Rino Laura Upset with Trump in Heated Exchange !!

What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
yes, he was an idiot.... he is the president of the United States for goodness sake, he should have a better answer than that incoherent answer.... :rolleyes:
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
yes, he was an idiot.... he is the president of the United States for goodness sake, he should have a better answer than that incoherent answer.... :rolleyes:

Incoherent answer?

What part of "Iran is now a joke as result of president Donald J. Trump's actions" do you not understand? If you have trouble understanding clean language it's no wonder things appear incoherent. The answer was perfectly coherent. At this point it appears you are trolling, Care...
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.

No reason to believe anything Trump says is verified. The man lies when there is no reason to lie. It's just what he does.
Trump tells Fox News' Laura Ingraham 'four embassies' were targeted in imminent threat from Iran

Laura become upset and kept making Trump look bad about the issue of workers raises

Trump has brought nearly double inflation for workers. This is not every month some nearly double and some way over double

Laura hammered trump and with some temper about the 2.9% increase in the last month ... now that’s still a big boost over inflation at 1.6 %. But Laura kept making trump look bad on his promises and again with some temper

But But But. That rise is for all workers with tge blue collar that becomes much higher. So Laura totally missed the real help and made people think trump is going against his promises and Laura’s temper was very insulting

Did anyone else see that ?

Trump has done something no one ever has proved how corrupt the whole system is. This includes the democrats and rinos being on one side to push liberalism and globalism harm which brings a nation to destruction

Who understood Mary matalin and James carvilles marriage ??

That proved the democrats and rino republicans are liars and foolers working for the same party against the good and best people

Bush and Clinton teamed up to stop America’s last Hero Ross Perot !!!

Will men of America ever now fight for this nation ? Men out voted by the fooled women ??

Will men lay down and stop producing ???

Will the nation fall if the unwise voters does not get stopped from voting ?

Whoa there buddy. I realize it's easy to drift from reality when you have a good rant going, but did you really suggest that men will quit having sex for political reasons? You really need to start proof reading your crap before you click the REPLY button

Green and blue is comedy gold
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
There is nothing to fear from a Iran. The US shouldn’t even be in the neighborhood.

I wish you warmongering cons and Rs could think.

Iran is no threat to us but they are a threat to the Empire, because they won’t bow down to the bankers and corporate oligarchs.

It’s not patriotic to support the psychopathic oligarchy. It’s traitorous.
What in the heck did that Trump word salad even mean? Wy can't Trumpers see that he is so full of crap?

From the op link:

President Trump told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Friday that the imminent threat from Iran that provoked the United States to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani involved planned attacks on four U.S. embassies.

Asked specifically what was targeted, Trump revealed: “We will tell you that probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”

Pressed on whether large-scale attacks were planned for other embassies, the president said: “I can reveal that I believe it probably would’ve been four embassies.”

So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.
So because he states his personal opinion based on verified facts... he is full of shit?

That is a load of nonsense.

By now everyone is congratulating how brilliantly Trump played the situation. Iran killed mostly their own CITIZENS (not military men) as result of the attacks and Trump's brilliant play. They have been made into a joke.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.

We aren't going to war with Iran. Did you not see the latest tweets by Trump, in Arabic?

Trump has handled the situation so well that all you have is whines while the rest of us keep winning.
What verified facts? Post these facts please.

Oh...you mean like Saddam’s WMD? It’s facts courtesy of the CIA and the neocons. LMFAO

After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Apparently they never learn.

How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.

We aren't going to war with Iran. Did you not see the latest tweets by Trump, in Arabic?

Trump has handled the situation so well that all you have is whines while the rest of us keep winning.
You silly Rs keep saying we aren’t going to war, clearly failing to understand what’s going on. Is this some kind of convoluted way of ignoring Trump’s illegal, immoral, and tyrannical actions?
How about this fact...

He was a terrorist.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.

We aren't going to war with Iran. Did you not see the latest tweets by Trump, in Arabic?

Trump has handled the situation so well that all you have is whines while the rest of us keep winning.
You silly Rs keep saying we aren’t going to war, clearly failing to understand what’s going on. Is this some kind of convoluted way of ignoring Trump’s illegal, immoral, and tyrannical actions?

Come back when the war with Iran has started. I expect you to be wrong - as usual.

Trump has done nothing illegal - something which you will also learn shortly as the shampeachment proceedings advance.
Please back it up. Don’t just believe what the lying government tells you.

After W’s lies, one would think you guys would learn. But, no.

We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.

We aren't going to war with Iran. Did you not see the latest tweets by Trump, in Arabic?

Trump has handled the situation so well that all you have is whines while the rest of us keep winning.
You silly Rs keep saying we aren’t going to war, clearly failing to understand what’s going on. Is this some kind of convoluted way of ignoring Trump’s illegal, immoral, and tyrannical actions?

Come back when the war with Iran has started. I expect you to be wrong - as usual.

Trump has done nothing illegal - something which you will also learn shortly as the shampeachment proceedings advance.
We don’t have war because those Iranians that you believe are crazed fanatical religious throat cutters bent of world domination, refused to escalate after your Messiah committed a war crime.

You think this admirable. LOL.
We did in fact see ballistic missiles fired by Iran.

Iran also shot down a commercial jet and killed their own citizens, blacked out their own internet... This was afterwards, is Trump a prophet?

To be frank I do not much care whether they planned an attack on the embassy or not. There was plenty of reason to strike regardless once they fired those ballistic missiles. He was a terrorist, do you always side with them over US?
Why do you want war with Iran?

After the numerous debacles since 9/11, I expected more intelligent and thoughtful discourse from cons and Rs. I know the left is nuts, apparently so is the right.

We aren't going to war with Iran. Did you not see the latest tweets by Trump, in Arabic?

Trump has handled the situation so well that all you have is whines while the rest of us keep winning.
You silly Rs keep saying we aren’t going to war, clearly failing to understand what’s going on. Is this some kind of convoluted way of ignoring Trump’s illegal, immoral, and tyrannical actions?

Come back when the war with Iran has started. I expect you to be wrong - as usual.

Trump has done nothing illegal - something which you will also learn shortly as the shampeachment proceedings advance.
We don’t have war because those Iranians that you believe are crazed fanatical religious throat cutters bent of world domination, refused to escalate after your Messiah committed a war crime.

You think this admirable. LOL.

Refused to escalate? They said they would strike back... they ended up killing their own citizens. Trump obliterated them with no harm to Americans.

Can we talk about the genius of Trump's travel ban?
Had they killed an American leader, like Trump killed theirs, we would have had a full blown war. You would be cheering on the killing today. So yeah, they showed restraint. Thank them!

Hell, your Messiah might have nuked Tehran. No doubt you would have supported it.
After checking Laura’s history one now can see what she is up to

Most of her relationships have been with democrats

Every one of them very powerful people

And she adopts her children instead of having children and being unmarried they are not raised with a father

A clear cut case of an insane need to be and feel powerful. She is a Rino that causes harm just like liberals

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