Republicans, here's your chance.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

Why the hell would that be the FIRST thing to cut?
There are tons of frivolous programs to cut.
There are redundant departments to cut.
Massive amounts of foreign aid.

Your post is ridiculous
Then make those proposals, cutting the spending, before giving another tax cut...

Run on what you plan to cut, being specific..... if it is not SS, Medicare, Medicaid etc, of which republicans claim is causing the debt and it's other things then just tell the public, what those "other things" are....that you plan to cut.
Then make those proposals, cutting the spending, before giving another tax cut...

Run on what you plan to cut, being specific..... if it is not SS, Medicare, Medicaid etc, of which republicans claim is causing the debt and it's other things then just tell the public, what those "other things" are....that you plan to cut.
If I was running I would run on those cuts. As for tax cuts I think we are fine right where we are at for now. Get spending under control first.
Troll thread. The OP is confused.
Social Security and Medicare are earned, we pay into them our entire working lives.
The Budgets call them "Mandatory Spending" i.e. they CAN'T be cut, they MUST be funded.
What can be cut is Defense, Education, Subsidies, foreign aid, (non-mandatory spending) and the "penny solution" which is cutting all federal spending one-penny (1%) a year for 10-years.
Isn’t it absurd to be talking about tax cuts when big corporations and the ultra wealthy currently pay so little in taxes? The CARES ACT gave huge tax cuts to the wealthy, why repeat it?

Joe will do exactly like Don and continue this policy of not taxing big corporations.

How the CARES Act Creates Zero-Tax Corporations​

Besides the standard array of tax breaks described above, the 2020 data introduce a new factor driving down corporate tax bills: the CARES Act, ostensibly designed to help people and businesses to stay afloat during the pandemic. Some companies used a CARES Act provision to “carry back” 2018 or 2019 losses to offset profits they reported in prior years, resulting in a rebate that reduced their 2020 taxes, in some cases to less than nothing.

Tax law previously allowed companies to carry back losses to offset profits in two prior years. The TCJA bars companies from doing this (although it still allows companies to carry losses forward to offset profits in future years). However, the CARES Act temporarily restored companies’ ability to carry back losses and, incredibly, is more generous than the pre-TCJA rules.

The CARES Act loosened rules for the treatment of losses not just in 2020, but also retroactively for losses reported in 2018 and 2019, which have nothing to do with the pandemic. Even worse, it allows corporations to carry back losses as far as five years. This means losses incurred in 2018, 2019, and 2020 can offset income taxed at the higher 35 percent tax rate in effect before 2018. Taxing profits at one rate while allowing losses to produce savings at a higher rate is an invitation for companies to play games, moving profits and losses around from one year to another on paper to reduce their tax bills.
55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.

It seems both parties talk the talk but neither walk the walk. But only one party is evil and the other said the word debt once or twice.
Why the hell would that be the FIRST thing to cut?
There are tons of frivolous programs to cut.
There are redundant departments to cut.
Massive amounts of foreign aid.

Your post is ridiculous
Typical unspecific response…
Cut waste!
Troll thread. The OP is confused.
Social Security and Medicare are earned, we pay into them our entire working lives.
The Budgets call them "Mandatory Spending" i.e. they CAN'T be cut, they MUST be funded.
What can be cut is Defense, Education, Subsidies, foreign aid, (non-mandatory spending) and the "penny solution" which is cutting all federal spending one-penny (1%) a year for 10-years.

Donald Trump says he'll cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. You should believe him

I'm not sure how it would work, but instead of paying people to do nothing, we should give them incentives to do something. Cut taxes heavily on small businesses, and stuff like that.

You are going to have to make up your mind on exactly what it is you would do. This is pretty much Mac's point. Step up and actually be for and support something.
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.


It is very difficult to compete with the "we will raises taxes for everybody else and give you their money" mantra of the Democrats when the free money crowd is larger than the those paying it crowd. We may have reached the tipping point where the inmates are running the asylum. You can thank Democrats for indoctrinating a generation of entitled fools.
There's a lot of complaining going on about this spending and taxing program the Democrats are trying to get done. Nothing wrong with that. A strong debate about taxing and spending levels is an important conversation, even if all we seem to do is spend more regardless of the party in power.

So, Republicans, if you're convinced that the country wants lower taxes and lower spending, it seems to me that the 2022 election process is your chance to prove it. But there's just one thing you need to do, to be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility: Cut spending first, then cut taxes.

So here's how the 2022 campaigns would go: GOP candidates from coast to coast would run on first cutting Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, several departments like the DOE, and then cutting taxes. Be honest with the American people. Be specific on what you would cut, by how much, and how it would affect everyday Americans.

If you win on that platform, you'll know that you have the ideas that America wants. You'll be able to overwhelm Biden with public opinion until you get the White House back in 2024. Then you'll truly be The Party of Fiscal Responsibility.


We could cut the defense budget by 20 percent and never touch those social programs that you listed. We could cut 10 percent from every agency and dept and start solving our debt but we won't.

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