Republicans won’t be satisfied with overturning Roe

Get over it bro....

If broads can't keep their legs closed, that is their own its time for them to be punished for being reckless whores

While I'm not a fan of abortion, I find it interesting how your comment here absolutely and completely absolves the man of any responsibility whatsoever...
I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY .

That might not be a bad thing.

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
You want to declare the USSC to NOT be legitimate because they make a Constitutionalruling that you don't like?!

Yeah, that's just brilliant.

Let's just get rid of the Constititution & the USSC every time some liberal has his feelings hurt by a decision that upholds / enforces the US Constitution.... :p

Why are liberal extremist Democrats so afraid of allowing citizens to have freedoms of speech, choice, and self-rule through Constitutional Republic practices established in our own Constitution?

BTW, 'precedence' is not always 'right'.

Denying people their Constitutional Rights and creating new non-existent rights based on personal / political agendas / desires is not Constitutional / 'right'...

Finally, God forbid people actually have to exercise discipline and take responsibility for their own actions before using abortions as 'post-sex contraceptives' to avoid rhe consequences of being irresponsible / careless...

(Yes, there is much more to it, but I am speaking of this specific reason millions embrace abortions...)

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Samuel Alito writes in the document,

I say that we hold that the Supreme Court is no longer legitimate. The Democrats need to RISE UP and start civil war to protect women and their right to privacy. This is unbelievable to see 5 people try and change 50 years of precedent. This will destroy the COUNTRY.
you do that.
Abortion is murder if there is a heartbeat
This is why previous versions of Democrat 'Truth Commissions' have tried to control the narrative / definition of what a live, viable human being infant is.

Just what everyone needs - a liberal telling us a baby with a heartbeat capable of surviving outside the womb is NOT a living being.

These people, btw, are the same ones who told you a biological male can give birth...

The biggest problem with this whole case is the fact that Liberals have illegally leaked a Supreme Court ruling, and have actually politicized the court-one of our most sacred institutions of jurisprudence.

The parties responsible for this leak are clearly insurrectionists seeking to take down our government and should be persecuted to the fullest extent.
When your side doubled down on this Trans insanity, you went a bridge too far, any blowback is on you,

To me Obergfell should have just said any SSM license issued by a State that issues them has to be honored like any other out of State marriage license. That had abundant precedent, unlike the "jiggery pokery" used to come to the actual Obergfell decision.
What do you want government to do to trans people??

I wish you so faux small government Conservatives will stop being such pussies about your desire to see the rights of "some" infringed upon..

So, what should be done to trans people?? and why is that any different from what you have been wanting to be done to gay people, black people, women, etc, etc, etc, etc.
The biggest problem with this whole case is the fact that Liberals have illegally leaked a Supreme Court ruling, and have actually politicized the court-one of our most sacred institutions of jurisprudence.

The parties responsible for this leak are clearly insurrectionists seeking to take down our government and should be persecuted to the fullest extent.
Why is telling the country ahead of time that the Supreme Court is about to do something that Conservatives have been trying to do for 50 years supposed to take down the government??

If Conservatives believe just the knowledge of Roe being overturned will take down the government, why advocate for it so much?
Why is telling the country ahead of time that the Supreme Court is about to do something that Conservatives have been trying to do for 50 years supposed to take down the government??

If Conservatives believe just the knowledge of Roe being overturned will take down the government, why advocate for it so much?
Did you not read the OP? The title? He is literally calling for war
What do you want government to do to trans people??

I wish you so faux small government Conservatives will stop being such pussies about your desire to see the rights of "some" infringed upon..

So, what should be done to trans people?? and why is that any different from what you have been wanting to be done to gay people, black people, women, etc, etc, etc, etc.

I want schools to not ignore parents when it comes to their kids maybe being trans. I want surgery, hormone treatment, and puberty blockers to be banned for use on anyone under the age of 18. Hell puberty blockers are only approved by the FDA for use on precocious puberty, not as a mental health treatment.

Plus the Trans thing has morphed from an issue of people with gender dysphoria into a situation where fetishists get kicks walking around with their junk still on pretending to be woman and demanding to be treated as such.

Bridge too far, but you can't see it.
The problem with that strategery is that when the Trumpster regains power, additional conservatives will be added to the Supreme Court.

If we have enough changes in leadership, before you know it we will need a Supreme Court building as large as the Rose Bowl to handle all the new justices coming in. Great news I guess for the tailors who manufacture black robes.
I say do it anyways, Trump won't win.
Why is telling the country ahead of time that the Supreme Court is about to do something that Conservatives have been trying to do for 50 years supposed to take down the government??

If Conservatives believe just the knowledge of Roe being overturned will take down the government, why advocate for it so much?

The purpose is to intimidate the justices, or in reality just one justice.
Isn't Roe used as a precedent? How do impartial judges go against precedent that the Supreme Court itself set? Do their rulings ultimately mean nothing?
I want schools to not ignore parents when it comes to their kids maybe being trans. I want surgery, hormone treatment, and puberty blockers to be banned for use on anyone under the age of 18. Hell puberty blockers are only approved by the FDA for use on precocious puberty, not as a mental health treatment.

Plus the Trans thing has morphed from an issue of people with gender dysphoria into a situation where fetishists get kicks walking around with their junk still on pretending to be woman and demanding to be treated as such.

Bridge too far, but you can't see it.
So you get puberty blockers banned..and that's all?

No....and that is the problem I have with Conservatives...

They are never truthful about their bigotry...this isn't about children...this is about hating gay people, transpeople, anyone who isn't what Conservatives consider the default demographic of this country...the white heterosexual christian male......which is why most of the discriminatory policies in this history of this country has SPECIFICALLY been against those outside of that demo

As for what people do in their own home...not my for "fetishists" dressing up as women....not my fucking fragile one has to be
If Roe is overturned it simply goes back to the states and a complete ban on abortion or contraception in any state would be political suicide and would not be upheld in either the state or federal courts.
For right or wrong, there is nothing to say it could not be upheld in state or federal courts, if the landmark cases are ruled mute.
The purpose is to intimidate the justices, or in reality just one justice.
Is that why justices go thru the SC nomination process and lie about how they would rule on abortion?? when people were outright demonizing Ketanji and calling her a pedophile....was that "intimidation" -- did you speak out against it?


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