Retirees must love Biden

Pro and anti energy ? Wtf does that mean ? Name one Democrat who is “anti energy”.

You must thing solar cells, batteries, wind turbines and tidal power produce no energy ?

There is nearly as much energy that hits the earth in one hour than we need for the entire planet each year.
You and Tucker are completely inert when it comes to “energy”.

“Each hour 430 quintillion Joules of energy from the sun hits the Earth. That's 430 with 18 zeroes after it! In comparison, the total amount of energy that all humans use in a year is 410 quintillion Joules.”

Right. And how much land is this energy going to take? Now that we have this dementia patient letting in illegals like he was getting paid for each one, where are we supposed to put all these millions of people, windmills and solar panels? Housing is unaffordalble as it is and part of that is increase in land prices. Don't get me wrong, it's a huge plus for me being a landlord. I can charge almost anything I want for my units and I'll have a line of people trying to get one. But it's not good for our country, especially when the Chinese are buying up all our farms competing with our largest American farm owner, Bill Gates.

WTF does anti-energy mean? It means somebody choking off our fuel supply causing our prices for gasoline to double, our heating oil and natural gas to go up, placing even more pressure on our industries that's causing our inflation problems.

We didn't have these problems under President Trump and even the most commie polls are showing how much hatred Americans have for the way things are running in this country right now.
Right. And how much land is this energy going to take? Now that we have this dementia patient letting in illegals like he was getting paid for each one, where are we supposed to put all these millions of people, windmills and solar panels? Housing is unaffordalble as it is and part of that is increase in land prices. Don't get me wrong, it's a huge plus for me being a landlord. I can charge almost anything I want for my units and I'll have a line of people trying to get one. But it's not good for our country, especially when the Chinese are buying up all our farms competing with our largest American farm owner, Bill Gates.

WTF does anti-energy mean? It means somebody choking off our fuel supply causing our prices for gasoline to double, our heating oil and natural gas to go up, placing even more pressure on our industries that's causing our inflation problems.

We didn't have these problems under President Trump and even the most commie polls are showing how much hatred Americans have for the way things are running in this country right now.
Huh ? Gas prices went as high as 4.40 under Bush‘s invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t sound like Trump was well liked. He lost the election by a “ land slide.”
Huh ? Gas prices went as high as 4.40 under Bush‘s invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t sound like Trump was well liked. He lost the election by a “ land slide.”

He lost because of mail-in voting. When you have mail-in voting, you draw the most politically ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Those people won't normally go to the polls because many are the lazy welfare type, the kind of voters the Communist party depends on. That's why they were trying to make every election mail-in only.

But you are correct, President Trump was not liked in spite of the great job he did with the country, and this is the problem. When you have voters using the same criteria to elect representatives that they did voting on their favorite American Idol contestant, you end up with the disaster we have in the White House today.

If it were up to me, all voting would be in person and you'd have to take a short and very simple multiple questions test before being allowed to vote. if you fail, you don't get to vote until the next election. If Republicans could do that, you'd have every commie screaming bloody murder from the highest mountain tops.
Huh ? Gas prices went as high as 4.40 under Bush‘s invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t sound like Trump was well liked. He lost the election by a “ land slide.”
but under trump they were 2.30 average. They're saying we'll get to 6.00 average. And again, it seems you are fking ok with that. Truly sad you'd give your hard earned dollars to wealthy oil men because of xiden.
He lost because of mail-in voting. When you have mail-in voting, you draw the most politically ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Those people won't normally go to the polls because many are the lazy welfare type, the kind of voters the Communist party depends on. That's why they were trying to make every election mail-in only.

But you are correct, President Trump was not liked in spite of the great job he did with the country, and this is the problem. When you have voters using the same criteria to elect representatives that they did voting on their favorite American Idol contestant, you end up with the disaster we have in the White House today.

If it were up to me, all voting would be in person and you'd have to take a short and very simple multiple questions test before being allowed to vote. if you fail, you don't get to vote until the next election. If Republicans could do that, you'd have every commie screaming bloody murder from the highest mountain tops.
He didn't actually loose, mail in voting allowed for fraud and he lost because the demofks were cheating sending thousands of ballots that did not ever originate at a house that was in the county the vote was intended. Let's don't give them free press.
He didn't actually loose, mail in voting allowed for fraud and he lost because the demofks were cheating sending thousands of ballots that did not ever originate at a house that was in the county the vote was intended. Let's don't give them free press.
He also lost because the MSM suppressed the Hunter Biden story, lying and calling it Russian disinformation. (Anything the Left wants hidden because it would show how bad they are is called “disinformation.” ) Surveys showed that at least 15% of people who voted for Biden would not have, had the truth been reported, and that alone would have changed the outcome.
They're saying we'll get to 6.00 average.
They’re saying. Sounds lIke Trump. You seem to be OK with Putin the instigator, just like Trump. Two peas in a pod. The price of gas was 4.40 under Bush’s war. Get real. This is Putin’s war.
He also lost because the MSM suppressed the Hunter Biden story, lying and calling it Russian disinformation. (Anything the Left wants hidden because it would show how bad they are is called “disinformation.” ) Surveys showed that at least 15% of people who voted for Biden would not have, had the truth been reported, and that alone would have changed the outcome.
Hunter Biden. Wow. How about the President’s third cousin. Got any rumors about them ?
Hunter Biden. Wow. How about the President’s third cousin. Got any rumors about them ?
If you don’t understand the problem with your son taking millions in bribes from the communists when you are Vice President, and running for president, you’re hopeless.

SMH. These stupid liberals.
5.9 percent Cost of Living Adjustment
Projected 8 percent next year

Record Real Estate prices
Real Estate is crashing as we speak.

Hunter Biden. Wow. How about the President’s third cousin. Got any rumors about them ?

Those rumors (as the rest of the MSM reported except Fox) all turned out to be true. If his third cousin was getting filthy rich off of Dementia's connections or otherwise granted a lot of favors, I say discuss him or her as well. Besides what he's done in the past his latest one of selling his paint-by-numbers crappy art work to anonymous buyers for up to a half-mil would have hung Trump from the highest tree. But in lib land, nothing to see here folks. Nobody is buying favors or access to me.
They’re saying. Sounds lIke Trump. You seem to be OK with Putin the instigator, just like Trump. Two peas in a pod. The price of gas was 4.40 under Bush’s war. Get real. This is Putin’s war.

It must be a retroactive war because gasoline prices began to rise long before Ukraine.
  • Record gas prices
  • Increased food costs
  • Stock market crashing (401Ks impacted)

Many live on a fixed income

Let's Go Brandon!

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They’re saying. Sounds lIke Trump. You seem to be OK with Putin the instigator, just like Trump. Two peas in a pod. The price of gas was 4.40 under Bush’s war. Get real. This is Putin’s war.
You must be a total fk up to believe 7% of oil ends up being 93% cost? Hahaha what a fking idiot
Wow. Smooth move……and your point is what ? Inflation follows every recession. Trump had his. You need eco lessons ?
It does? So tell me the last time inflation hit 8.5% after a recession.

My point is Dementia took anti-fuel steps that are responsible for inflation and the price of gasoline today. It's not like it just happened or it was a last minute idea, he ran on being anti-energy against Trump along with Whorris.

When he invaded the White House he made it clear that he wasn't just talking the talk, he was walking the walk. My gas station just hit a new high today. $4.45 a gallon and JP Morgan predicts $6.00 a gallon on the national level by August. it's almost there in Commiefornia today.

This guy is a total disaster for the country and his address to Americans on the Texas school shooting made me sick to my stomach. He turned a national tragedy as a campaign slogan to "go after the gun lobby." He doesn't know how this kid got the gun, if it was purchased legally or not, Clues on the internet that may have helped our agencies keep an eye on this guy, nothing. Just use these 19 lives an opportunity to push your commie agenda. Sickening.

"The best part of being a Democrat is never having to say anything was your fault.
Ray from Cleveland
Irrelevant BS. You guys made fun of Obama’s tan suits too.
repo Admins have over 200 criminals indictments. Hunter isn’t even part of the admin. This is laughable.
who cares, he took illegal money. ILLEGAL. Most likely because of DADDY. You know, the BIG GUY? hahahahhhaahahah your denial of reality is not accepted.

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