids in the air, so I want to hear the danger again.

Now, if the threat is SO justifying of shutting down the world for two years, I want to hear the outrage about the irresponsible protesters also, they sure attack those who want to go to church or protest being locked down. Let's at least hear some acknowledgement that either, yes, they are putting themselves in grave danger, or, "ok, we admit it, we've been messing with you all well beyond the true danger".

You want the news reporters to focus on why the guy with the Molotov Cocktail is not wearing an N95 mask...not that he has a bomb in his hand?


No I don't. You seem to be missing my point.

I've been following the media closely, listening to the dire warnings. The message was repeated constantly, loud and clear "you CANNOT go to a church because you risk the lives of so many. You can't hang out, stores can't be open (unless you're a big box donor), you MUST stay home, because all of our live are at stake. Idiot protesters who want to save their businesses or to be free, are a vile threat to all of our health. THAT is how serious this is."

Look around you, half the world if shut down, people have lost love ones, yes, many who couldn't say goodbye or have a proper funeral. We have businesses closed forever, most of us are forced to live by strict rules, or even a total shut down. In short, this is the most serious closing of the West in history. During the London Bombings there were probably more people outside.

Now, however, regardless of the situation or the cause, they've said nothing for two days. THOUSANDS of people out in tight groups, much yelling and spreading of germs. It wasn't like this most of the day, nor yesterday, so nobody had a molotov cocktail in their hands, yet, nobody even suggested, "hey man, remember all those warnings about not hanging out in groups? It's still on, you're all risking the lives of all of us!".

I am also going to add, I bet you would have seen a fraction of this carnage if we hadn't gone through this virus and the extreme shutdown.

UPDATE: For the first time, as I wrote this Don Lemon raised it. "Keep in mind, as all these peopel are out there, we are in the middle of a pandemic!".

Hey, kudos to him for trying to say something, until the swearing protester ruined the situation and he had to stop his thought.
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They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
You are a disgusting moron.
Businesses and people with nothing to do with it are losing everything.
Do everyone a favor and fuck off with that bullshit.

The message is lost in the looters flames.
There is a mob of idiots that are not protesting but are now rioting and endangering many. An important aside, since we are living in crazy times, where is all the worries and danger I've heard from MSM about being out in large groups and the threat of the Wuhan Virus?

I'm not making light of the rioting, I am pointing out a vital question. Why suddenly after 24/7 screaming that we are all going to die if we don't stay away from one another, is there not any similar dire fears, at least some comments about the risk of this virus when so many are out together?

Has anyone heard media even talk about this regarding this mob (on top of the obvious shock factor of the fires and rioting)?

Its probably attributable to risk recognition. Worrying about a virus is great but what is probably greater is worrying about a violent thug who is "protesting" by being violent. The looters across the nation are not demonstrating; they are stealing. I hope they catch everyone of them and enhance the charges for maximum punishment.

I understand your point, I don't understand their 180. We have shut down the world for this great fear, we've learned much more now, they've attacked all groups. I want to hear consitency.

I've watched CBC in particular for months talk about how we all have to basically stay away from even family members and loved ones dying, many haven't had proper funerals or been able to say their goodbyes, they freaked out when a bunch of young people hit the beach. There are hundreds out in Minnesota right now, strangers, yelling and spreading fluids in the air, so I want to hear the danger again.

Now, if the threat is SO justifying of shutting down the world for two years, I want to hear the outrage about the irresponsible protesters also, they sure attack those who want to go to church or protest being locked down. Let's at least hear some acknowledgement that either, yes, they are putting themselves in grave danger, or, "ok, we admit it, we've been messing with you all well beyond the true danger".

You want the news reporters to focus on why the guy with the Molotov Cocktail is not wearing an N95 mask...not that he has a bomb in his hand?


No I don't. You seem to be missing my point.

I've been following the media closely, listening to the dire warnings. The message was repeated constantly, loud and clear "you CANNOT go to a church because you risk the lives of so many. You can't hang out, stores can't be open (unless you're a big box donor), you MUST stay home, because all of our live are at stake. Idiot protesters who want to save their businesses or to be free, are a vile threat to all of our health. THAT is how serious this is."

Look around you, half the world if shut down, people have lost love ones, yes, many who couldn't say goodbye or have a proper funeral. We have businesses closed forever, most of us are forced to live by strict rules, or even a total shut down. In short, this is the most serious closing of the West in history. During the London Bombings there were probably more people outside.

Now, however, regardless of the situation or the cause, they've said nothing for two days. THOUSANDS of people out in tight groups, much yelling and spreading of germs. It wasn't like this most of the day, nor yesterday, so nobody had a molotov cocktail in their hands, yet, nobody even suggested, "hey man, remember all those warnings about not hanging out in groups? It's still on, you're all risking the lives of all of us!".

I am also going to add, I bet you would have seen a fraction of this carnage if we hadn't gone through this virus and the extreme shutdown.
We've gone over the first part....If you're wanting them to talk about social distancing measures during these riots...I think you're being a bit naive.

As for the add...

We had riots in MMAs before the virus and shutdown. We've had riots after a sports team lost. Hell...we had riots after a sports team won.
Injustice at the hands of those charged to "protect and serve" as is the cause in this case causes a certain element to loot. We also have a certain element of opportunist who just will take advantage of a situation.
There is a mob of idiots that are not protesting but are now rioting and endangering many. An important aside, since we are living in crazy times, where is all the worries and danger I've heard from MSM about being out in large groups and the threat of the Wuhan Virus?

I'm not making light of the rioting, I am pointing out a vital question. Why suddenly after 24/7 screaming that we are all going to die if we don't stay away from one another, is there not any similar dire fears, at least some comments about the risk of this virus when so many are out together?

Has anyone heard media even talk about this regarding this mob (on top of the obvious shock factor of the fires and rioting)?

Its probably attributable to risk recognition. Worrying about a virus is great but what is probably greater is worrying about a violent thug who is "protesting" by being violent. The looters across the nation are not demonstrating; they are stealing. I hope they catch everyone of them and enhance the charges for maximum punishment.
I hope they all get sniffles and a bad cough.
There is a mob of idiots that are not protesting but are now rioting and endangering many. An important aside, since we are living in crazy times, where is all the worries and danger I've heard from MSM about being out in large groups and the threat of the Wuhan Virus?

I'm not making light of the rioting, I am pointing out a vital question. Why suddenly after 24/7 screaming that we are all going to die if we don't stay away from one another, is there not any similar dire fears, at least some comments about the risk of this virus when so many are out together?

Has anyone heard media even talk about this regarding this mob (on top of the obvious shock factor of the fires and rioting)?

Its probably attributable to risk recognition. Worrying about a virus is great but what is probably greater is worrying about a violent thug who is "protesting" by being violent. The looters across the nation are not demonstrating; they are stealing. I hope they catch everyone of them and enhance the charges for maximum punishment.
I hope they all get sniffles and a bad cough.
That too.
like I posted on the other thread

Watch zero of the Minneapolis rioters get COVID 19.

Good thing people are waking up now!

Good thing they are looting and burning down their communities link to essentials during a pandemic. Idiots.
Good thing they are looting and burning down their communities link to essentials during a pandemic. Idiots.
If they thought, which means little because many of them can't think, blacks are the most likely to die of Wuflu. Not that any of them ever believed that.
They are rioting because they are angry and stealing makes them feel better. The fire department showed up then left. The police are gone. The mob is in the vacant police building tearing it apart.

This is the way to end a lockdown!!

I am kinda proud of blacks for letting white people in Minnesota experience all the joy of diversity and authentic black culture.

They just gave Trump win in November elections.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
i have no problem with people being angry about the death of MR Floyd ! what they did to that poor man is a crime ! i also have no problem with people publicly gathering to protest just like the people who gathered in other states to protest the government not allowing them to go back to work so they can feed their families ! i do however have a problem with leftist like you having a double standard when it comes to those gatherings ! the left called protesters selfish ,stupid, and irresponsible when people gathered to protest gov overreach but say nothing negative about the people gathering in large groups to protest loot and burn ! so are the people [even the people not rioting or looting ] being selfish and irresponsible when they gather close together to protest in Minneapolis during a pandemic like the people in Michigan did a few weeks that did not burn down buildings or not ?

This is a protest , and do you see masks and people in M0. Also in MI they were armed protestors, can you even say intimidation.

What does one have to do to get heard and get justice.


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They are rioting because they are angry and stealing makes them feel better. The fire department showed up then left. The police are gone. The mob is in the vacant police building tearing it apart.

This is the way to end a lockdown!!

I am kinda proud of blacks for letting white people in Minnesota experience all the joy of diversity and authentic black culture.

They just gave Trump win in November elections.

No, tramp appointed this women: US Attorney MacDonald and she said anyone with more videos please come forward!!

Can one imagine this, they have a video which clearly shows a cops knee on the neck of Floyd. She is in close contact with Barr and Tramp.

JC, the cops should be in jail.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
You are a disgusting moron.
Businesses and people with nothing to do with it are losing everything.
Do everyone a favor and fuck off with that bullshit.

The message is lost in the looters flames.

Can you say George Floyd with a straight face. You are disgusting just like tramp and barr.
If the Covid-19 "experts" are correct about the importance of wearing masks and social distancing, then some of those vandals may have unwittingly punished themselves.
weve all seen or heard of the video of the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of abusive officers in Minneapolis ! and anyone who watched the video should agree that charges should be brought against the officers involved in Floyds death ! but what weve also learned is that the same leftwing media that has been so vehement in their criticism of people defying orders from their leaders to stay home and not go back to work to feed their families has been silent about social distancing and the dangers and selfish behavior they accused people of when it comes to the large gatherings in the past couple of days ! where is the lefts criticism of the protesters in Minneapolis and other large cities ? where is the msm condemnation of people putting others at risk of getting covid19 by gathering in large crowds ? the left criticized people for gathering to protest the lockdown in the past few weeks but the left has said nothing about the people gathering and rioting and burning and supposedly putting others in danger of getting covid ! does that mean that the virus doesnt spread when the left gathers in large numbers and burns down buildings ? what it really means is the virus and the lockdown is nothing more than a political cudgel the left uses to set a political narrative ....

Wow...that is the dumbest premise I've ever heard of. The rioting proves social distancing is a political construct. I must say, I'm surprised that you didn't blame the officer for making your blob look bad in an election year. I'm sure it's coming at some point. Trump supporters are as dumb as a box of rocks.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
You are a disgusting moron.
Businesses and people with nothing to do with it are losing everything.
Do everyone a favor and fuck off with that bullshit.

The message is lost in the looters flames.

Can you say George Floyd with a straight face. You are disgusting just like tramp and barr.
I sure can you pathetic piece of shit.
The cop will face charges, but Freeman needs to gather evidence so the case sticks and we don't end up with a situation where the cops are acquitted like in Baltimore.
We don't listen to mobs.
They want to be heard, they were angry the cops weren't in jail. Expect more tonight as they wanted more evidence at the FBI hearing, and I saw a lot wearing a mask.

The same as the football kneelers , they deserve respect, as they just wanted to be heard.
You are a disgusting moron.
Businesses and people with nothing to do with it are losing everything.
Do everyone a favor and fuck off with that bullshit.

The message is lost in the looters flames.

Can you say George Floyd with a straight face. You are disgusting just like tramp and barr.
I sure can you pathetic piece of shit.
The cop will face charges, but Freeman needs to gather evidence so the case sticks and we don't end up with a situation where the cops are acquitted like in Baltimore.
We don't listen to mobs.

They have enough evidence.

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