Righties Say Tax The Poor

Cain's plan, for instance, would raise taxes:

by about 58 percent for the bottom 20 percent of earners,

double them for the middle class,

and cut them by 249 percent for the top fifth of the income ladder,

according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- The nation's ongoing economic downturn has sparked an odd response from a growing number of conservative and Republican leaders: a desire to blame the unfortunate and a demand for the poor to pay more.

More: Tax The Poor: Forget Occupy Wall Street, Conservatives Have A Different Idea

Another HuffPo Ho.

Uhhh.....it's more than just HuffPo.

And it puts Perry at the head of what has become a bizarre GOP fixation — the need to tax the poor.

Taxing the poor has become a badge of honor among conservatives.

RealClearPolitics - The GOP Plan: Tax the Poor

“We don’t have enough people paying taxes in this country,” said Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a GOP vice presidential hopeful

The argument is disingenuous. Working poor people do pay taxes. They pay a larger portion of their incomes in payroll taxes and sales taxes than the wealthy

Opinion: GOP backs tax hike -- for the poor - Robert L. Borosage - POLITICO.com
Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- The nation's ongoing economic downturn has sparked an odd response from a growing number of conservative and Republican leaders: a desire to blame the unfortunate and a demand for the poor to pay more.

More: Tax The Poor: Forget Occupy Wall Street, Conservatives Have A Different Idea

This is not a conservative ideology, nore is it an idea that is supported by anyone that understands the economy. One of the main reasons our economy is dead is because of overtaxation on the poor and the middle class.

Taxes should be raised on the rich, and cuts need to be made for the middle and lower classes. Trickle down doesnt work, it is a lie.
Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.

The dimwits on the right think that the bulk of consumer spending comes from the top 10% of income earners.
Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.

The dimwits on the right think that the bulk of consumer spending comes from the top 10% of income earners.

The dimwits on the left think "consumer spending" is what drives the economy. We have wasted trillions of dollars proving this isn't the case.
Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.
Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.

Hmm, who gets the raw deal at the state level where the lowest income earners pay the largest percentage in taxes and the highest income earners pay the lowest percentage? I never hear those on the right complaining that the wealthy don't pay enough in state taxes. And an awful lot of you are so in love with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan that would create a similar system at the federal level, where the lowest income earners would become the ones paying the highest percentage of taxes and the highest income earners the lowest.

You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay a very small percentage of their income in the form of payroll taxes, while everyone else pays a much higher percentage. You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay the least at the state level. You pretty much ignore everything except for one tax out of all the different taxes out there.

I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.
Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.

Would you be surprised if I agreed with the above?

Where I suspect you and I might disagree is how to solve this problem.
I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.

10% of WHAT?

Aye there's the rub.

It is entirely possible for the truly wealthy to never again take a dime in income.

If we want to REFORM the tax laws in this nation we have to reform the LAWS regarding expensing.

Changing the RATES OF TAXATION does NOT change the tax laws.

What matters, what REALLY matters is what one gets to WRITE OFF one's bottom line.

Nothing I've read from the GOP hopefils addresses THAT ISSUE.

Again what LOOPHOLES does CAIN'S 999 plan actually close?

Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.

Law of Diminishing Returns

Lets keep worshiping capital, the last 10 years has been great!
Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.

The dimwits on the right think that the bulk of consumer spending comes from the top 10% of income earners.

The dimwits on the left think "consumer spending" is what drives the economy. We have wasted trillions of dollars proving this isn't the case.

you are evidently not a CEO
Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.

Would you be surprised if I agreed with the above?

Where I suspect you and I might disagree is how to solve this problem.

Nope. I wouldn't be one bit surprised at all Ed.

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