Republicans...Why all the anger?

The OP makes the false assumption that the anger that has propelled Trump the GOP nominee is exclusively from Republicans. That is incorrect. The anger comes from an entire class of people of all colors and political persuasions that feel they have been left out and have no voice.

You really think Trump's supporters include more than a handful who aren't republicans.

I think he means it's not just Trumps supporters that have issues.....say like Bernie Sanders supporters....but there are more groups.
When Democrats protest, i.e., riot, loot, vandalize, resist arrest, kill cops, and slander the military, they get all giddy inside.

Republicans get angry about it.

We're just different that way.
When Democrats protest, i.e., riot, loot, vandalize, resist arrest, kill cops, and slander the military, they get all giddy inside.

Republicans get angry about it.

We're just different that way.

No shit, we don't kill people, vandalize property, and steal.....that's a bit more anger than someone who says Obama sucks balls.
We are sick of the left's blatant lying, never taking responsibility for their failures, overwhelming level of corruption, constantly saying one thing and doing another, their constant attacks on law enforcement, sanctuary cities for illegals who kill Americans, shall I go on?

No need. Your list of lies make it clear that you have no link to reality.

Speaking of the lying left ^^^ right on cue.
As a swing voter, I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats over the last 40+ years. There is one theme I just don't get about Republican voters: Anger, and lot's of it! When I started in the job market way back in the early 70's unemployment was over 7%, lines at gas stations were long, mortgage interest rates were over 13%, and America was just winding down the long horror show that was the Viet Nam war. In listening to Donald Trump at the Republican Convention, one would have thought we were living in the depths of hell. Reality Check Republicans: It's not all that bad! so please tone down the anger. President Obama and Hillary Clinton have their flaws just like anyone else, but they are not the monsters you take them for. I think Donald Trump would be a decent President, but he's probably not going to win, so calm down and realize there will always be another election. Republicans: If it makes you feel better, just remember it was only a few years ago during Hillary's term as a NY Senator that Donald Trump was singing her praises, and telling everyone she would make a fine President. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are not as different as you pretend folks, so calm down and try to vote based on your judgement, not on your emotions.

The anger is our economy is going nowhere.....8 years, you have to do better than 1.2% GDP....atlteast hit 3% at some point.
Our foreign policy is a mess....the world is more dangerous. We helped the Syrians, Libyans, and Egyptians to rebel versus their government and create a complete mess.
We have people killing cops and our administration tries to justify that.
We have terrorism that is very real and dangerous and an administration that does not take it seriously. From JV team to it's the safest time in the world, our President has no clue.
Letting in refugees with poor vetting is not a good idea and will get people killed
We have people pouring in the border and overstaying visas and no one is enforcing them to leave, plus we need a barrier to keep the south border secure.
We have trade deals taking money out of our country by the tens and hundreds of millions.
We have the highest corporate taxes, that along with poor trade agreements, cause businesses to make products and create jobs outside of our own country.

...and not only that, it rained today, and my hair is a mess!!!!!!
When Democrats protest, i.e., riot, loot, vandalize, resist arrest, kill cops, and slander the military, they get all giddy inside.

Republicans get angry about it.

We're just different that way.

Damn! I had no idea that the guys who did the armed takeover of government land in Oregon were democrats!

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