Riots are happening. Why are Democrats saying they are a myth?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!
Since rioting isn't wrong, it must be right. We end up with a black woman saying that looting is reparations and the looters are law abiding citizens who need Gucci clothes or they will be naked.

If you ever wanted to know why insurance companies imposed redlining, here it is.

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!
Because they're drooling idiots and think everyone is as stupid as they are? :dunno:

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

Because the media is aiding the Democrats in creating a false image that all our troubles are due to the police and the Republicans.

After all, it's an election year. Gotta mold that public opinion.

Thank Gawd for the Internet. They can't hide here.
Couple hundred people gather in a city park ... signs, chants, speeches ... is a "protest" ... and protected under the 1st Amendment ... even if you disagree ...

Three four people then go and spray paint "Yankee go home" on the local Federal courthouse wall is a crime ... which is NOT protected under any Amendment ...

50 people go on a violent rampage ... burning, breaking, stone throwing ... that's a riot and again, no Constitutional protection ... only the Speech is protected, not the behaviors ...

My question is why do you take these actions of these 50 and indict, try and convict the other 1,999,950 residents of Portland? ... that's called "guilt by association" ... do we also convict those who display the Confederate Battle Flag for the crimes of Dylann Roof? ... even if you agree with him? ...
Couple hundred people gather in a city park ... signs, chants, speeches ... is a "protest" ... and protected under the 1st Amendment ... even if you disagree ...

Three four people then go and spray paint "Yankee go home" on the local Federal courthouse wall is a crime ... which is NOT protected under any Amendment ...

50 people go on a violent rampage ... burning, breaking, stone throwing ... that's a riot and again, no Constitutional protection ... only the Speech is protected, not the behaviors ...

My question is why do you take these actions of these 50 and indict, try and convict the other 1,999,950 residents of Portland? ... that's called "guilt by association" ... do we also convict those who display the Confederate Battle Flag for the crimes of Dylann Roof? ... even if you agree with him? ...
If my kids are at a park and notice other kids defacing property, I tell my kids to leave. Don't stand and watch and associate with criminals. If people see criminals they should leave and not drive U-Hauls into Chicago to loot it. Don't be obtuse and your conflation is false. They can display anything they want to once you loot, burn and pillage you're a criminal.
So far you have shown that only one Democrat denies the riots are being done by ANTIFA that is hardly a large group of Democrats.
You didn't read my post because you're an idiot troll. I said many on this board also deny that these are riots and Antifa is involved. You're one of them. Loser. Get out of this thread. Don't derail it. Before you get banned again for being an asshole.
Yet, you failed to support your assertions by having proof which makes your statement an opinion and not a fact.
Politicians lying to our faces despite obvious and objective evidence is nothing new.

See my Avi, Burt from the sitcom Soap, who would claim to be invisible. When someone would say "but I can see you" he would claim "no you can't, I'm invisible" "yes, I can" "no, you can't"

This is exactly what these POS politicians do day in, day out. Gaslighting the shit out of people, denying obvious and objective reality, spinning some new reality that suits them politically and just continuing to perpetuate the lie despite any objections or evidence to the contrary.

And we're so polarized at this point they get away with it as their is no bipartisan condemnation of anything at this point, even utterly naked bullshit like this.
Rioting isn't a myth...

The Democrats are just ignoring it because the rioters are a bunch of black thugs doing what they were born to do...crime....

Hopefully Trump will put an Attorney General in place who will crack down on these Negro animals and put them in jail like back in the good old days....

Unfortunately, that person is running for VP with Biden....

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

Elementary, my dear Watson. The rioter terrorists are nothing more or less than a TOOL, one which politicians on both sides of the so-called aisle are currently using to breed strife and division among us—we the great unwashed masses—whose lives are little more than a fortune in living currency to be spent in their pursuit of ultimate power. The riots are PHASE ONE of a two phase transformation of our America, and they represent conquest from the bottom up. PHASE TWO is the sowing of seeds of fascism from the top down. At some point in the next few months both phases with meet or intersect and crush us, the American People, in between their viselike jaws. My advice to any who will listen: Get the fuck out of dodge while you still can. We have purchased a somewhat remote property far, far off the East Coast light map, away from both savage inner-city monsters and the politicians who use them like human wave attack dogs. GTFO and gather your families and friends and everyone else you care about. After doing that . . . well, kick back and carefully monitor which way the wind is or might blow at any time.
For months now, these riots have had nothing whatsoever to do with George Floyd. They have to do with the far-left efforts to take control of our cities. The leaders of those cities are supporting and advocating for the destruction of their own cities.

Black Lives Matter leaders have even said that the riots and looting were just and amounted to reparations. Shameful!
Because the rioters are all Biden voters who will also assist the Democrats in committing election fraud, like they do in every election. If they can loot and burn people's livelihoods and justify it, they can very easily commit election fraud.
Because the rioters are all Biden voters who will also assist the Democrats in committing election fraud, like they do in every election. If they can loot and burn people's livelihoods and justify it, they can very easily commit election fraud.
Can you prove that "all" rioters are Biden voters? I doubt you can prove that they vote at all...
Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

1) Riots are wrong.

2) Antifa is responsible.

3) I disagree. Many protests are peaceful.
Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

1) Riots are wrong.

2) Antifa is responsible.

3) I disagree. Many protests are peaceful.

No such thing as "mostly" peaceful. If I rob a bank at 11AM and leave by 11:05AM...I was mostly peaceful for 23 hours and 55 minutes but for 5 minutes I was an armed robber so should I just not have to pay for my crime? Protests should be 100% peaceful or not be deemed as peaceful and what specifically are we protesting? We all agree that what Chauvin did was wrong.

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