Respect and submission, are they the same?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Michelle Bachmann was asked a question at the debates.............

Out of all the things the President of the United States should be, it would seem absurd to think of that person as submissive. As the most powerful person in the country, the president must exude force, show self-confidence and be aggressive.
But be submissive?

At Thursday’s GOP Presidential debate, many believed Michele Bachmann’s answer regarding the question of submitting to her husband as showing weakness. Many critics questioned her perspective on leadership and authority.
Yet the idea of submission turns out to be central to what the President of the United States must do in order to lead our country.

Bachmann answered by saying submission equals respect. “I respect my husband,” she responded. “He’s a wonderful godly man. We respect each other and we love each other.”
The words respect and love would not be found as synonyms for submission in any thesaurus. Submission is often used as a negative connotation dealing with slavery, abuse or manipulation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines submission as “an act of submitting to the authority or control of another.”

It appears that submission lacks freedom.

Bachmann’s belief of submission differs from what has been ingrained in today’s culture. How could it be that submission equals respect or even love?

Read more: Garrett Kling Op-Ed: Give Me a Submissive President in 2012 - Op-Ed - Fox Nation

Garrett Kling Op-Ed: Give Me a Submissive President in 2012 - Op-Ed - Fox Nation

Now......let's look at what has to say...........

re·spect   /rɪˈspɛkt/ Show Spelled[ri-spekt] Show IPA
1. a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in ): to differ in some respect.
2. relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.
3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.
4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.
5. the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

sub·mit   /səbˈmɪt/ Show Spelled [suhb-mit] Show IPA verb, -mit·ted, -mit·ting.
verb (used with object)
1. to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
2. to subject to some kind of treatment or influence.
3. to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application.
4. to state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually followed by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required.

Now...........not for nothing, but if Bachmann has repeatedly stated that a woman is to submit to her husband (according to her beliefs in the Bible), shouldn't we be electing her husband to be president rather than his wife?

I mean..........he's the ultimate "head" of the woman, according to her. Do we really want that in a president?
Respect is what Republicans don't have for education, Middle Class Americans or the President.


And yet, Bachmann has repeatedly stated that wive's must submit to their husbands.

Shit dude.........they've got a wife carry, I wonder if this is the next extreme sport? Think that if Bachmann is elected, she's gonna take a carriage ride as well?
ABS, sometime back you admitted to taking part in a threesome.
Were you submissive?

It was me and 2 women, we all took equal responsibility.

Naw. The way you told it, it was you and a woman who had a disabled vet lover. You did it for flag and country. :salute:
But, whatever, I only brought it up to remind you how Bachmann must feel when asked inappropriate questions. And I am NO Bachmann fan.
Because Bachmann has gone on record stating that wives must be submissive to their husbands, the question posed to her as a candidate for president was appropriate. She dodged the answer.

Respect and submission are not the same. In fact, they are polar opposites. Respect is garnered between equals. The only respect a person who must submit to a superior garners would be if she was exceptionally good at being submissive.

Voters have a right to know if she, as president, will submit to her husband's wishes when making presidential decisions. That she refused to answer says volumes.
Because Bachmann has gone on record stating that wives must be submissive to their husbands, the question posed to her as a candidate for president was appropriate. She dodged the answer.

Respect and submission are not the same. In fact, they are polar opposites. Respect is garnered between equals. The only respect a person who must submit to a superior garners would be if she was exceptionally good at being submissive.

Voters have a right to know if she, as president, will submit to her husband's wishes when making presidential decisions. That she refused to answer says volumes.

That she refused to answer such a neanderthal question shows she didn't want to lower herself.
Because Bachmann has gone on record stating that wives must be submissive to their husbands, the question posed to her as a candidate for president was appropriate. She dodged the answer.

Respect and submission are not the same. In fact, they are polar opposites. Respect is garnered between equals. The only respect a person who must submit to a superior garners would be if she was exceptionally good at being submissive.

Voters have a right to know if she, as president, will submit to her husband's wishes when making presidential decisions. That she refused to answer says volumes.

Bachmann gave a no-answer in a very redundant way!!:lol:
That she refused to answer such a neanderthal question shows she didn't want to lower herself.

I agree with you that the question would have been sexist and "neanderthal"... if she herself had not gone on record during her campaign as stating positively that wives must be submissive to their husbands. Shouldn't voters have a right to know whether it's their president or her spouse making decisions for the country?
Why not ask Obama about Michelle being proud of the country for the first time in her adult life and what size strap on she wears?
That she refused to answer such a neanderthal question shows she didn't want to lower herself.

I agree with you that the question would have been sexist and "neanderthal"... if she herself had not gone on record during her campaign as stating positively that wives must be submissive to their husbands. Shouldn't voters have a right to know whether it's their president or her spouse making decisions for the country?

Why ask the question since we'll never really know?
Don't know if you were alive during the Reagan administration, but many people thought Nancy was running the WhiteHouse (ala: Hillary during the Clinton admin.).
Guess what, we will really never know? So why ask?
If she really beileved that wives should submit to their husbands she would never had run for any sort of political office. When she said that the first time she was just pandering to voters.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22
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If she really beileved that wives should submit to their husbands she would never had run for any sort of political office. When she said that the first time she was just pandering to voters.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22

That's what I think. She sure as hell looks submissive don't she? KNOT:lol::lol:
The male version of Mrs. Bachmann is so damn gay its funny. I dont care about any of this but he is so hypocritical about all of it.
The male version of Mrs. Bachmann is so damn gay its funny. I dont care about any of this but he is so hypocritical about all of it.

it's always you dumb assed liberalturds who bring up "gay" why is that? why do you hate gays?

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