republicans need to cheat?


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
You won the freaking election. Didn't anyone tell you left wing a-holes? Stop whining like a bunch of losers and tell us how great the next four years will be. Can't do it? neither can I.
If you want to know what democrats are up to look at what the accuse republicans of doing. The dems must be rattled by the woman in Florida looking at 12 years for voter fraud.
ACORN didn't even exist when Obama won. Remember? It was destroyed by lies from the right.

Chicago machine is bullshit but even if it were not, its small and local.


But the op has a point. The R hasn't won the popular vote in, what? - four out of the last five general elections and they don't have the SCOTUS to cheat for them anymore. That's why they're hustling to get the next one rigged in their favor.
ACORN didn't even exist when Obama won. Remember? It was destroyed by lies from the right.

Chicago machine is bullshit but even if it were not, its small and local.


But the op has a point. The R hasn't won the popular vote in, what? - four out of the last five general elections and they don't have the SCOTUS to cheat for them anymore. That's why they're hustling to get the next one rigged in their favor.

B. Hussein's election was ACORN's finest moment. The awkwardly named Association for Community Organization for Reform Now was established in 1970. It filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy to avoid law suits in 2010 after the B. Hussein election.
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If it wasn't for dirty tricks and voter fraud, the GOP would never win an election.
PLEASE. This comes from the Cook county democrat White House? JOKE.

Has some in the GOP in various areas been cheating at times. Sure. ITs been going on by both parties for years.
You won the freaking election. Didn't anyone tell you left wing a-holes? Stop whining like a bunch of losers and tell us how great the next four years will be. Can't do it? neither can I.

We have to keep reminding you people that republicans are more organized and fanatical in their willingness to short circuit the election process. Don't you think that Paul Ryan and others getting together on inauguration day in 2009 to do whatever is possible to make war on Obama was in effect making war on we the people and our ability to come out of a depression?
Romney didn't one vote in 59 preceints in Philidelphia and the Tides Foundation spent FOUR times what they complain that the Koch Brothers spent, but it's Republicans that are the real cheaters....I'm glad I'm on on the Left...too much spinning makes me dizzy.
If you want to know what democrats are up to look at what the accuse republicans of doing. The dems must be rattled by the woman in Florida looking at 12 years for voter fraud.

But republicans are both invested in and own the easily hackable voting machines. This is where thousands and millions of votes can change with no paper trail at all.

They've also been successful in gerrymandering to the point of dems having more votes than republicans for congress but those votes were diluted by the gerrymander process. Republicans more and more will have to cheat and do dirty tricks to win elections in the future, or do some essential changes to keep in line with the changing America.
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Could Democrats win an election without ex-cons voting?

Felons traditionally vote Democratic, says Christopher Uggen, a University of Minnesota sociologist, who co-authored a 2006 book, "Locked Out: Felony Disenfranchisement and American Democracy."

That is because felons come disproportionately from groups that align with Democrats, such as minorities, the poor and urban residents. In this group, Uggen says, "you aren't going to find too many Mitt Romney supporters."


There are an estimated 20 million felons in the United States, including 1.5 million now in prison, according to statistics provided by Uggen. About 5.6 million of them are forbidden to vote by state laws. Depending on where they were convicted, the other 13.4 million have either had their voting rights restored or never lost them, even when incarcerated
Democracy is a tough concept for the entitled in America. Anne Romney mentioned it was their time to govern, what an odd but telling comment. That any person in a democracy felt it was their turn demonstrates the level of privilege and entitlement the upper classes feel about the American experience. No longer is the preamble's dream a part of the consciousness of the haves. 'All people' now excludes that unlucky soul who has the misfortune of being sick or picking parents in our lower classes.

"Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican Party represent not just a disturbing, destructive social and political movement; they also pose a threat to the very ideas of democracy and democratic government. This can be seen (it’s not as if they work hard or consistently to hide it) in two distinct, if also ultimately related ways." Steven Johnston

[link is below]

"The GOP dreams of a world in which the very rich arrogate to themselves the vast wealth a capitalist economy produces, an outcome made possible by rules, regulations, and practices they devise; given the force of law thanks to “representatives” they usher into office courtesy of a political system they have bought; and sanctified by an activist Supreme Court they have installed. It’s a vicious economic-political noose that threatens to tighten the grip on democracy and make it yield to the slightest pressure from its masters. Republicans must rule the country they profit from, even pillage, while the rest are to be marginalized and dismissed, essentially foreigners in their own land. Those who think Romney and the GOP live in the 1950s may need to reset their calendars. They’re not nearly so modern." Steven Johnston The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Imperium

The Contemporary Condition: The Church of Capitalism: Why Right-Wing Economics is Once Again not Rational
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Can't republicans win elections on their own merits anymore? If it's not the supreme court helping them, it's gerrymandering and vote machines owned by repubs of course. Here's a link of some republicans (of course) that are looking at jail time for vote machine rigging.

The BRAD BLOG : Clay County, KY, Election Officials Sentenced to 156 Years in Election Rigging Case; ALSO: Voting Machines Impounded in Perry County, KY
Your far-left blogger failed to mention some of the people receiving the stiffest terms were Democrats. Thanks for the link, though.

But it looks like the ick extended beyond party lines and included opinion rather than fact in several explanations by the leftist blogger, so that makes your title a half-truth, imho. And a half truth isn't the whole truth. Neither party got out of this scandal squeaky clean.

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