Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

I understand the concept perfectly...

I work, and have the government take the money to pay for lots of shit the lazy Democrats aren't willing to work for...

Because there are absolutely no Republicans on welfare, receive food stamps, on medicaid, etc.
Red States are supported by Blue States
Then tell California, Illinois, and New York to send us another cbeck...

Oh, that's right... THEY'RE BANKRUPT, and their people are fleeing!!!
Red states receive more federal money than they send.

Why are you Republicans such moochers?

Which may have some truth to it if red states were all Republicans and blue states were all Democrats.
Then tell California, Illinois, and New York to send us another cbeck...

Oh, that's right... THEY'RE BANKRUPT, and their people are fleeing!!!
Red states receive more federal money than they send.

Why are you Republicans such moochers?
Because our large cities have a lot of Democrats, and those lazy shits are expensive...

And every time the Republicans try to make them WORK for their food stamps, the Democrat Party has another meltdown!!!
Large cities pay for government services for rural areas. They always have.......Schools, hospitals, roads, electricity, water

All provided to rural areas thanks to the cities

Where is this at? Not around here. We have plenty of places out in the sticks, and to my knowledge, they don't get any money from the city. The county gives me a breakdown of where every tax dollar I pay goes. I've never seen one dollar go to rural areas.


The sticks would still have dirt roads if they weren’t subsidized by urban areas. Utility companies would not run telephone and electric service to remote areas if they had not been subsidized.

They're not subsidized by the cities. If anything, the federal government subsidizes them.
Republicans are too stupid to et Medicare for all.

A couple in their 50's who are self employed & buy their insurance as individuals can expect to pay over $20,000 a year in health insurance premiums. Then they will have deductible & co-pays.

Under Medicare for all, they would be paying at lot less. Medicate is under $200 a month.

So this couple could pay a lot in a new tax & still be money ahead.

Corporations would pay a lot less in tax than they did to provide that healthcare benefit.

AS you stupid fucks run around screaming " OMG OMG OMG Nw Taxes!!!! OMG OMG OMG".

You are just too fucking stupid to realize you would be paying less.

Sure we would. Money comes out of the sky to pay for these things. Nobody actually has to pay for them.
Lol I’m not a communist

Right, Bernie/Liz 2020...


but even if I was, why would that automatically make me a Stalinist? Don’t you realize how stupid that sounds? It’s not like communism has anything to do with mass murder.

You are a Stalinist, part of a Stalinist party which holds Star Chamber proceedings in the basement of the capitol to plot coups against the duly elected president, You are part of a lying sack of shit party that invents evidence.

Benny on Twitter

Fucking liars and traitors trying to overthrow our nation and Constitution in favor of a Totalitarian state where freedom of speech is prohibited, religion managed by our rulers, the press is limited to the party propaganda corps, where privacy is perverted to only mean killing ones offspring, government is free to search your personal and financial documents to see if they can find or create crimes - just like Nazi Germany that you Stalinist scum so closely emulate. Oh, of COURSE you'll have to disarm your victims. Don't want people fighting back.

This civil war you're waging against America remains a cold war, but it is a real war. We fight for the survival of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. You fight to create a dictatorship under the authoritarian rule of the Fascist democrat party.
Last edited:
I understand the concept perfectly...

I work, and have the government take the money to pay for lots of shit the lazy Democrats aren't willing to work for...

Right and in return you get government services you goon lol. Also, the left is more likely to have a higher education therefore they have jobs idiot.
So drag a single wide unto your parents lawn and let the first family wearing Berni T shirts to live in it for free........ASSHOLE!
You might not have figured this out yet, but if a group of people commit a lot more crimes than other groups, their prison population will be proportionately represented.

Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

Red States are supported by Blue States
Then tell California, Illinois, and New York to send us another cbeck...

Oh, that's right... THEY'RE BANKRUPT, and their people are fleeing!!!
If they are bankrupt, why are they forced to support red states?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states
Why is our prison population rising so quickly?
We have always had minorities


Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

You still don’t read graphs well

Even yours shows the increase starting in 1980. Thanks President Reagan
Your a bot, not a real boi.

Prison populations rose because of 3 Strikes under Clinton. They started declining under Trump. Your graph conveniently omits that.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

You still don’t read graphs well

Even yours shows the increase starting in 1980. Thanks President Reagan



President Clinton on Saturday hailed the life prison sentence given to the first man convicted under the federal government’s “three strikes” law and prodded Congress to approve his languishing anti-terrorism bill.

Speaking from the mountain resort where he is vacationing with his family, Clinton said that last week’s sentencing of Thomas Farmer proves the value of the year-old federal crime bill. The law mandates life sentences without parole for anyone convicted of a serious violent felony after two previous convictions on similar state or federal charges.

The President argued that Congress should summon the same bipartisan spirit responsible for passage of last year’s crime bill to enact this year’s anti-terrorism measure, welfare reform and other legislation backed by the White House.

Clinton said Farmer had been a “textbook case of what’s wrong with our criminal justice system.” The 43-year-old Iowa man had been imprisoned twice for murder and armed robbery but each time received early parole. Last year, he went on a crime rampage in which he robbed two supermarkets and threatened to kill a supermarket employee, leading to his third conviction.

“No wonder law-abiding Americans are fed up with a system that lets too many career criminals get out of jail free,” Clinton said. But he said the “three strikes, you’re out” provision had now “slammed the door shut” on Farmer.

Clinton took credit for other anti-crime initiatives enacted during his term. Combined with local police efforts, he said, the measures had contributed to a decline in violent crime rates in several major cities. He said a ban on some assault weapons and a law delaying handgun purchases have “stopped thousands of criminals from getting their hands on deadly weapons.”
Clinton Hails 'Three Strikes' Sentence : Crime: He says federal life term proves worth of the bipartisan-backed crime bill. He urges similar support to adopt his anti-terrorism legislation.
Then tell California, Illinois, and New York to send us another cbeck...

Oh, that's right... THEY'RE BANKRUPT, and their people are fleeing!!!
If they are bankrupt, why are they forced to support red states?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states
But the DEMOCRATS in those states are the ones sucking up the benefits...
Are Welfare Recipients Mostly Republican?
Paul Krugman is in puzzlement, having observed that Red States get more welfare funding, while Republican voters oppose the welfare state. He portrays Republicans as “Moochers” who are either hypocritical or too stupid to know their own best interest.

But as we know, states do not vote, individuals do. There is only a paradox if Republican voters receive welfare at above average rates while voting against it. From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

Krugman reports no individual level data, so let me. The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.


Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.
Then tell California, Illinois, and New York to send us another cbeck...

Oh, that's right... THEY'RE BANKRUPT, and their people are fleeing!!!
If they are bankrupt, why are they forced to support red states?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

Clinton wasn’t president in 1980

True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

You still don’t read graphs well

Even yours shows the increase starting in 1980. Thanks President Reagan



President Clinton on Saturday hailed the life prison sentence given to the first man convicted under the federal government’s “three strikes” law and prodded Congress to approve his languishing anti-terrorism bill.

Speaking from the mountain resort where he is vacationing with his family, Clinton said that last week’s sentencing of Thomas Farmer proves the value of the year-old federal crime bill. The law mandates life sentences without parole for anyone convicted of a serious violent felony after two previous convictions on similar state or federal charges.

The President argued that Congress should summon the same bipartisan spirit responsible for passage of last year’s crime bill to enact this year’s anti-terrorism measure, welfare reform and other legislation backed by the White House.

Clinton said Farmer had been a “textbook case of what’s wrong with our criminal justice system.” The 43-year-old Iowa man had been imprisoned twice for murder and armed robbery but each time received early parole. Last year, he went on a crime rampage in which he robbed two supermarkets and threatened to kill a supermarket employee, leading to his third conviction.

“No wonder law-abiding Americans are fed up with a system that lets too many career criminals get out of jail free,” Clinton said. But he said the “three strikes, you’re out” provision had now “slammed the door shut” on Farmer.

Clinton took credit for other anti-crime initiatives enacted during his term. Combined with local police efforts, he said, the measures had contributed to a decline in violent crime rates in several major cities. He said a ban on some assault weapons and a law delaying handgun purchases have “stopped thousands of criminals from getting their hands on deadly weapons.”
Clinton Hails 'Three Strikes' Sentence : Crime: He says federal life term proves worth of the bipartisan-backed crime bill. He urges similar support to adopt his anti-terrorism legislation.
Your own graph shows a massive increase in prison population YEARS before Clinton took office

Can’t you read?
If they are bankrupt, why are they forced to support red states?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States
True, and as your graph shows, the real rise was about 92...
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

You still don’t read graphs well

Even yours shows the increase starting in 1980. Thanks President Reagan



President Clinton on Saturday hailed the life prison sentence given to the first man convicted under the federal government’s “three strikes” law and prodded Congress to approve his languishing anti-terrorism bill.

Speaking from the mountain resort where he is vacationing with his family, Clinton said that last week’s sentencing of Thomas Farmer proves the value of the year-old federal crime bill. The law mandates life sentences without parole for anyone convicted of a serious violent felony after two previous convictions on similar state or federal charges.

The President argued that Congress should summon the same bipartisan spirit responsible for passage of last year’s crime bill to enact this year’s anti-terrorism measure, welfare reform and other legislation backed by the White House.

Clinton said Farmer had been a “textbook case of what’s wrong with our criminal justice system.” The 43-year-old Iowa man had been imprisoned twice for murder and armed robbery but each time received early parole. Last year, he went on a crime rampage in which he robbed two supermarkets and threatened to kill a supermarket employee, leading to his third conviction.

“No wonder law-abiding Americans are fed up with a system that lets too many career criminals get out of jail free,” Clinton said. But he said the “three strikes, you’re out” provision had now “slammed the door shut” on Farmer.

Clinton took credit for other anti-crime initiatives enacted during his term. Combined with local police efforts, he said, the measures had contributed to a decline in violent crime rates in several major cities. He said a ban on some assault weapons and a law delaying handgun purchases have “stopped thousands of criminals from getting their hands on deadly weapons.”
Clinton Hails 'Three Strikes' Sentence : Crime: He says federal life term proves worth of the bipartisan-backed crime bill. He urges similar support to adopt his anti-terrorism legislation.
Your own graph shows a massive increase in prison population YEARS before Clinton took office

Can’t you read?

All you do is lie, sad.

Both graphs show a gradual increase until the 90's when the incline becomes dramatic.

Who are you trying to fool? Seriously?
Why is California constantly crying for more federal money???

But I have a solution, since the state can't declare bankruptcy...

We can just give it to Mexico and they can have all the Mexican citizens they want... Heck, they can even have all the "migrants" from Central America, since Mexico has offered THEM asylum!!!
California pays more into the Federal coffers than they receive.
Expecting more in return is crying?
Wow, have you got anything else you can pull out of your ass???
How much money does your state receive from the federal government? Check out this list.

The total amount the federal government collected from each state in the 2017 fiscal year ranged from $5.6 billion from Vermont to $435.6 billion from California. The majority of states – including Vermont and California – ultimately get more money back than they contribute.
By your link, California is 40 at a whopping $12 per resident
My state, NJ pays a whopping $2,600 more per resident than they receive

Most of the top ten in receiving federal funds are red states

The only thing that defines a red state and blue state is how they voted last presidential election. Nothing else.

When I watch HGTV and house sales or renovations, I'm stunned at what homes cost in blue states. For what you buy there for 800K, you can get for less than 300K here. Because the cost of living is so high in blue states, wages have to pay more to be middle class, and of course, that means higher tax contributions to the federal government. It's not that they have anything more than we do, it's just that for what they have, they pay much more for it.

View attachment 302456
Which amounts to blue states contributing significantly more than red states do. If the cost of living is so high in blue states, you would think they would receive MORE in federal funding

They don’t, that funding goes to Red States

What do you mean "contributing?"

Krugman included military bases and national parks in his claims of states consuming federal funds. Even in 1994 when he put this out, it was highly dishonest. Since that time, Texas and Arizona have become boom states with massive increases in both population and GDP. Other than as fodder for leftist talking points, the Krugman crap is meaningless - as is virtually anything the old leftist kook spews out.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
You don’t read graphs well

You don't have integrity.

Of course you're a bot, so you wouldn't.

You still don’t read graphs well

Even yours shows the increase starting in 1980. Thanks President Reagan



President Clinton on Saturday hailed the life prison sentence given to the first man convicted under the federal government’s “three strikes” law and prodded Congress to approve his languishing anti-terrorism bill.

Speaking from the mountain resort where he is vacationing with his family, Clinton said that last week’s sentencing of Thomas Farmer proves the value of the year-old federal crime bill. The law mandates life sentences without parole for anyone convicted of a serious violent felony after two previous convictions on similar state or federal charges.

The President argued that Congress should summon the same bipartisan spirit responsible for passage of last year’s crime bill to enact this year’s anti-terrorism measure, welfare reform and other legislation backed by the White House.

Clinton said Farmer had been a “textbook case of what’s wrong with our criminal justice system.” The 43-year-old Iowa man had been imprisoned twice for murder and armed robbery but each time received early parole. Last year, he went on a crime rampage in which he robbed two supermarkets and threatened to kill a supermarket employee, leading to his third conviction.

“No wonder law-abiding Americans are fed up with a system that lets too many career criminals get out of jail free,” Clinton said. But he said the “three strikes, you’re out” provision had now “slammed the door shut” on Farmer.

Clinton took credit for other anti-crime initiatives enacted during his term. Combined with local police efforts, he said, the measures had contributed to a decline in violent crime rates in several major cities. He said a ban on some assault weapons and a law delaying handgun purchases have “stopped thousands of criminals from getting their hands on deadly weapons.”
Clinton Hails 'Three Strikes' Sentence : Crime: He says federal life term proves worth of the bipartisan-backed crime bill. He urges similar support to adopt his anti-terrorism legislation.
Your own graph shows a massive increase in prison population YEARS before Clinton took office

Can’t you read?

All you do is lie, sad.

Both graphs show a gradual increase until the 90's when the incline becomes dramatic.

Who are you trying to fool? Seriously?
You really can’t read a graph, can you?
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
"Free shit" is what the Democrat/Socialists want us all to think is Socialism.
Socialism is all about the takeover of private property by the federal government.
Doing things to help people is not Socialism

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