Returning troops help KKK build paramilitary force to ‘retake’ US in coming race war


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Returning troops help KKK build paramilitary force to ‘retake’ US in coming race war

1) This is what happens when we turn our backs on vets -- they become disenfranchised and easy prey for fringe groups.

2) It won't be much of a "war" as most of these white guys wet their pants when confronted by a black dude. That's why they cling to their penis-substitute-guns.

The Ku Klux Klan plans to begin military-style combat training under the direction of military troops returning home from overseas deployments, according to a Barcroft Media report.

The notorious hate group has been attempting to recruit new members – children, in particular – in recent months, and the Loyal White Knights faction has begun preparations for a long-awaited race war.

“We’re going to do something a little different for probably the next couple of years to try to get our men and women ready for the upcoming battle that we’re about to take upon us, and this is something that no Klan has ever done and we’re going to start it,” said one Klan leader during a rally in Parkersburg, West Virginia. “All our boys are finally coming back home from the military, which is good, and we’re getting a lot more military members to join.”
Returning troops help KKK build paramilitary force to ‘retake’ US in coming race war

1) This is what happens when we turn our backs on vets -- they become disenfranchised and easy prey for fringe groups.

2) It won't be much of a "war" as most of these white guys wet their pants when confronted by a black dude. That's why they cling to their penis-substitute-guns.

The Ku Klux Klan plans to begin military-style combat training under the direction of military troops returning home from overseas deployments, according to a Barcroft Media report.

The notorious hate group has been attempting to recruit new members – children, in particular – in recent months, and the Loyal White Knights faction has begun preparations for a long-awaited race war.

“We’re going to do something a little different for probably the next couple of years to try to get our men and women ready for the upcoming battle that we’re about to take upon us, and this is something that no Klan has ever done and we’re going to start it,” said one Klan leader during a rally in Parkersburg, West Virginia. “All our boys are finally coming back home from the military, which is good, and we’re getting a lot more military members to join.”

This is just one guy from one group talking. Let's file it under 'wait and see'.
2) It won't be much of a "war" as most of these white guys wet their pants when confronted by a black dude. That's why they cling to their penis-substitute-guns.

You've been misinformed. Not everyone is scared of "black dudes". :doubt:
The KKK remain small in numbers, even smaller are the numbers of those who believe releasing five detainees after the 520+ released prior to 1/09 means much. These five are not "top level", the top level at Gitmo were released ages ago, mostly SAUDIS. Glossing over the fact 9/11/01 was Saudi manned, and Saudi financed (not by the government, by those tossed out of Saudi Arabia, and unaware relatives, including the wife of Prince Bandar, a close friend of the Bush family) care less about terror than slamming Obama. Anywhere from 10-27% have been reported to have returned to terror. Will these FIVE? Look at the odds.
Way to stay on subject.

Now supposing your bullshit was true, why would members of the military try to retake our government...apparently you 2 digit IQ'd idiots don't get it!

Most returning soldiers are proud of their country, and are probably not looking to get involved in another war. Not leaving a soldier behind us only bad to you single digit IQers.

single digit ? thank you for identifying yourself.
Obama was the ONLY person running for President that said:
our military is "air-raiding villages killing civilians."
What do you expect ex military guys feel about Obama?

Obama ordered this:
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,”
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
Salvatore Giunta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama prefers to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and prefers laying off 400,000 people that work for them.
Obama told us "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama also said:I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008... “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

So tell me you Obama supporters if ex-military coming home from duties that they were ORDERED not to perform to a country
where the leader wants to destroy businesses, raise utility rates and likes the idea that Americans should have higher gas prices...
honestly what would you really think these ex-military people's attitudes would be?
2) It won't be much of a "war" as most of these white guys wet their pants when confronted by a black dude. That's why they cling to their penis-substitute-guns.

That's because there's usually 10 more standing behind the black guy like a rabid pack of dogs waiting to pounce on the white guy.
Way to stay on subject.

Now supposing your bullshit was true, why would members of the military try to retake our government...apparently you 2 digit IQ'd idiots don't get it!

Most returning soldiers are proud of their country, and are probably not looking to get involved in another war. Not leaving a soldier behind us only bad to you single digit IQers.

The anger is about the top 5 echelon Taliban leaders traded for him you fool.

It's not about Bowe in particular. Just because he was AWOL (rest to be determined) doesn't mean he shouldn't come back to the US to face justice.

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