Republicans :Don't Say Gay Goes National

As has been noted over and over it goes far beyond that and stifles ANY mention of gayness or trans anything. Teachers can’t acknowledge their own same sex spouses or the fact that they are gay or tans .

These laws are intentionally vague and broad

Children don't need to have this depraved and disgusting shit brainwashed into them.
From the Florida law:
Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3
And that's a reasonable limit. Before then, kids really don't care all that much about sex.
And that's a reasonable limit. Before then, kids really don't care all that much about sex.
There is never an age limit regarding sexual grooming for children. Children need to know what their parents want them to know about sex.

Children are not owned by anyone but their parents. Everyone needs to realize this before things get ugly. Fuck KKKillery KKKlinton and her "village". Anyone who is not a child's parent but wants to instill any beliefs about sex, other than basic biology, in a child, is a groomer pure and simple.
You didn't answer the question. I'll restate. You made this statement:

How are gayz trying to run your life? What life are you leading where they are trying to run it?
One example: They want to force little girls to share a bathroom with boys and even men who claim to be transgender. They also want to force them to have a particular attitude about gay men.

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