Righties Say Tax The Poor

Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.

Hmm, who gets the raw deal at the state level where the lowest income earners pay the largest percentage in taxes and the highest income earners pay the lowest percentage? I never hear those on the right complaining that the wealthy don't pay enough in state taxes. And an awful lot of you are so in love with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan that would create a similar system at the federal level, where the lowest income earners would become the ones paying the highest percentage of taxes and the highest income earners the lowest.

You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay a very small percentage of their income in the form of payroll taxes, while everyone else pays a much higher percentage. You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay the least at the state level. You pretty much ignore everything except for one tax out of all the different taxes out there.

I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.

You seem to ignore the fact that loads of folks pay no local, State or Fed taxes at all. How can they when they don't have a job? They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare. They use taxpayer dollars to buy the necessities, to pay their medial/dental bills and rent. Freeloaders. And there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get.

I have no problem with the rich paying taxes. Fact is I wish there were way more rich folks so they could pay more of those Fed taxes.

To say they don't pay their fair share is ridiculous in my eyes because if it weren't for the rich the middle class would be carrying the major Fed tax burden. The poor pay nothing now and would continue to pay nothing if there were no rich.

I guess its all in how you look at it.
All this talk about who should pay what in taxes is all well and good but if we continue to waste money on Big Government what difference does it really make? In essence our government is a bucket with huge gashes in it that is spewing water out faster than we can pour it in and you're arguing about who should have to pour in more water?

We have to get government spending under control. Let's fix the holes in our bucket.
Take more money from the lower half of the population and the recession will only get worse because 150 million people will have to cut back on spending even more. More will have to have government assistance thereby raising the amount of money needed by the government and another raise in taxes.

Cause and effect.

The dimwits on the right think that the bulk of consumer spending comes from the top 10% of income earners.

The dimwits on the left think "consumer spending" is what drives the economy. We have wasted trillions of dollars proving this isn't the case.

And your "Trickle Down Economics" and the trillions it has cost us has been a real BOON to the economy, right? :eusa_whistle:

Your post is a good example why the right flunks Economics 101.

Boosted by stronger consumer spending, US economic growth nearly doubled to 2.5 percent last quarter, the Commerce Department said Thursday, quelling fears of a fresh downturn

AFP: Consumer spending drives stronger US growth
Well when you have 47% of the country that pays no Fed taxes that doesn't help the situation one bit.

That same 47% have no problem taking anything they can get from those that do pay taxes.

The rich pay the lions share of all Fed taxes. The 47% pay no Fed taxes.

Who do you think is getting the raw deal??

The poor have no skin in the game and don't care one bit where the money to fill their EBT cards comes from. As long as it comes. They don't care who pays the medical/dental bills for their kids. They don't care who pays the rent or buys the food. They don't care who assumes fiscal responsibility for THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES as long as it ain't them. Freeloaders galore in America.

Of course the taxpayers of America will never see one dime of that money payed back.

Hmm, who gets the raw deal at the state level where the lowest income earners pay the largest percentage in taxes and the highest income earners pay the lowest percentage? I never hear those on the right complaining that the wealthy don't pay enough in state taxes. And an awful lot of you are so in love with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan that would create a similar system at the federal level, where the lowest income earners would become the ones paying the highest percentage of taxes and the highest income earners the lowest.

You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay a very small percentage of their income in the form of payroll taxes, while everyone else pays a much higher percentage. You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay the least at the state level. You pretty much ignore everything except for one tax out of all the different taxes out there.

I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.

You seem to ignore the fact that loads of folks pay no local, State or Fed taxes at all. How can they when they don't have a job? They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare. They use taxpayer dollars to buy the necessities, to pay their medial/dental bills and rent. Freeloaders. And there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get.

I have no problem with the rich paying taxes. Fact is I wish there were way more rich folks so they could pay more of those Fed taxes.

To say they don't pay their fair share is ridiculous in my eyes because if it weren't for the rich the middle class would be carrying the major Fed tax burden. The poor pay nothing now and would continue to pay nothing if there were no rich.

I guess its all in how you look at it.

And how you look at it is one warped view.

Only a moron thinks that anyone escapes paying state and local taxes. And only a moron thinks that anyone WANTS to be on welfare.

The poor (and middle class) pays a much higher percentage of their income in gas, sales and property taxes than the rich. And given that the majority of income comes from investments the middle class pays a higher percentage in income tax too. Especially given the massive tax breaks the wealthy have been enjoying for more than 30 years. Yeah, that's really created a lot of jobs, hasn't it? :eusa_whistle:
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The dimwits on the right think that the bulk of consumer spending comes from the top 10% of income earners.

The dimwits on the left think "consumer spending" is what drives the economy. We have wasted trillions of dollars proving this isn't the case.

And your "Trickle Down Economics" and the trillions it has cost us has been a real BOON to the economy, right? :eusa_whistle:

Your post is a good example why the right flunks Economics 101.

Boosted by stronger consumer spending, US economic growth nearly doubled to 2.5 percent last quarter, the Commerce Department said Thursday, quelling fears of a fresh downturn

AFP: Consumer spending drives stronger US growth

Hmm, strong consumer spending boosted growth to 2.5%.
At the same point in the economic cycle Reagan achieved 7.6% growth.

We see which approach works better.
The dimwits on the left think "consumer spending" is what drives the economy. We have wasted trillions of dollars proving this isn't the case.

And your "Trickle Down Economics" and the trillions it has cost us has been a real BOON to the economy, right? :eusa_whistle:

Your post is a good example why the right flunks Economics 101.

Boosted by stronger consumer spending, US economic growth nearly doubled to 2.5 percent last quarter, the Commerce Department said Thursday, quelling fears of a fresh downturn

AFP: Consumer spending drives stronger US growth

Hmm, strong consumer spending boosted growth to 2.5%.
At the same point in the economic cycle Reagan achieved 7.6% growth.

We see which approach works better.

Well given that Bush gave the wealthy even more massive tax cuts you would think we would not still be under this Bush recession, right?
The economy of the 1950s and 1960s, with top marginal tax rates ranging from 70% to 92%, FAR outperformed that of the 1980s.
And your "Trickle Down Economics" and the trillions it has cost us has been a real BOON to the economy, right? :eusa_whistle:

Your post is a good example why the right flunks Economics 101.

AFP: Consumer spending drives stronger US growth

Hmm, strong consumer spending boosted growth to 2.5%.
At the same point in the economic cycle Reagan achieved 7.6% growth.

We see which approach works better.

Well given that Bush gave the wealthy even more massive tax cuts you would think we would not still be under this Bush recession, right?

We;'re not. This is the Obama recession. Who has been in office for 3years already?
Hmm, who gets the raw deal at the state level where the lowest income earners pay the largest percentage in taxes and the highest income earners pay the lowest percentage? I never hear those on the right complaining that the wealthy don't pay enough in state taxes. And an awful lot of you are so in love with Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan that would create a similar system at the federal level, where the lowest income earners would become the ones paying the highest percentage of taxes and the highest income earners the lowest.

You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay a very small percentage of their income in the form of payroll taxes, while everyone else pays a much higher percentage. You ignore the fact that the wealthy pay the least at the state level. You pretty much ignore everything except for one tax out of all the different taxes out there.

I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.

You seem to ignore the fact that loads of folks pay no local, State or Fed taxes at all. How can they when they don't have a job? They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare. They use taxpayer dollars to buy the necessities, to pay their medial/dental bills and rent. Freeloaders. And there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get.

I have no problem with the rich paying taxes. Fact is I wish there were way more rich folks so they could pay more of those Fed taxes.

To say they don't pay their fair share is ridiculous in my eyes because if it weren't for the rich the middle class would be carrying the major Fed tax burden. The poor pay nothing now and would continue to pay nothing if there were no rich.

I guess its all in how you look at it.

And how you look at it is one warped view.

Only a moron thinks that anyone escapes paying state and local taxes. And only a moron thinks that anyone WANTS to be on welfare.

The poor (and middle class) pays a much higher percentage of their income in gas, sales and property taxes than the rich. And given that the majority of income comes from investments the middle class pays a higher percentage in income tax too. Especially given the massive tax breaks the wealthy have been enjoying for more than 30 years. Yeah, that's really created a lot of jobs, hasn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Warped view?? Just because I dont' see it as you see it my view is warped?? Good to know.

Oh and I'm a moron to boot?? Why thanks Goosey.
I would think at the very least those working above the poverty line should pay their Fica......getting it back via a tax credit means they are not funding their meager gov. created insurance policies, which means if they safety at that level where in they continue to receive their fica back, when they retire, they will not have paid anything into SSI or for medicare.

Aside from the moral hazard, its unsustainable, is this a secret?
Hmm, strong consumer spending boosted growth to 2.5%.
At the same point in the economic cycle Reagan achieved 7.6% growth.

We see which approach works better.

Well given that Bush gave the wealthy even more massive tax cuts you would think we would not still be under this Bush recession, right?

We;'re not. This is the Obama recession. Who has been in office for 3years already?

It's Bush's. He still owns this one. It started with HIS massive tax cuts and HIS ivasion and occupation of Iraq.
You seem to ignore the fact that loads of folks pay no local, State or Fed taxes at all. How can they when they don't have a job? They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare. They use taxpayer dollars to buy the necessities, to pay their medial/dental bills and rent. Freeloaders. And there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get.

I have no problem with the rich paying taxes. Fact is I wish there were way more rich folks so they could pay more of those Fed taxes.

To say they don't pay their fair share is ridiculous in my eyes because if it weren't for the rich the middle class would be carrying the major Fed tax burden. The poor pay nothing now and would continue to pay nothing if there were no rich.

I guess its all in how you look at it.

And how you look at it is one warped view.

Only a moron thinks that anyone escapes paying state and local taxes. And only a moron thinks that anyone WANTS to be on welfare.

The poor (and middle class) pays a much higher percentage of their income in gas, sales and property taxes than the rich. And given that the majority of income comes from investments the middle class pays a higher percentage in income tax too. Especially given the massive tax breaks the wealthy have been enjoying for more than 30 years. Yeah, that's really created a lot of jobs, hasn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Warped view?? Just because I dont' see it as you see it my view is warped?? Good to know.

Oh and I'm a moron to boot?? Why thanks Goosey.

Nope, not at all. It's warped and moronic to buy into the "Welfare Queen" myth as it's presented by the wingnuts. As with anything you can find abuses but to translate that into "They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare", "Freeloaders" and "there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get" is misinformed and disingeious at best, meansprited and moronic at worst.
I have an idea that should help everyone though. How about we make everyone pay at least 10% federal income tax, but then we remove the cap on SS taxes and we tax all income the same as wages? I like that idea. God, I can just imagine you guys squealing like little pigs if that were ever to happen.

Why ?

I like the idea.

Everyone includes the lower half of the country (won't make much difference...but they can feel the pain too).

I'd remove the cap on SS or at least raise it substantially.

I'd only do this if there were an independent ovesight group allowed to see all of congress's doing on SS. There need to be some adjustments to what SS is paid for. Means testing along with getting some people out of the system it was not intended for.
And how you look at it is one warped view.

Only a moron thinks that anyone escapes paying state and local taxes. And only a moron thinks that anyone WANTS to be on welfare.

The poor (and middle class) pays a much higher percentage of their income in gas, sales and property taxes than the rich. And given that the majority of income comes from investments the middle class pays a higher percentage in income tax too. Especially given the massive tax breaks the wealthy have been enjoying for more than 30 years. Yeah, that's really created a lot of jobs, hasn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Warped view?? Just because I dont' see it as you see it my view is warped?? Good to know.

Oh and I'm a moron to boot?? Why thanks Goosey.

Nope, not at all. It's warped and moronic to buy into the "Welfare Queen" myth as it's presented by the wingnuts. As with anything you can find abuses but to translate that into "They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare", "Freeloaders" and "there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get" is misinformed and disingeious at best, meansprited and moronic at worst.

Thats your opinion Goose. Not mine.

Meanspirited?? Not at all when you consider its my tax money thats used in part to pay their way. No one asked me If I wanted to contribute to the cause. I like to pick my charties thanks.
Well given that Bush gave the wealthy even more massive tax cuts you would think we would not still be under this Bush recession, right?

We;'re not. This is the Obama recession. Who has been in office for 3years already?

It's Bush's. He still owns this one. It started with HIS massive tax cuts and HIS ivasion and occupation of Iraq.

He started it.....

President Obama has done nothing to correct it.

I'd say its about time he stepped up.

If "Blame Bush" is the theme for 2012, then I look forward to a blowout for the GOP.
By Michael McAuliff

WASHINGTON -- The nation's ongoing economic downturn has sparked an odd response from a growing number of conservative and Republican leaders: a desire to blame the unfortunate and a demand for the poor to pay more.

More: Tax The Poor: Forget Occupy Wall Street, Conservatives Have A Different Idea

This is all you need to know about Lakhota:

Quote: Originally Posted by Lakhota
One should always shit, piss, spit, and jerk off toward Israel.

Bigot alert.
And how you look at it is one warped view.

Only a moron thinks that anyone escapes paying state and local taxes. And only a moron thinks that anyone WANTS to be on welfare.

The poor (and middle class) pays a much higher percentage of their income in gas, sales and property taxes than the rich. And given that the majority of income comes from investments the middle class pays a higher percentage in income tax too. Especially given the massive tax breaks the wealthy have been enjoying for more than 30 years. Yeah, that's really created a lot of jobs, hasn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Warped view?? Just because I dont' see it as you see it my view is warped?? Good to know.

Oh and I'm a moron to boot?? Why thanks Goosey.

Nope, not at all. It's warped and moronic to buy into the "Welfare Queen" myth as it's presented by the wingnuts. As with anything you can find abuses but to translate that into "They sit on the asses at home and collect welfare", "Freeloaders" and "there are loads of em riding the system for all they can get" is misinformed and disingeious at best, meansprited and moronic at worst.

Then [perhaps you should stop fomenting the model.

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