Riot alert issued in 50 states

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Trump's decision today to pick a Wall Street lawyer for the SEC has led US law enforcement agencies to issue a riot alert, because Trump voters wanted him to #draintheswamp and not be a corporate stooge like #CrookedHillary.

President-elect Donald Trump's choice to be the next top cop of Wall Street is Jay Clayton, an elite lawyer who has defended big banks for their financial crisis-era misbehavior.
Trump picks Wall Street lawyer Jay Clayton to lead SEC

USMB already received a visit from an FBI agent, after several conservative commenters vowed to take to the streets in angry protest.
First they would have to get time off from there jobs
This is america in 2017, of course we all know unrest is coming, the political system is unable to respond the the needs of the citizenry and the economic system is cannibalizing society.

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