Republicans lead us to Marxism, Dems saving us from it

MHO this is a classic example of STARTING with a PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION and then attempting to cherry pick evidence that supports it while excluding anything that doesn't. What makes it worse is that the author has clearly demonstrated a strong PARTISAN BIAS in the past, making the whole mess unworthy of consideration by any objective observer.

Michael Mooreism at its finest.
I think I put my argument out there with very strong supporting evidence. Yes I make fun of what I perceive to be right wing nonsense on this site but I also argue with supporting facts when serious. This is a serious problem and if you love America you’d think so too.
It's not your "strong supporting evidence" that I took issue with, it was your METHOD and your OBJECTIVITY.

Next time, try starting with an OBJECTIVE QUESTION, collect evidence, examine (and subsequently present sans cherry picking) ALL the evidence, and THEN draw an OBJECTIVE CONCLUSION, instead of using the reverse of the process so that you can present an inflammatory conclusion that does nothing but promote partisan bickering and feed confirmation bias.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

View attachment 495794

View attachment 495795

The Trumplican Party is NOT pushing the US towards Marxism.

The Trumplican Party
IS pushing the US towards Autocracy-Dictatorship-Fascism... the traitorous, lawless, myopic, servile Neanderthals that they are.
I love it when idiots like this expose their progressive slave agenda. Makes it easier to put them on ignore...
No POLITICAL party has all the correct answers. Mistakes will be made no matter who runs things. working together for solutions is best. At this point most work to keep their cushy job.
No POLITICAL party has all the correct answers. Mistakes will be made no matter who runs things. working together for solutions is best. At this point most work to keep their cushy job.
Working together is what got this country into the mess..RINO's working with Demoncraps have fucked US royally...Time for an actual reset of this country.

1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”
Why hire blacks at low prices when you have to pay everyone the minimum wage is your argument? The fact South African capitalist won’t hire blacks at the same rate as whites isn’t an argument against a minimum wage. It’s an argument against discrimination. Come. On. Man.
Not my argument it's the fact

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, unable to block railroad companies from hiring the non-unionized black workers, called for regulations preventing the employment of blacks. In 1909, a compromise was offered: a minimum wage, which was to be imposed equally on all race

Marxism explains why Capitalism leads to Socialism which leads to Communism which leads to Capitalism which leads to...

So don't try to make one look better than the others
I think you explained that simply and I agree. My argument is that, given that theory, the Republicans are creating the environment for that to play out by their insatiable appetite to keep wages low and capital concentrated only at the top. In fact they have used language to market any effort to moderate this from happening with slippery slope arguments to communism with buzzwords of “redistribution” , “other people money”, etc..
The fact is that as long as politics is played by politicians controlled by big money, which is 100% unavoidable, this cycle will never end.
1960s, many African-Americans were employed as farmers — at least partly due to this being one of the few remaining fields of work that was not yet subject to wage regulations. This changed in 1967, when the government extended the minimum wage laws to American farmers as part of the "War on Poverty." Black farmers who were accustomed to making a modest $3.50 per day were now legally required to be paid $1.00 per hour — a tremendous increase in wages.

The effect of this law was immediate and undeniable. An estimated 25,000 farm workers were put out of work in the Mississippi Delta region alone.4 Black farmers were not oblivious to the cause-and-effect at play. "That dollar an hour ain't worth nothing," said the wife of one day-laborer. "It would have been better if it had been 50 cents a day if you work every day."5 Fifty cents per day, of course, was a lower wage than what her husband would have been earning prior to the law. Her point was clear: the federal minimum wage destroyed their ability to earn a living.
OP partisan hacking along as usual. We're here because of both worthless parties. We were warned.

. . . It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeebles the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption . . . A fire not to quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into flame . . .”

--George Washington
MHO this is a classic example of STARTING with a PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION and then attempting to cherry pick evidence that supports it while excluding anything that doesn't. What makes it worse is that the author has clearly demonstrated a strong PARTISAN BIAS in the past, making the whole mess unworthy of consideration by any objective observer.

Michael Mooreism at its finest.
I think I put my argument out there with very strong supporting evidence. Yes I make fun of what I perceive to be right wing nonsense on this site but I also argue with supporting facts when serious. This is a serious problem and if you love America you’d think so too.
It's not your "strong supporting evidence" that I took issue with, it was your METHOD and your OBJECTIVITY.

Next time, try starting with an OBJECTIVE QUESTION, collect evidence, examine (and subsequently present sans cherry picking) ALL the evidence, and THEN draw an OBJECTIVE CONCLUSION, instead of using the reverse of the process so that you can present an inflammatory conclusion that does nothing but promote partisan bickering and feed confirmation bias.
This thread iuses the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. I support my hypothesis STATEMENT supported with EVIDENCE. Cherry picking evidence?!? If you want to debate my conclusion do so.
Trump increased those wages. They were no longer stagnant. The scamdemic killed the economy purposely.
How much was driven by the 24 states where minimum wage increased in 2020? What exactly are you seeing the Republicans do to grow wages at the bottom?

Go to the job boards, you can see clearly who pays minimum wage and who pays above the states minimum wage,

People in red states get ahead with a lower minimum wage.
Republicans are pushing the US towards Marxism while the Democrats are the ones trying to save you from it. Don’t believe me? Look at the evidence.

, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage. Then it goes on to suggest some non-class world of utopia.

SECOND, we are steaming towards an inevitable revolution/revolt based on the consolidating number of hyper-winners and overwhelming number of losers, not because of popular culture differences to debate.
  1. Wages for workers are stagnant in real terms with all the moderate increase coming from top earners (first link)
  2. Profit margins are at historical highs for capital owners (second/third links)
  3. Profit margins have been driven by “productivity” increases on the backs of labor without any reward to the worker for being more productive - since the 70’s ripping off the worker has been in vogue as unions dissolved. (Fourth link)

THIRD, this is ALL DRIVEN BY REPUBLICAN POLICY. Republican policies drive lower minimum wages, lower Corporate taxes, fewer corporate regulations to protect workers, shirks providing basic benefits to Americans, and adamantly protects the hoarding of profits through fighting any redistribution tactics of graduated tax rates, inheritance taxes, capital gains.

CONCLUSION, the US capitalism experiment will fail if the Republicans continue to push winners take all losers lose all policies. Giving up some gains to protect the majority of your capital is the only strategy that keeps us in balance. Otherwise the workers will come for all your capital and you are outnumbered. Consider a long term strategy of taking care of the balance or perish in the instability of the only part of Marxism that is inevitable: The large underclass that gets taken advantage of will remediate that imbalance by force.

View attachment 495793
For most Americans, real wages have barely budged for decades

View attachment 495794

View attachment 495795

The Trumplican Party is NOT pushing the US towards Marxism.

The Trumplican Party
IS pushing the US towards Autocracy-Dictatorship-Fascism... the traitorous, lawless, myopic, servile Neanderthals that they are.
I love it when idiots like this expose their progressive slave agenda. Makes it easier to put them on ignore...
Again. Weak minded. Only thing weaker than drive by insults is eyes closed head in the sand reactions. You wanna do both it seems. Peace.
Go to the job boards, you can see clearly who pays minimum wage and who pays above the states minimum wage,

People in red states get ahead with a lower minimum wage.
The stats I put in the OP don’t deviate much by state. It’s a fundamental problem with our model since the mid 70s. It’s not like one’s political ideology makes them work harder or less hard. Productivity, employment, income, etc are higher in blue states but that’s not reflective of people’s work habits in my opinion but structural factors like population density, land value, infrastructure, etc.
MHO this is a classic example of STARTING with a PREDETERMINED CONCLUSION and then attempting to cherry pick evidence that supports it while excluding anything that doesn't. What makes it worse is that the author has clearly demonstrated a strong PARTISAN BIAS in the past, making the whole mess unworthy of consideration by any objective observer.

Michael Mooreism at its finest.
I think I put my argument out there with very strong supporting evidence. Yes I make fun of what I perceive to be right wing nonsense on this site but I also argue with supporting facts when serious. This is a serious problem and if you love America you’d think so too.
It's not your "strong supporting evidence" that I took issue with, it was your METHOD and your OBJECTIVITY.

Next time, try starting with an OBJECTIVE QUESTION, collect evidence, examine (and subsequently present sans cherry picking) ALL the evidence, and THEN draw an OBJECTIVE CONCLUSION, instead of using the reverse of the process so that you can present an inflammatory conclusion that does nothing but promote partisan bickering and feed confirmation bias.
This thread iuses the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. I support my hypothesis STATEMENT supported with EVIDENCE. Cherry picking evidence?!? If you want to debate my conclusion do so.
***** WWWWWOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHHHH ***** says the point as it sails over your head.

You've just proven you have no idea how the scientific method works or what a hypothesis is (*hint: it's not a predetermined CONCLUSION), you know why it's so easy to determine your METHOD, because the only relationship your evidence has to one another is the CONCLUSION you presented and that you present it using LEADING phraseology, it's a dead "this has been cherry picked to support a pre-determined conclusion" giveaway.

Heck, I could use the same method you did to support my pre-determined conclusion that Republicans are little green men from Mars.

As far as "debating your conclusion", it's beneath me since as I've already pointed out it's specious AT BEST.

Nice effort but like the saying goes "You can't fool all of the people....".
FIRST, simply Marxism says that ultimately capitalism results in a small group of hyper-winners and an overwhelming number of losers resulting in the losers taking physical control (revolt/revolution) based on a numbers advantage.

I don’t subscribe to the solution but the progression to instability is on point.

The main points of Marxism include:
  • Capitalism is broken into two classes: workers and capitalists (proletariats and bourgeoisies).
  • Those that control the corporations exploit workers and control society.
  • Eventually, workers will rise up to make everyone even and get rid of classes.

Mark Zuckerberg is worth about $120 billion, Elon Musk $150 billion and Jeff Bezos...$180 billion.

Why does their wealth cause instablilty?
Go to the job boards, you can see clearly who pays minimum wage and who pays above the states minimum wage,

People in red states get ahead with a lower minimum wage.
The stats I put in the OP don’t deviate much by state. It’s a fundamental problem with our model since the mid 70s. It’s not like one’s political ideology makes them work harder or less hard. Productivity, employment, income, etc are higher in blue states but that’s not reflective of people’s work habits in my opinion but structural factors like population density, land value, infrastructure, etc.
Of course is does, I am moving to La Crosse Wisconsin this Saturday for a easy $25 an hour job with employee housing after 3 years being in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho .

I was going to move to Spokane Washington but the job boards and cost of living told me otherwise

Why would I want to make a few bucks over minimum wage when I can make 3 times as much?
This is pure Alinsky crap but why do lefties continue to behave as if they lost the freaking election? All they have been doing is whining since inauguration day. Is it some sort of reaction to the disappointment of having a mentally impaired old man staggering around the White House?
Geez. Talk about out of left field. The only people who knows who Alinsky is are right wingers. It’s boogeyman time now on this thread. Keep an eye out for Soros.

Democrats won the Presidency by a narrow margin electorally, have a tie in the Senate and a narrow but comfy margin in the most democratic body, the house. For us to progress as a nation the Republicans need to put on their big boy britches and come to the table on inequity statistics I pointed out. We need wage increases and less concentrated wealth. Everyone can see that. Even you must see that. Maybe you have better ideas than the democrats... I’m all ears... or eyes since it’s a message board.
This is pure Alinsky crap but why do lefties continue to behave as if they lost the freaking election? All they have been doing is whining since inauguration day. Is it some sort of reaction to the disappointment of having a mentally impaired old man staggering around the White House?
Geez. Talk about out of left field. The only people who knows who Alinsky is are right wingers. It’s boogeyman time now on this thread. Keep an eye out for Soros.

Democrats won the Presidency by a narrow margin electorally, have a tie in the Senate and a narrow but comfy margin in the most democratic body, the house. For us to progress as a nation the Republicans need to put on their big boy britches and come to the table on inequity statistics I pointed out. We need wage increases and less concentrated wealth. Everyone can see that. Even you must see that. Maybe you have better ideas than the democrats... I’m all ears... or eyes since it’s a message board.
Hillary Clinton wrote her thesis on Alinsky
Who the hell is paying minimum wage besides tip based jobs?
The local amusement park....................

Those open positions will pay $18 an hour for the 2021 season. The positions that are available include food and beverage workers, lifeguards and security associates.

All other open positions will pay $15 and up. Those positions are open to those aged 16 or older.
Kings Island recently raised wages to $15 an hour minimum across the park.
The park has also begun a new bonus program where associates are now eligible to earn up to a $3,000 bonus.
Of course is does, I am moving to La Crosse Wisconsin this Saturday for a easy $25 an hour job with employee housing after 3 years being in Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho .

I was going to move to Spokane Washington but the job boards and cost of living told me otherwise

Why would I want to make a few bucks over minimum wage when I can make 3 times as much?
Congrats. You make the minimum wage for the year 1968. That means at your higher output level you crank out (you’re not doing min wage productivity) your strong skills is are rewarded like a low output clerk in 1968.

See the problem. You wanna know who benefits from your increased productivity? Whoever owns your company or whoever you are contracting with. Welcome to slavery 2021 style.

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