Retired four-star admiral says it like it is about Islam & President Obama’s foreign policy strategy


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
"Recently we reported on retired Lt. Gen. and former DIA Chief Mike Flynn’s devastating criticism of the terms of President Obama’s Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS.

Another prominent retired member of America’s armed forces who has emerged as an outspoken opponent of the Obama administration’s foreign policy is four-star admiral James “Ace” Lyons.

During the Center for Security Policy’s recent Defeat Jihad Summit, the naval officer of 36 years, who served most recently as the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, made some simply astounding comments about Islam and President Obama’s foreign policy strategy: ...

Lyons’ remarks followed a scathing critique of the bipartisan failure of U.S. leaders to deal with the threat of Islamic supremacism, dating back to President Carter.

The Defeat Jihad Summit, held on February 11, was intended to serve as a corrective for the Obama administration’s forthcoming Countering Violent Extremism summit.

The event included prominent counterjihadists such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and dozens of others.

You can watch full video of the conference here."

Retired four-star admiral says the unsayable about Islam and President Obama 8217 s foreign policy strategy Video
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Leave it to The Blaze and keys to undermine the country's unity at a time when we need to pull together.

There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.

Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.

And you need to understand, there is no point of commonality as such individuals have no kinship with America... and this without regard to where they were born; thus there is no longer any desire to compromise with them, subsidize their existence or tolerate their means to vote against the viability of the nation, as they grope to satisfy their own subjective needs, through the illicit abuse of the system, designed purely around the requirement for an objective, soundly reasoned electorate.
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There's a really long thread about that senile old geezer from a couple days ago.

WOW! The Admiral would be so proud to know that he got a concession from an idiot inside two posts.

Congrats Admiral! You gave 'em no where to go.
"Recently we reported on retired Lt. Gen. and former DIA Chief Mike Flynn’s devastating criticism of the terms of President Obama’s Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS.

Another prominent retired member of America’s armed forces who has emerged as an outspoken opponent of the Obama administration’s foreign policy is four-star admiral James “Ace” Lyons.

During the Center for Security Policy’s recent Defeat Jihad Summit, the naval officer of 36 years, who served most recently as the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, made some simply astounding comments about Islam and President Obama’s foreign policy strategy: ...

Lyons’ remarks followed a scathing critique of the bipartisan failure of U.S. leaders to deal with the threat of Islamic supremacism, dating back to President Carter.

The Defeat Jihad Summit, held on February 11, was intended to serve as a corrective for the Obama administration’s forthcoming Countering Violent Extremism summit.

The event included prominent counterjihadists such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and dozens of others.

You can watch full video of the conference here."

Retired four-star admiral says the unsayable about Islam and President Obama 8217 s foreign policy strategy Video

The guy has been retired since 1987.

What direct knowledge of anything he's claiming could he plausible have?
Leave it to The Blaze and keys to undermine the country's unity at a time when we need to pull together.
There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.
Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.
And you need to understand, there is no point of commonality as such individuals have no kinship with America... and this without regard to where they were born; thus there is no longer any desire to compromise with them, subsidize their existence or tolerate their means to vote against the viability of the nation, as they grope to satisfy their own subjective needs, through the illicit abuse of the system, designed purely around the requirement for an objective, soundly reasoned electorate.
IMO, you're committing treason. Of course there's a chance for unity as long as we don't let people of your kind win. There will be no point of commonality as long as your and ISIS' views are allowed to thrive. You're birds of a feather. You have more commonality with them than me.
Leave it to The Blaze and keys to undermine the country's unity at a time when we need to pull together.

There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.

Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.'re not annihillating anyone. First, you're a talker. You love to advocate violence against people you don't like. But you don't have the balls to actually do it if it would ever cost you anything. You've insisted that unless gays 'sit down and shut the fuck up' that there will be a war waged against them that will 'make hate crimes look like Sunday Brunch'.

But you won't be fighting it. You have to be willing to bleed. You have to be willing to sacrifice. And all you're willing to do is hurt the defenseless. Not people that can defend themselves.

The moment you try and annihilate a member of the group you hate this week, we'll end you. And you know that. Which is why you do nothing. Your moral cowardice is a shield that protects you from us. And us from you.

Second, you're not going to be able to carry your arguments and convince anyone of your beliefs unless they already think like you do. As you rely too heavily on the Appeal to Authority fallacy. If someone doesn't accept your personal opinion as objective've literally got nothing. Your arguments lack any ability to persuade as they are circular, poorly thought through and factually baseless.

So you wouldn't even be able to recruit people. You're stuck with the hobbled few that already agree with you. And no one else.

And you need to understand, there is no point of commonality as such individuals have no kinship with America... and this without regard to where they were born; thus there is no longer any desire to compromise with them, subsidize their existence or tolerate their means to vote against the viability of the nation, as they grope to satisfy their own subjective needs, through the illicit abuse of the system, designed purely around the requirement for an objective, soundly reasoned electorate.

The obvious problem being that your beliefs are profoundly subjective. You simply double down on the 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy, insisting that you speak for God, Nature, Objectivity, Moral Truth, or whatever leviathan you think you need.

But a fallacy doesn't actually make your beliefs objective. It merely demonstrates that your beliefs can't survive without fallacies. And 'truth' doesn't need fallacies to survive.
As expected the left wing liberal socialist pukes defend everything the ghetto street shyster in the Oval Office puts his diseased hand on. At least Hitler had pictures of him showing the Field Marshalls and Generals where they were wrong and screwed up and what the Divine Leader wanted done. Hell, the lowest private in the Army could cook up better strategies than Herr Generalissimo Obumfuk.
Leave it to The Blaze and keys to undermine the country's unity at a time when we need to pull together.
There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.
Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.
And you need to understand, there is no point of commonality as such individuals have no kinship with America... and this without regard to where they were born; thus there is no longer any desire to compromise with them, subsidize their existence or tolerate their means to vote against the viability of the nation, as they grope to satisfy their own subjective needs, through the illicit abuse of the system, designed purely around the requirement for an objective, soundly reasoned electorate.
IMO, you're committing treason. Of course there's a chance for unity as long as we don't let people of your kind win. There will be no point of commonality as long as your and ISIS' views are allowed to thrive. You're birds of a feather. You have more commonality with them than me.

As an American, there is no potential for so much as a SENSE of loyalty to the Ideological Left... without regard to what positions they manage to infect... in terms of governance in the United States.

So since I have no potential for loyalty, having never pledged any loyalty to Anti-Americanism... it is impossible for me to betray the Left, as I stand in 100%, unapologetic, irrepressible opposition to that manifest evil.

As a moderator on this very site recently pointed out:

I count you people as being wholly without distinction to Osama Bin Laden or any of the ISIS pukes presently waiting for an American to take the Presidency, whereupon we will rain hell upon them and without regard for their hearts or their minds. And that includes the Leftists who have joined them in foreign lands and those who promote their interests here in the US... along with their Euro-peon counter-parts.
Leave it to The Blaze and keys to undermine the country's unity at a time when we need to pull together.
There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.
Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.
And you need to understand, there is no point of commonality as such individuals have no kinship with America... and this without regard to where they were born; thus there is no longer any desire to compromise with them, subsidize their existence or tolerate their means to vote against the viability of the nation, as they grope to satisfy their own subjective needs, through the illicit abuse of the system, designed purely around the requirement for an objective, soundly reasoned electorate.
IMO, you're committing treason. Of course there's a chance for unity as long as we don't let people of your kind win. There will be no point of commonality as long as your and ISIS' views are allowed to thrive. You're birds of a feather. You have more commonality with them than me.

I don't know about the 'treason' thing. But Keyes and ISIS both give lip service to annihilating any person who doesn't think like they do.

What we're seeing in both is the danger of assumptions of infallibility. Keyes is certain that anything he believes must be universal truth. He has no doubts. He has no room for new information, a change in any opinion, or any disagreement. And once you've commited to that level of certainty, then you're no longer dealing with people of principle who see things differently.

Its a battle between good and evil. Where good is anyone who thinks like you do. And evil is anyone who doesn't. With good obligated to annihilate evil to the last man. Its the exact philosophy of ISIS.

The only thing more dangerous than a person convinced of their own infallibility is one that thinks they speak for God. And Keyes rhetoric is becoming more radical, more violent and more polarized as he posts.

Its like he's trying to work up the courage for something really awful.
As expected the left wing liberal socialist pukes defend everything the ghetto street shyster in the Oval Office puts his diseased hand on. At least Hitler had pictures of him showing the Field Marshalls and Generals where they were wrong and screwed up and what the Divine Leader wanted done. Hell, the lowest private in the Army could cook up better strategies than Herr Generalissimo Obumfuk.

Wow. You can almost set your watch to Godwin's Law.
"Recently we reported on retired Lt. Gen. and former DIA Chief Mike Flynn’s devastating criticism of the terms of President Obama’s Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against ISIS.

Another prominent retired member of America’s armed forces who has emerged as an outspoken opponent of the Obama administration’s foreign policy is four-star admiral James “Ace” Lyons.

During the Center for Security Policy’s recent Defeat Jihad Summit, the naval officer of 36 years, who served most recently as the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, made some simply astounding comments about Islam and President Obama’s foreign policy strategy: ...

Lyons’ remarks followed a scathing critique of the bipartisan failure of U.S. leaders to deal with the threat of Islamic supremacism, dating back to President Carter.

The Defeat Jihad Summit, held on February 11, was intended to serve as a corrective for the Obama administration’s forthcoming Countering Violent Extremism summit.

The event included prominent counterjihadists such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders and dozens of others.

You can watch full video of the conference here."

Retired four-star admiral says the unsayable about Islam and President Obama 8217 s foreign policy strategy Video

The guy has been retired since 1987.

What direct knowledge of anything he's claiming could he plausible have?

he was alive and in service during carter. The answer to this question is way more than you think.
I don't know about the 'treason' thing. But Keyes and ISIS both give lip service to annihilating any person who doesn't think like they do.

Lovely straw argument.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
I don't know about the 'treason' thing. But Keyes and ISIS both give lip service to annihilating any person who doesn't think like they do.
Isn't lip service "aid and comfort"?

Aid and comfort to whom?

Your Peasantpimp CREATED ISIS... he gave the money that started them, gave them the weapons that they use... including HUNDREDS OF SHOULDER FIRED SURFACE TO AIR MISSILES... and he murdered a US Ambassador to conceal it.

He is presently working to have the 2002 Authorization for the use of Force against Islamic Terrorists, LIFTED, and replace it with an authorization for NOTHING...

He required that US troops in the field get an attorney's permission BEFORE THEY COULD DEFEND THEMSELVES against hostile action in Afghanistan.

He required that Hostiles taken in battle BE READ MIRANDA DECLARATIONS....

THAT is aid and comfort to the enemy... and it is treason SPECIFICALLY AS THE US CONSTITUTION DEFINES IT.
I don't know about the 'treason' thing. But Keyes and ISIS both give lip service to annihilating any person who doesn't think like they do.

Lovely straw argument.

More a direct quote:

There is no potential for unity in this country... as the country is infected with proponents of foreign ideas that are hostile to the principles that define this country.

Like the Admiral, my intentions are to expose that threat, then once exposed annihilate it... to the last individual infected by it.

These are Americans you're speaking of annihilating. All because they have ideas that you don't agree with.

Deny saying it and I'll just quote you again.
Another whiny anti-American thread where warmongers with no better solutions snipe at their own government, this time using a retired chickenhawk General with ZERO war wins under his belt.
Your Peasantpimp CREATED ISIS... he gave the money that started them, gave them the weapons that they use... including HUNDREDS OF SHOULDER FIRED SURFACE TO AIR MISSILES... and he murdered a US Ambassador to conceal it.

And who, pray tell, is 'he'? We both already know the answer, but I want you on record going full retard.

He required that US troops in the field get an attorney's permission BEFORE THEY COULD DEFEND THEMSELVES against hostile action in Afghanistan.

He required that Hostiles taken in battle BE READ MIRANDA DECLARATIONS....

Says who?

THAT is aid and comfort to the enemy... and it is treason SPECIFICALLY AS THE US CONSTITUTION DEFINES IT.

Actually, the constitution doesn't define aid and comfort to the enemy. You're citing yourself. Just like you are for all the batshit above.
Another whiny anti-American thread where warmongers with no better solutions snipe at their own government, this time using a retired chickenhawk General with ZERO war wins under his belt.

There's a certain fringe segment of the far right that really fucking hates this country. Hates its people, hates its values, and wants to annihilate it.

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