Republicans: Do you believe that there are individuals who cannot help themselves?

I do not understand the point of this prolix repost of our framing words, in regards to helping someone, because we can, who is born with half a heart, or dying of cancer, or lying in the UofWashington Burn Center and so on.......

Explain your post, for us please.

It seems that to the 'liberal mind' there is no God, no 'right and wrong', no absolutes. As Ted Nugent sang, "It's a free-for-all!" It was all supposed to be so 'liberating'. After 50 years of this mindset infiltrating our schools, our families and our national psyche, we find that we have ignored the very things our Founders were cautioning us NOT to ignore. The pitiful results are obvious. We now have more poverty, more violence, more animosity, more corruption, more hatred and more problems than EVER before, and to fix it the liberal yells "MORE GOVERNMENT!"

The liberal answer, of course, denies that the fault lies in the liberal mind. They run around blaming conservatives, who never wanted to change the system to begin with.

The Founders told us what kind of people we needed to be for this 'Grand Experiment' to succeed. When the liberals are done destroying it, I hope there will remain enough 'conservatives' to 'reboot'.

Worthy of a college grad paper (I teach when not on assignment). Brilliant and very well stated. Also quite true. Thank you very much for the clarification and hat is still tipped. Extremely erudite and hopefully the rad-libs will take a gander and digest it.

Thank you so much,

As some of you know, I work with the Developmentally Disabled. I am not a Republican, but I was up until 2008, when the GOP took that last turn towards insanity.

So yes, I do believe we have an obligation as a society to take care of our weakest and most vulnerable.

To KosherGirl... you have not a single clue as to what you speak. Walk a mile in a parent's shoes that has an irrational, inconsolable and violent child who has developmental disabilities before you get on your "holier than thou" kick. Then extend that to adulthood. That adult child will never work, will require 24/7 supervision, and will get to be stronger than you can handle.

There was a gentleman that I worked with some years ago. His left arm and leg were atrophied to the point that the arm was unusable and the leg would drag behind when the guy hobbled. I was young at the time and thought that the man had had a stroke or something, because he was an older gentleman. I was informed that when this man lived at home with his family, they became so desperate and didn't know what to do with this guy that they chained him to the support beam in their basement and threw food at him because they were afraid to go near him.

Isn't it just like a CONSERVATIVE Christian(note the emphasis on the word CONSERVATIVE) to pass judgment without placing yourself in another persons' situation.

The only person passing judgment here is you, idiot, on me, for asking why progressives don't want to take care of their own.

Thank you, you've explained it. Because it's hard.

My mother is the youngest of a large family and one of two left alive...neither of her parents or siblings died in nursing homes. My mother won't die in one, either. One of my uncles, who was a prisoner of war of the Japanese during WWII, suffered from mental issues and he and his wife weren't able to raise their developmentally disabled daughter and another daughter....they were taken in by one of my mom's siosters, and one of her brothers.

A VIOLENT DD person is rare and not run of the mill for the event of a VIOLENT adult who cannot be safely monitored at home, of course there must be options, and I've never proposed that there are no places to put them. I just don't think the government needs to fully fund ever child that a progressive finds "difficult". We have always had establishments for this population, yes, even before welfare and entitlement programs existed. Some were private institutions that families paid for...but most were charitable institutions run by religious organizations. Obviously, there are instances where that is still necessary.

As far as VETS go, stop cutting funding to vets. Our military has ALWAYS provided for disabled the extent that you assholes will provide funding for it to. Right now your beloved Obama is busy chopping away as fast as he can at that very funding. Take it up with him. I've never proposed cutting benefits to vets or the military, and I never will.'

But I do find the progressive assumption that if something is unpleasant, difficult, or even expensive, then it's Big Government's responsibility to relieve them of that particular burden. I'd hate to be the aging parent of progressive kids, I know that. I'd be scared to death that I'd be plopped in a nursing home as soon as I started to get forgetful, and once there, I'd be scared to death they'd find a way to kill me.

Fuck you... NOT so Kosher Girl....

The people I work with all have not only the potential for violence... but the predisposition. Like I said... walk a mile and then tell me all about it. I'd be willing to bet my Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Paycheck that you have no fucking clue other than what you read on the internet about this subject.
My younger brother has been messed up for 30 years. Bipolar affective disorder, paranoid schiz.
I've been his guardian for some time now.
No public program could ever help him like his family did. I don't care about public programs of any kind- if it weren't for us he would have been long dead.
My younger brother has been messed up for 30 years. Bipolar affective disorder, paranoid schiz.
I've been his guardian for some time now.
No public program could ever help him like his family did. I don't care about public programs of any kind- if it weren't for us he would have been long dead.

That's great Mr. H.

However.... How much funding does your family get from the state? That is also supplemented from the Fed? Don't even tell me that your family takes care of him on your own, or I will call you a liar.... and you know that deep down in your heart that I'm right. SSI? Medicaid? If you're even an AVERAGE family.... you couldn't make ends meet without either one of those programs.
If we followed the Republican policy of "let them die", then we wouldn't have to worry. There go Democrats. Creating a problem when Republicans already have a "final" solution.
If we followed the Republican policy of "let them die", then we wouldn't have to worry. There go Democrats. Creating a problem when Republicans already have a "final" solution.

I don't know what you're talking about, Deanie, it's Obamacare that has the death panels... ummm... errr.... 'end of life' aides... :eek:
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

If you're saying we should use all welfare money and use it for mentally disabled people I am in total agreement with you.

No reason at all any able-bodied person should ever receive any type of government welfare.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

If you're saying we should use all welfare money and use it for mentally disabled people I am in total agreement with you.

No reason at all any able-bodied person should ever receive any type of government welfare.

[ame=]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]

Unless you're a white guy. It's OK to help them.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Actually we don't use words like "retarded". Only hate filled radicals use "retarded" when they want to make a joke or insult someone. We call the unfortunate citizens developmentally disabled. While I am at it, remember when Barry was playing stand up comic early in his administration when he had a total democrat majority in congress and he was relaxed and ready to entertain the folks on Leno? When responding to a Leno question about bowling Barry confessed "I bowl like I'm in the Special Olympics". Thanks to the liberal media nobody made a big deal about Obama ridiculing developmentally disabled people. Thanks to new techniques in fetus research the democrat party might be able to achieve it's mission established in the 30's to create a brave new world based on eugenics where the federal government will fund the murder of unborn babies deemed "retarded".
Yes. That's why God has given us the privilege of providing charity for our fellow man.

Unfortunately, with the government robbing us for the politicians spending spree, we have less opportunity to provide charity.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

If you're saying we should use all welfare money and use it for mentally disabled people I am in total agreement with you.

No reason at all any able-bodied person should ever receive any type of government welfare.

[ame=]Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid - YouTube[/ame]

Unless you're a white guy. It's OK to help them.

So you'd rather give tax money to a welfare recepient that is perfectly capable of going out and getting a job of some kind on their own instead of going to help mentally disabled folk.
Gee, you're so considerate.... :eusa_whistle:
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

Actually we don't use words like "retarded". Only hate filled radicals use "retarded" when they want to make a joke or insult someone. We call the unfortunate citizens developmentally disabled. While I am at it, remember when Barry was playing stand up comic early in his administration when he had a total democrat majority in congress and he was relaxed and ready to entertain the folks on Leno? When responding to a Leno question about bowling Barry confessed "I bowl like I'm in the Special Olympics". Thanks to the liberal media nobody made a big deal about Obama ridiculing developmentally disabled people. Thanks to new techniques in fetus research the democrat party might be able to achieve it's mission established in the 30's to create a brave new world based on eugenics where the federal government will fund the murder of unborn babies deemed "retarded".

The word "retard" is only fit for idiots like rdean.
My younger brother has been messed up for 30 years. Bipolar affective disorder, paranoid schiz.
I've been his guardian for some time now.
No public program could ever help him like his family did. I don't care about public programs of any kind- if it weren't for us he would have been long dead.

That's great Mr. H.

However.... How much funding does your family get from the state? That is also supplemented from the Fed? Don't even tell me that your family takes care of him on your own, or I will call you a liar.... and you know that deep down in your heart that I'm right. SSI? Medicaid? If you're even an AVERAGE family.... you couldn't make ends meet without either one of those programs.

You can call me a liar anytime you like. That's sort of a badge of honor around here LOL.

Let's see- he's legally disabled so he does get SSI. Medicare helps pay for the big stuff like the tumor he had removed recently. I don't think the state of Illinois pitches in anything.

My point is, there's no substitute for a caring family no matter how much money state or federal agencies throw at you. When he was dancing around outside his apartment- in his underwear- threatening neighbors- it was family that diffused the situation. If we didn't intervene he probably w/have been tazed unconscious and hauled off. That's what the state does. I dunno- that make sense?
I'll answer for them. " Get off your lazy asses like this guy did!"
"Follow the murkin dream and remember Gawd Blass murka !"
Amen !
" Lil darlin how bout bringing my bottle and crawl up under thissy here desk for a few minutes"

here is a perfect example of a piece of shit.....but in his case he took care of himself and left the country and is now having another country take care of his putrid ass....but hey....we dont have to pay for him.....
As some of you know, I work with the Developmentally Disabled. I am not a Republican, but I was up until 2008, when the GOP took that last turn towards insanity.

So yes, I do believe we have an obligation as a society to take care of our weakest and most vulnerable.

To KosherGirl... you have not a single clue as to what you speak. Walk a mile in a parent's shoes that has an irrational, inconsolable and violent child who has developmental disabilities before you get on your "holier than thou" kick. Then extend that to adulthood. That adult child will never work, will require 24/7 supervision, and will get to be stronger than you can handle.

There was a gentleman that I worked with some years ago. His left arm and leg were atrophied to the point that the arm was unusable and the leg would drag behind when the guy hobbled. I was young at the time and thought that the man had had a stroke or something, because he was an older gentleman. I was informed that when this man lived at home with his family, they became so desperate and didn't know what to do with this guy that they chained him to the support beam in their basement and threw food at him because they were afraid to go near him.

Isn't it just like a CONSERVATIVE Christian(note the emphasis on the word CONSERVATIVE) to pass judgment without placing yourself in another persons' situation.

You have an obligation NOT the federal government.

until it happens to you.....right Nick?....and i know your going to say that your family takes care of its own......until it does happen to you you wont realize how expensive taking care of someone can get....the Fed and State Governments should have tax supported programs TO HELP,not totally take care of them,to HELP the Handicapped,infirmed and Elderly out.....paying taxes for that is much more preferable than for fucking wars in third world shitholes......

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