Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians

RE: Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians
You have to remember the ※→ Coyote, et al,

You have to remember the purpose of Foreign Aid (all types of assistance: military security, medical emergency, and disaster relief, human development and agricultural, etc) is a diplomatic tool that furthers US Influence in pursuit

All forms Foreign Aid (economic, industrial, developmental assistance, humanitarian and security assistance, etc, etc, etc) is a tool that the US can use to advance its foreign policy interests and to implement the American Interests...

IF the aid does not further US Interests,
THEN the aid becomes of not value,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.

IF the aid does not induces hamful effects on an ally,
THEN the aid becomes counterproductive,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.​

Israel has no need of foreign aid from us?

Israel is an ally of the United States; whereas the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have not demonstrated their characteristics of an ally in over half a century.

US Foreign Aid does not promote a corrupt government in Israel; whereas, Foreign Aid to the Arab Palestinians seems to prop up the corrupt quasi-governments of Gaza and Ramallah leadership; contributing to the further progress of regional Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”e
............................................................................................Leo Tolstoy
Granted, that is not what is happening. This notion that America "has to be an honest broker" and not show favoritism, is nonsense. If you have an ally, you support that ally; not their enemy.

America should not stop supporting its ally, just because the pro-Arab Palestinian proponents do not wish to preserve the Jewish State. The alliance with Israel is NOT an inconvenient political position; we should never think that. It is who we are → and our word (both as a nation and a people) means something.

Most Respectfully,

Does that mean you support the ally no matter what they do?

The Tolstoy quote is informing on both sides.

Why should we not be an honest broker? When we are not, the results are seldom enduring. You can’t have true and lasting peace if it is one sided.

Can't have peace without a spine.
Honesty is not an absence of moral decision in favor of an artificial image of neutrality.
One supports what is right and rejects what is wrong.

Do you believe Israel is always right?
RE: Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians
You have to remember the ※→ Coyote, et al,

You have to remember the purpose of Foreign Aid (all types of assistance: military security, medical emergency, and disaster relief, human development and agricultural, etc) is a diplomatic tool that furthers US Influence in pursuit

All forms Foreign Aid (economic, industrial, developmental assistance, humanitarian and security assistance, etc, etc, etc) is a tool that the US can use to advance its foreign policy interests and to implement the American Interests...

IF the aid does not further US Interests,
THEN the aid becomes of not value,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.

IF the aid does not induces hamful effects on an ally,
THEN the aid becomes counterproductive,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.​

Israel has no need of foreign aid from us?

Israel is an ally of the United States; whereas the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have not demonstrated their characteristics of an ally in over half a century.

US Foreign Aid does not promote a corrupt government in Israel; whereas, Foreign Aid to the Arab Palestinians seems to prop up the corrupt quasi-governments of Gaza and Ramallah leadership; contributing to the further progress of regional Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”e
............................................................................................Leo Tolstoy
Granted, that is not what is happening. This notion that America "has to be an honest broker" and not show favoritism, is nonsense. If you have an ally, you support that ally; not their enemy.

America should not stop supporting its ally, just because the pro-Arab Palestinian proponents do not wish to preserve the Jewish State. The alliance with Israel is NOT an inconvenient political position; we should never think that. It is who we are → and our word (both as a nation and a people) means something.

Most Respectfully,

Does that mean you support the ally no matter what they do?

The Tolstoy quote is informing on both sides.

Why should we not be an honest broker? When we are not, the results are seldom enduring. You can’t have true and lasting peace if it is one sided.

Can't have peace without a spine.
Honesty is not an absence of moral decision in favor of an artificial image of neutrality.
One supports what is right and rejects what is wrong.

Do you believe Israel is always right?

Not always, I know Israel is fundamentally good.
Yes I do make that distinction, I know what is good and bad, anyone with a spine makes that decision, anyone without runs into the gray area in fear of upsetting someone at the expense of his own values.

Seems like the US made a clear distinction of what is acceptable and not.
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RE: Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians
You have to remember the ※→ Coyote, et al,

You have to remember the purpose of Foreign Aid (all types of assistance: military security, medical emergency, and disaster relief, human development and agricultural, etc) is a diplomatic tool that furthers US Influence in pursuit

All forms Foreign Aid (economic, industrial, developmental assistance, humanitarian and security assistance, etc, etc, etc) is a tool that the US can use to advance its foreign policy interests and to implement the American Interests...

IF the aid does not further US Interests,
THEN the aid becomes of not value,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.

IF the aid does not induces hamful effects on an ally,
THEN the aid becomes counterproductive,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.​

Israel has no need of foreign aid from us?

Israel is an ally of the United States; whereas the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have not demonstrated their characteristics of an ally in over half a century.

US Foreign Aid does not promote a corrupt government in Israel; whereas, Foreign Aid to the Arab Palestinians seems to prop up the corrupt quasi-governments of Gaza and Ramallah leadership; contributing to the further progress of regional Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”e
............................................................................................Leo Tolstoy
Granted, that is not what is happening. This notion that America "has to be an honest broker" and not show favoritism, is nonsense. If you have an ally, you support that ally; not their enemy.

America should not stop supporting its ally, just because the pro-Arab Palestinian proponents do not wish to preserve the Jewish State. The alliance with Israel is NOT an inconvenient political position; we should never think that. It is who we are → and our word (both as a nation and a people) means something.

Most Respectfully,

Does that mean you support the ally no matter what they do?

The Tolstoy quote is informing on both sides.

Why should we not be an honest broker? When we are not, the results are seldom enduring. You can’t have true and lasting peace if it is one sided.

Can't have peace without a spine.
Honesty is not an absence of moral decision in favor of an artificial image of neutrality.
One supports what is right and rejects what is wrong.

Do you believe Israel is always right?

Not always, I know Israel is fundamentally good.
Yes I do make that distinction, I know what is good and bad, anyone with a spine makes that decision, anyone without runs into the gray area in fear of upsetting someone.

Perhaps it is spineless to paint complex situations as black and white.

A Palestinian doctor, who had worked extensively with the Israelis in medical work, lost his children when Israel bombed Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, I believe.

Where is the black and white? Who is bad? Who is good?
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
RE: Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians
You have to remember the ※→ Coyote, et al,

You have to remember the purpose of Foreign Aid (all types of assistance: military security, medical emergency, and disaster relief, human development and agricultural, etc) is a diplomatic tool that furthers US Influence in pursuit

All forms Foreign Aid (economic, industrial, developmental assistance, humanitarian and security assistance, etc, etc, etc) is a tool that the US can use to advance its foreign policy interests and to implement the American Interests...

IF the aid does not further US Interests,
THEN the aid becomes of not value,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.

IF the aid does not induces hamful effects on an ally,
THEN the aid becomes counterproductive,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.​


Israel is an ally of the United States; whereas the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have not demonstrated their characteristics of an ally in over half a century.

US Foreign Aid does not promote a corrupt government in Israel; whereas, Foreign Aid to the Arab Palestinians seems to prop up the corrupt quasi-governments of Gaza and Ramallah leadership; contributing to the further progress of regional Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.


“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”e
............................................................................................Leo Tolstoy
Granted, that is not what is happening. This notion that America "has to be an honest broker" and not show favoritism, is nonsense. If you have an ally, you support that ally; not their enemy.

America should not stop supporting its ally, just because the pro-Arab Palestinian proponents do not wish to preserve the Jewish State. The alliance with Israel is NOT an inconvenient political position; we should never think that. It is who we are → and our word (both as a nation and a people) means something.

Most Respectfully,

Does that mean you support the ally no matter what they do?

The Tolstoy quote is informing on both sides.

Why should we not be an honest broker? When we are not, the results are seldom enduring. You can’t have true and lasting peace if it is one sided.

Can't have peace without a spine.
Honesty is not an absence of moral decision in favor of an artificial image of neutrality.
One supports what is right and rejects what is wrong.

Do you believe Israel is always right?

Not always, I know Israel is fundamentally good.
Yes I do make that distinction, I know what is good and bad, anyone with a spine makes that decision, anyone without runs into the gray area in fear of upsetting someone.

Perhaps it is spineless to paint complex situations as black and white.

A Palestinian doctor, who had worked extensively with the Israelis in medical work, lost his children when Israel bombed Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, I believe.

Where is the black and white? Who is bad? Who is good?
It's very simple - war is bad. Winning a war for the good side is good.
More Germans died in their war than Brits, does it change the fact that Germany was bad and wrong full 200%. More ISISI Jihadis died in war than Egyptians, who's side is good?
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I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

The same hospitals which turn into military bases in every confrontation?
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

For how long?
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

For how long?

I have never seen time limits placed on aid. Presumably until it is no longer needed, or otherwise ended.
Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

For how long?

I have never seen time limits placed on aid. Presumably until it is no longer needed, or otherwise ended.

This can only happen with clear frames and outlined goals, including time limits.
Otherwise You can't make a distinction when it is actually needed.

Junkies on the streets "need aid", does it help or worsen the situation if You give 'em Your paycheck with no conditions? A road to where is paved with good intentions?
Can anyone find an article or video where the PA or Hamas say they wish to become self-reliant?

Eritrea aspires to be self-reliant, rejecting foreign aid - Los Angeles Times

Hmmm...has Israel rejected foreign aid?
It will, when the Palestinians put down their Charters of destruction of Israel and finally decide to co-exist with their hated Jews.

You ask the wrong questions.
Israel has no need of foreign aid from us. They have yet to reject, and yet you think the Palestinians should?

I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.
Let us look at what will happen once the US stops any aid to Israel and it cannot find another country to give it the same, or is unable to build the military power it needs:

1) Iran has thousands upon thousands of rockets in South Lebanon (where Hezbollah has taken over the Lebanese people's land and homes and hid thousands of its weapons )aimed at Israel.

2) Iran has been attempting to have a base in Syria with military power and personnel.

3) Iran will continue to send weapons to Gaza, so that Hamas and others will use them to attack Israel.

4) Without Israel's military power, the Sunni countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others will be at the hands of Iran, as they are unable to defend themselves against the military power we know that country has)

5) Without Israel's military power Iran, or Russia, or both will go ahead and take over any part of the Middle East they have been eyeing.

6) Without Israel's military power, the possibility of WWIII is definitely closer, if not 1005 definitive, because Iran and Russia will do all they can to conquer any and all territory they think should be under their hands.

7)Without Israel's military power, Hezbollah and Hamas plus others, will launch a total rocket attack which will reach all over Israel, destroying and killing anyone in their path.
And yes, it will include any and all Arab Muslims, Christians. The Druze, the Beduin, and all others, just as it has happened before during past wars with Lebanon, and what Hamas has been doing lately.


Will you continue to want the US to fully stop its aid to Israel?

Without Israel being there to deter, stop Iran and others from taking over the Middle East, and then Europe and the world, if they can......

Who is going to do it?

Will the US, and its allies, then have to go on the ground with its troops, or simply attack Iran and others via airplane?

What ideas do you have which will keep that area safe and keep it from having its fuse lit into WWIII?

Will defending against Iran and others directly be less expensive to the US than giving military aid to Israel ?

I should have clarified, I was talking only about economic aid, which is something like 3.1 B. Military aid is a different matter, and it is strategic. I don’t have an issue with that.
From my research:

* Economic aid is combination of grants and loans. Israel stopped receiving economic aid of any sort in 2007

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)
I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.

Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?

They do choose to provide it, though it is insufficiently funded.
RE: Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians
You have to remember the ※→ Coyote, et al,

You have to remember the purpose of Foreign Aid (all types of assistance: military security, medical emergency, and disaster relief, human development and agricultural, etc) is a diplomatic tool that furthers US Influence in pursuit

All forms Foreign Aid (economic, industrial, developmental assistance, humanitarian and security assistance, etc, etc, etc) is a tool that the US can use to advance its foreign policy interests and to implement the American Interests...

IF the aid does not further US Interests,
THEN the aid becomes of not value,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.

IF the aid does not induces hamful effects on an ally,
THEN the aid becomes counterproductive,
THERFORE the aid should be discontinued.​


Israel is an ally of the United States; whereas the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank (including Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip have not demonstrated their characteristics of an ally in over half a century.

US Foreign Aid does not promote a corrupt government in Israel; whereas, Foreign Aid to the Arab Palestinians seems to prop up the corrupt quasi-governments of Gaza and Ramallah leadership; contributing to the further progress of regional Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.


“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”e
............................................................................................Leo Tolstoy
Granted, that is not what is happening. This notion that America "has to be an honest broker" and not show favoritism, is nonsense. If you have an ally, you support that ally; not their enemy.

America should not stop supporting its ally, just because the pro-Arab Palestinian proponents do not wish to preserve the Jewish State. The alliance with Israel is NOT an inconvenient political position; we should never think that. It is who we are → and our word (both as a nation and a people) means something.

Most Respectfully,

Does that mean you support the ally no matter what they do?

The Tolstoy quote is informing on both sides.

Why should we not be an honest broker? When we are not, the results are seldom enduring. You can’t have true and lasting peace if it is one sided.

Can't have peace without a spine.
Honesty is not an absence of moral decision in favor of an artificial image of neutrality.
One supports what is right and rejects what is wrong.

Do you believe Israel is always right?

Not always, I know Israel is fundamentally good.
Yes I do make that distinction, I know what is good and bad, anyone with a spine makes that decision, anyone without runs into the gray area in fear of upsetting someone.

Perhaps it is spineless to paint complex situations as black and white.

A Palestinian doctor, who had worked extensively with the Israelis in medical work, lost his children when Israel bombed Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, I believe.

Where is the black and white? Who is bad? Who is good?
It is always good to take the evidence from both sides:

The Israeli government is claiming that Hamas spotters were the targets of IDF shells that led to the death of three of Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish's daughters and one of his nieces during Operation Cast Lead in 2009.

According to affidavits filed by the Israeli government in the Be'er Sheva District Court, Hamas spotters were identified in the same building as the Abuelaish family. Furthermore, the state is also reiterating the claim that Palestinian weapons depots located in the building were what caused the deaths, rather than IDF artillery fire.

Lt. Col. Eran Tuval, commander of the IDF's Materials and Chemical Branch, examined fragments taken from the girls and found chemical components on them which IDF weaponry did not contain. On the other hand, the examination found that the chemicals were used in weapons used by Hamas. As such, he concluded that there was indeed an enemy ammunition dump in the same building.

(full article online)

IDF blames Hamas for death of Palestinian doctors 3 daughters

There will be hundreds, if not thousands of Palestinian civilian lives saved if Hamas stops hiding weapons, rockets etc in hospitals, schools, mosques and other forbidden places, and totally stops firing rockets or hiding in civilian areas.
Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?

They do choose to provide it, though it is insufficiently funded.

It's insufficiently funded by whom?
Strategic aide to Palestine? What would you see as a useful way of reducing or altering aide to Palestine?

Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?

They do choose to provide it, though it is insufficiently funded.
Then where is the PA's own electricity and water facilities with all the Billions they continue to receive?

Where are they in Gaza? Gaza has a small one, and Israel has to supply the electricity and fix it.

Why are they not fully self-sufficient, as Egypt, Jordan and other places are.

They do have the money for it.

Where does it go?
Hmmm...has Israel rejected foreign aid?
It will, when the Palestinians put down their Charters of destruction of Israel and finally decide to co-exist with their hated Jews.

You ask the wrong questions.
Israel has no need of foreign aid from us. They have yet to reject, and yet you think the Palestinians should?

I think reducing or altering aid in a strategic fashion is useful, but that is not what is happening.
Let us look at what will happen once the US stops any aid to Israel and it cannot find another country to give it the same, or is unable to build the military power it needs:

1) Iran has thousands upon thousands of rockets in South Lebanon (where Hezbollah has taken over the Lebanese people's land and homes and hid thousands of its weapons )aimed at Israel.

2) Iran has been attempting to have a base in Syria with military power and personnel.

3) Iran will continue to send weapons to Gaza, so that Hamas and others will use them to attack Israel.

4) Without Israel's military power, the Sunni countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others will be at the hands of Iran, as they are unable to defend themselves against the military power we know that country has)

5) Without Israel's military power Iran, or Russia, or both will go ahead and take over any part of the Middle East they have been eyeing.

6) Without Israel's military power, the possibility of WWIII is definitely closer, if not 1005 definitive, because Iran and Russia will do all they can to conquer any and all territory they think should be under their hands.

7)Without Israel's military power, Hezbollah and Hamas plus others, will launch a total rocket attack which will reach all over Israel, destroying and killing anyone in their path.
And yes, it will include any and all Arab Muslims, Christians. The Druze, the Beduin, and all others, just as it has happened before during past wars with Lebanon, and what Hamas has been doing lately.


Will you continue to want the US to fully stop its aid to Israel?

Without Israel being there to deter, stop Iran and others from taking over the Middle East, and then Europe and the world, if they can......

Who is going to do it?

Will the US, and its allies, then have to go on the ground with its troops, or simply attack Iran and others via airplane?

What ideas do you have which will keep that area safe and keep it from having its fuse lit into WWIII?

Will defending against Iran and others directly be less expensive to the US than giving military aid to Israel ?

I should have clarified, I was talking only about economic aid, which is something like 3.1 B. Military aid is a different matter, and it is strategic. I don’t have an issue with that.
From my research:

* Economic aid is combination of grants and loans. Israel stopped receiving economic aid of any sort in 2007

Total U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel (1949-Present)

My research found a different answer: FAE: Data Query
Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?

They do choose to provide it, though it is insufficiently funded.
Then where is the PA's own electricity and water facilities with all the Billions they continue to receive?

Where are they in Gaza? Gaza has a small one, and Israel has to supply the electricity and fix it.

Why are they not fully self-sufficient, as Egypt, Jordan and other places are.

They do have the money for it.

Where does it go?

Who has control of the water?

It is a false equivalency to compare Gaza to Egypt and those other countries. They are larger, have ports and rivers, trade relations with any country, etc.
Aid that bypasses governments and goes directly to the people. Schools, infrastructure, economic development that directly supports entrepreneurs and small local businesses. Flac pointed the problems Palestinians have because all their trade involves Israel. They need to develop other partnerships. Why haven’t they? Does Israel restrict it? Aid can go towards developing an independent energy and water sources so Israel does not control it. Aid can be strategic by making some of it dependent on certain reforms, such as elections and anti corruption measures.

Aren't those the jobs of the government of that territory? To provide for its people with basics like entertainment and water and schools and infrastructure?
If the government is inadequate, or the economic situation situation dire, aid can help.

In fact, aid is frequently used to help hospitals and schools in many countries, and I have never before heard this argument made against them.

What if the government actively chooses not to provide for it people? What then?

They do choose to provide it, though it is insufficiently funded.

It's insufficiently funded by whom?
The government.

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