Richard Nixon…The Communist???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

2. What an interesting question….

“Why did Nixon meet with Mao Zedong?

Improved relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC are often cited as the most successful diplomatic achievements of Nixon's presidency. ... The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.”
Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia › wiki › Richard_Nixon's_1972_visit_to_China

So.....seems it wasn't due to any affection for Communism....

3.The question remains, was Nixon the sort who would put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree, and hire Mao aficionados for his administration, or say this:

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

While the answer is clear and evident, the dolt’s attempt gives an opportunity to provide a fuller review of Richard Nixon, one that the Liberals have never been exposed to.

First, where did Nixon land on the conservative vs liberal spectrum.

Second, where did the Soviets stand vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party.

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

"The Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v Duke Power in 1971, followed by congressional legislation in 1972 gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded authority to oversee employers employment practices. Combined, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC affected virtually every workplace. It was also during the Nixon years that the slope of federal spending on social and economic programs turned sharply upward." Charles Murray, "By The People," p.6.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

And Richard Nixon was far, far more the civil rights warrior than the Democrat Party. Proof….next.
The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Yes, this was before Crazy People took over the GOP. When it realized that protecting the environment and worker safety were GOOD things.

The thing is, the current Cult of Trump wouldn't recognize Nixon, or Ike or even Reagan as kindred spirits.
Richard Nixon took shelling from the Right due to his expansion of government, the sort of things that the Left, the Democrats, the Progressives yearned for.

5. "Worldwide more than 2,700 people will die today because of a bureaucratic regulation instituted during the Nixon administration in 1972. The same number died yesterday and will again tomorrow, in an ever-growing tally of victims of that catastrophic policy. The regulation imposed by Nixon’s newly formed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned DDT, an insecticide that had until then saved the lives of countless U.S. citizens. Leaders in Europe and the United Nations followed suit in a frenzy of misguided environmental zeal and bloodthirsty population control fervor."
DDT Ban Breeds Death

6. PBS noted Nixon’s break from the Right:

[Following the Kennedy-Johnson administration in the United States, there was a massive effort to manage the marketplace, in part by controlling wages.] This initiative was not the handiwork of left-wing liberals but of the administration of Richard Nixon, a moderately conservative Republican who was a critic of government intervention in the economy.” Commanding Heights : Nixon, Price Controls, and the Gold Standard | on PBS

The largest economic intervention was under Nixon with wage/price freeze in the 1970’s.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

Yet, the Democrats didn’t embrace Nixon….did the Soviets?

…the Democrats didn’t embrace Nixon….did the Soviets?

That should tell us how the dope’s comment holds up…he said “You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
We know Obama was all over Mao....and told Putin he'd be 'flexible'......

What was the Soviet relationship with Nixon like?

7. In "....1968 did Soviet leaders offer to fund and support a Democratic Party presidential candidate. That year, Soviet diplomat Anatoly Dobrynin was instructed to offer Democratic candidate Hubert Humphrey any form of aid he might need in his campaign against the anti-Communist Republican candidate Richard Nixon.

“WASHINGTON (AP) _ So fearful was the Kremlin of a presidency by stridently anti-communist Richard Nixon that it tried to influence the 1968 election by offering money to Nixon’s Democratic rival, according to a former Soviet ambassador.

Anatoly Dobrynin, who served 24 years as Moscow’s man in Washington, says in his memoirs, ``In Confidence,″ that he ``did my utmost″ to talk his Moscow bosses out of trying to help Democrat Hubert Humphrey, but to no avail.” Soviets Tried to Turn 1968 Election Against Nixon, Envoy Says

The Soviet Bolsheviks and their pride and joy, the Democrat Party.

Here, I should remind all that Red China ‘donated’ to Bill ‘the rapist’ Clinton’s campaign.

BTW….the Soviets feared Reagan even more as a military threat. They used a full-court press to defeat him, ‘influencing the election,’ and lost a 49-state landslide.

Remember that when you hear the bogus stories about Russia and 2016.
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8.Nixon out-civil rights the Democrats. “One of the United States' first major applications of affirmative action, the Philadelphia Plan, was enacted by the Nixon administration in 1969.” Affirmative action in the United States - Wikipedia

Let’s see what Nixon did as examples of their “Republican-racist tilt:”

As president of the Senate, Nixon strongly supported civil rights, specifically the 1957 civil rights act, issuing an advisory opinion that a filibuster could be stopped with a simple majority, thereby changing Senate rules.
Congressional Record, Volume 157 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

“During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957

Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent, and doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ; adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented "Black Capitalism" (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent.

This was written by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, "It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South."

Unlike the empty talk of the prior, Democrat, administration, between Nixon’s election in ’68 and the end of his second year in office, in ’70, black students attending all-black schools in the South declined from 68% to 18.4%, and the percentage of black students attending majority white schools went from 18.4% to 38.1%.
Conrad Black, “The Invincible Quest: The Life of Richard Milhous Nixon,” p. 647.

Nixon and the Republicans have been leaders in civil rights....
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Remember that when you hear Democrats claiming that the Republicans are the racists.
9. Sooo….if Nixon engaged in the huge expansion of government, and fought for civil rights for black Americans….what could the Democrats use against him?
What could they attack????

Watergate…spying on political enemies.

How could the Democrats grouse about spying on political enemies....when:

a. The Socialist Saint, and godfather of the Democrat Party, Franklin Roosevelt did far more and far worse
”the president [FDR] mobilized the resources of the federal government against critics. His leading instrument was the FBI ….He hoped that he would discover subversive activity among those Roosevelt’s foes who opposed conscription, massive aid to the Allies, and the convoying of lend-lease munitions.
Declassified FBI files, researched by historian Douglas M. Charles (J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security State, 1939-1945, 2007), reveal this collaboration with great precision, showing clearly how the FBI employed illegal observation solely for political purposes.”
FDR’s Sorry Domestic Spying Record

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies.

Roosevelt is long gone.....but we may see the Obama, the man who loves Mao, pay for his crimes....
Now that we’ve established how close Nixon was to the Liberal/Progressive in doctrine….. where did the Soviets fit vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party?
After all, this thread was inspired by a dunce who tried to shield Obama’s affection for Mao by claiming that Nixon was the same…..

10. First, even before the 60s, the wing of the Democrat Party was where we find most Leftists, filled with the one-worlders, and the ‘can’t we all just get along’ folks.
Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA., knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elements The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line. The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.
The SI boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”;wap2

And 404 test

11. One explanation is that the Left, the Democrats, seem susceptible to myths, such as the ability to change human nature….or human gender. A perfect fit for the Communists.

“…the center of the wave of approval that went through Western intellectual circles in the 1920s and 30s about the new society being built in the Soviet Union was that man himself was to somehow be changed.…many in Western intellectual leadership who rationalized by saying that you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. They forgot the eternal truth that man's nature is unchangeable and that good cannot come from evil.

…New York Times quoted from the Communist party newspaper in China on the demystification of Mao Tse Tung. A discussion of the difference between philosophy and religion raised a question about Mao himself. The paper criticized those who have treated the thoughts of Mao and Marxism and Leninism as objects of faith rather than just knowledge.”
404 Not Found

Nixon’s parents were Quakers, and he referred to his mother as a saint. It is hard to imagine him being an atheist, a communist requirement.

Now.....Hussein Obama, on the other hand, he has a completely different view of 'religion.'
12. The reason for this thread is that government school grads are not appraised of the Leftward plummet by the once-American party, the Democrats. When Obama openly acknowledged affection for Communist psychopath, Mao Zedong, some dunce actually compared Nixon to Obama.
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Of course, the comparison is nonsense, the pretense we find in Democrat flacks.

These are the predecessors of today’s Democrats:

A few years after Port Huron, its organization’s offshoot and legitimate heir, the Weathermen, organized the Days of Rage riots in Chicago. At a subsequent “War Council,” Tom Hayden led the Weathermen in “a workout of karate jabs and kicks” for a “strenuous fifteen minutes” in preparation for armed struggle.
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties, “ p. 96

Port Huron’s professions of love and brotherhood turned to rage and attack when society would not accept ‘brotherhood’ on SDS’s terms. But when the country refused to second their emotions—when the country elected President Nixon in 1968 and again, by larger margins, in 1972—the SDS grew bitter and increasingly alienated from the cause of democratic reform.

SDS grew from 600 in 1963 to over 100,000 in 1968…but fell apart by 1969, finally many hostile factions, until there remained only a small group of Maoists. It is interesting to compare them to the disciplined and programmed ‘Old Left,’ the Communist Party.
Today, they are called the ‘Democrat Party.’

“In turning viciously on stalwarts of the Cold War era like Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Scoop Jackson, anti-war insurgents called into question the Democratic Party's underlying commitment to challenging Communist expansion. The party's Vietnam-era drift away from issues of security and defense—and its association with a radical left hostile to the military and neutral in the fight between liberalism and communism—helped push a lot of Americans who didn't much like the Vietnam War into the arms of Richard Nixon…the 2006 Connecticut primary points to the growing influence within the party of leftists unmoved by the fight against global jihad.” Jacob Weisberg in ‘Slate’
Why Lamont's victory spells Democratic disaster.

The Democrats became communists, and the Communists hated Nixon.

And Nixon hated Communists…..including one Mao Zedong.

The same cannot be said of Hussein Obama.
The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Yes, this was before Crazy People took over the GOP. When it realized that protecting the environment and worker safety were GOOD things.

The thing is, the current Cult of Trump wouldn't recognize Nixon, or Ike or even Reagan as kindred spirits.

Thats because they were NOT kindred spirits,they were all traiters to america. I exposed what a traiter a and mass murderer Ike was in this thread here, same as FDR,he was pals with communist stalin as i proved on this thread,

please dont get me started on the most evil corrupt president ever at the time that PC so much has her head up the ass of.reagan,that she ignores what a warmonger asshole traiter he was having more people in an administration indicted than any other president before combined and THEN getting us into the largest deficit ever than any other president before him COMBINED,and nixon? you mean the warmonger who along with his pal johnson expanded the vietnam war and betrayed americans by dumping the gold standard? hahahaha

Johnson and Nixon BOTH reversed the policys of JFK where it is well documented he had plans to completely pull ouf of vietnam by 1965.Had JFK lived,there NEVER would have been a vietnam war contraty to the ramblings of the clueless op that johnson continued the policys of JFK which is complete :bsflag:

Nixon continued the policys of JOHNSON. they were the murderers of 58,0000 americans,not the vietcong of NVA as our LAMESTREAM media and corrupt schools have brainwashed americans to believe.:rolleyes:

HERE IS JOHNSON AND NIXON TALKING TO EACH OTHER laughing it all up about how they murdered 58,000 americans.


here it the REAL Nixon and the REAL A hole traiter motherfucker Nixons pal Reagan exsposed.

Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine

Bloody Bloody Richard Nixon’s Role in a Forgotten Genocide

The massive Reagan Administration corruption

The massive
(but under-reported)

Reagan Administration

as always,i LOVE taking joe and the OP troll to school all the time handing their asses to them on a platter.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

What you did was juxtapose Nixon's association with Hussein's.

"I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. "

You didn't miss the lied.

Nixon never had Mao ornaments on the Christmas Tree, nor did he say communism is the same as capitalism.
Obama did.

But, I had a great deal of enjoyment thrashing you.
I wonder what Nixon said about Mao while he was in China, dining with Mao? Was Nixon given any gifts while in China?

Did Obama even choose the tree ornaments?

During Christmas 2009, conservatives attacked the White House over Christmas tree decorations. Breitbart's BigGovernment suggested the White House was making "some political statements" by having "Transvestites, Mao And Obama Ornaments Decorate White House Christmas Tree." Fox News' Special Report eatured the "interesting ornaments" on its "Political Grapevine" segment. And the Washington Times linked to and quoted an entry on the conservative NewsReal blog attacking the White House for choosing "a lovely ornament featuring China's mass murderer, Chairman Mao, to adorn our national Christmas tree at the White House."

In reality, Fox News itself noted that the "first lady's office says local community groups were asked to decorate hundreds of ornaments but that they are unaware of these specific decorations."​
12. The reason for this thread is that government school grads are not appraised of the Leftward plummet by the once-American party, the Democrats. When Obama openly acknowledged affection for Communist psychopath, Mao Zedong, some dunce actually compared Nixon to Obama.
“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Of course, the comparison is nonsense, the pretense we find in Democrat flacks.

These are the predecessors of today’s Democrats:

A few years after Port Huron, its organization’s offshoot and legitimate heir, the Weathermen, organized the Days of Rage riots in Chicago. At a subsequent “War Council,” Tom Hayden led the Weathermen in “a workout of karate jabs and kicks” for a “strenuous fifteen minutes” in preparation for armed struggle.
Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties, “ p. 96

Port Huron’s professions of love and brotherhood turned to rage and attack when society would not accept ‘brotherhood’ on SDS’s terms. But when the country refused to second their emotions—when the country elected President Nixon in 1968 and again, by larger margins, in 1972—the SDS grew bitter and increasingly alienated from the cause of democratic reform.

SDS grew from 600 in 1963 to over 100,000 in 1968…but fell apart by 1969, finally many hostile factions, until there remained only a small group of Maoists. It is interesting to compare them to the disciplined and programmed ‘Old Left,’ the Communist Party.
Today, they are called the ‘Democrat Party.’

“In turning viciously on stalwarts of the Cold War era like Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Scoop Jackson, anti-war insurgents called into question the Democratic Party's underlying commitment to challenging Communist expansion. The party's Vietnam-era drift away from issues of security and defense—and its association with a radical left hostile to the military and neutral in the fight between liberalism and communism—helped push a lot of Americans who didn't much like the Vietnam War into the arms of Richard Nixon…the 2006 Connecticut primary points to the growing influence within the party of leftists unmoved by the fight against global jihad.” Jacob Weisberg in ‘Slate’
Why Lamont's victory spells Democratic disaster.

The Democrats became communists, and the Communists hated Nixon.

And Nixon hated Communists…..including one Mao Zedong.

The same cannot be said of Hussein Obama.

If you had a girl friend

or a friend at all

you would have less time on your hands to write this drivel.....

think of all the space you'll save on the internet!

take up a hobby, NOT writing, I think......
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????
As usual you managed to completely miss my point. I was trying to point out that Nixon, the archetype cold-warrior, was an astute president when it came to foreign powers. He knew that China could be a lever he could use against Russia and he did what he had to do to make that happen. If that meant shaking Mao's, by then senile hand, he was willing to do what it took. Nixon was a pragmatist, you are an ideologue.

Your rewriting of history aside, Nixon was in the GOP mainstream at the time so calling him a RINO was absurd. If you're looking for a RINO today, look for a Republican that is a pro-tariff protectionist and willing to run up big gov't deficits.

she indeed has these total delusions and fantasys that Reagan and Nixon were RINO's where i just rotally disproved that. Ron Paul,one of the rare politicians in washington NOT corrupt,now THAT is a true Rino. never gets old educating the OP here.hee hee.

I love it when someone other than me takes the OP to school that she has been braiwanshed by our corrupt school system that there is any difference in the two parties,in a fantasyland that is true but in the REAL world,they are one in the same,no different than pro wrestlers who inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but when they get outside the ring,they are chums,drinking buddies who pal around with each other as i just proved earlier in my first post.

Doesnt the op EVER get tired of embarrassing herself to thw whole worl with outright lies that the republicans are not every bit as corrupt as the dems? i guess not.LOL's
Nixon was more conservative than Trump



Both Nixon and Kissinger were CFR tools.

It matters not how "conservative" he came off as, the fact remains, his China policy plans were promulgated in the CFR flagship Foreign Affairs.

He was a NWO shill, and started us down the road to global technocracy.

". . . A year before his election, Nixon had written in Foreign Affairs of the Chinese, that "There is no place on this small planet for a billion of its potentially most able people to live in angry isolation." Relations between the two great communist powers, the Soviet Union and China, had been deteriorating since the 1950s and had erupted into open conflict with border clashes during Nixon's first year in office. The President sensed opportunity and began to send out tentative diplomatic feelers to China. Reversing Cold War precedent, he publicly referred to the Communist nation by its official name, the People's Republic of China.. . . ."
Richard Nixon: Foreign Affairs | Miller Center
Thats because they were NOT kindred spirits,they were all traiters to america. I exposed what a traiter a and mass murderer Ike was in this thread here, same as FDR,he was pals with communist stalin as i proved on this thread,

please dont get me started on the most evil corrupt president ever at the time that PC so much has her head up the ass of.reagan,that she ignores what a warmonger asshole traiter he was having more people in an administration indicted than any other president before combined and THEN getting us into the largest deficit ever than any other president before him COMBINED,and nixon? you mean the warmonger who along with his pal johnson expanded the vietnam war and betrayed americans by dumping the gold standard? hahahaha

The only thing you got right is that the Mail Order Bride from Hell has her head up her ass.

The thing was, Ike, Nixon and Reagan were statesmen. Trump is a clown. The fact he appeals to nuts like you says a lot.
1.In a recent thread,

A Christmas Celebration For Democrats,

...a thread that established proof of Obama’s infatuation with Mao Zedong, and that Hussein had no problem finding similar views in other Democrats, it appears to have….aggravated…some government school grad.

Unable to dispute the facts therein, the government school grad found this to be his best camouflage:

“You neglected to pay homage to the GOP's Richard Nixon, the man who opened the door and allowed China to enter the Western world. He actually met and paid homage to Mao.”
A Christmas Celebration For Democrats

Is he correct in suggesting that Republican Nixon was ‘infatuated’ with the homicidal psychopath, as Democrat Obama is????

2. What an interesting question….

“Why did Nixon meet with Mao Zedong?

Improved relations with the Soviet Union and the PRC are often cited as the most successful diplomatic achievements of Nixon's presidency. ... The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.”
Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia › wiki › Richard_Nixon's_1972_visit_to_China

So.....seems it wasn't due to any affection for Communism....

3.The question remains, was Nixon the sort who would put Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree, and hire Mao aficionados for his administration, or say this:

“OBAMA: ‘THERE’S LITTLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM’” Obama: ‘There’s Little Difference Between Communism and Capitalism’

While the answer is clear and evident, the dolt’s attempt gives an opportunity to provide a fuller review of Richard Nixon, one that the Liberals have never been exposed to.

First, where did Nixon land on the conservative vs liberal spectrum.

Second, where did the Soviets stand vis-à-vis Nixon and the Democrat Party.

4. Liberals should have loved Richard Nixon.

The Nixon administration gives stark acknowledgement that 'Republican" is not the same as 'conservative.' Nixon, rather than adhering to 'limited government,' presided over a regulatory revolution from '70 to '74 that included OSHA, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency

"The Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v Duke Power in 1971, followed by congressional legislation in 1972 gave the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded authority to oversee employers employment practices. Combined, OSHA, the EPA, and the EEOC affected virtually every workplace. It was also during the Nixon years that the slope of federal spending on social and economic programs turned sharply upward." Charles Murray, "By The People," p.6.

A ‘big government Republican….a RINO.

And Richard Nixon was far, far more the civil rights warrior than the Democrat Party. Proof….next.

Isn't it odd that all the crooked Republicans become RINOs. Convenient, isn't it.

Is GW Bush or Trump a RINO yet?

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