Republicans discuss a longer Senate impeachment trial to scramble Democratic primaries

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Some Republican senators and their advisers are privately discussing whether to pressure GOP leaders to stage a lengthy impeachment trial beginning in January to scramble the Democratic presidential race — potentially keeping six contenders in Washington until the eve of the Iowa caucuses or longer.

Those conversations about the timing and framework for a trial remain fluid and closely held, according to more than a dozen participants in the discussions. But the deliberations come as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) faces pressure from conservative activists to swat back at Democrats as public impeachment hearings began this week in the House...

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ROTFLMFAO!! I Love the hard ball politics - Six Senate RATs are running for a RAT nomination !!!

With the following rule (among others):
A Senator (i.e. juror), that misses any of the trial will not be allowed to vote (just like a real trial)
Go ahead, we already seen the underhanded republicans on the House, namely, Nunes, Jordan, Ratcliffe. What a nightmare they are.'ll take time to subpoena obama, hillary, clapper, brennan, lynch, holder, comey, strzok, page, mifsud, steele, bruce ohr, nellie ohr, and others! :)'ll take time to subpoena obama, hillary, clapper, brennan, lynch, holder, comey, strzok, page, mifsud, steele, bruce ohr, nellie ohr, and others! :)

You live in the past, what about now. If Obama did what Tramp did , you would have him strung up by now, and tarred and feathered.
Go ahead, we already seen the underhanded republicans on the House, namely, Nunes, Jordan, Ratcliffe. What a nightmare they are.

I imagine tha
Go ahead, we already seen the underhanded republicans on the House, namely, Nunes, Jordan, Ratcliffe. What a nightmare they are.

You can be we are.

We are going to blow you away in both the house and senate.

Then we willl replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a John Bircher....

And your hope of a handout laden life will be fucked.
Given the respective numbers of Democrats and Republicans up for re-election in 2020, I doubt this cut off your nose to spite your face strategy will get serious consideration.
Some Republican senators and their advisers are privately discussing whether to pressure GOP leaders to stage a lengthy impeachment trial beginning in January to scramble the Democratic presidential race — potentially keeping six contenders in Washington until the eve of the Iowa caucuses or longer.

Those conversations about the timing and framework for a trial remain fluid and closely held, according to more than a dozen participants in the discussions. But the deliberations come as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) faces pressure from conservative activists to swat back at Democrats as public impeachment hearings began this week in the House...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

ROTFLMFAO!! I Love the hard ball politics - Six Senate RATs are running for a RAT nomination !!!

With the following rule (among others):
A Senator (i.e. juror), that misses any of the trial will not be allowed to vote (just like a real trial)
Trump's demanded a FULL Senate trial rather than summary dismissal. And the House has two court actions they said were absolutely critical to WHETHER to decide to impeach before the DC Court of Appeals that won't be heard until Jan 3.

Andy McCarthy‏Verified account @AndrewCMcCarthy Dec 5

Will the DC Circuit's big Jan 3 doubleheader matter to Dems' impeachment push? My column @thehill @TheHillOpinion:

If they lose, they still have to wait for the decision, that won't be until the week of the 6th. If they win, either, the DOJ must turn over the Grand Jury Mueller materials and/or McGann must testify. Winning both would push the impeachment vote back to the week of Jan 27th, likely after the SOTU, with the Senate getting it as the Iowa Caucuses are held and work commencing while the Senators running for President want to be campaigning in New Hampshire.'ll take time to subpoena obama, hillary, clapper, brennan, lynch, holder, comey, strzok, page, mifsud, steele, bruce ohr, nellie ohr, and others! :)

You live in the past, what about now. If Obama did what Tramp did , you would have him strung up by now, and tarred and feathered.
The Obama Administration wire tapped reporters AND THEIR PARENTS. Trump has done nothing of the sort. After the investigative armies and the entire intelligence community has been loosed on him, they all came up empty. He is clearly the cleanest guy in DC.

As the Dems keep failing they are beginning to form a circular firing squad:


One thing you can reliably count on in a presidential election cycle is that the raw ambition to power will cause candidates eventually to roll out their nastiest attacks on their intra-party rivals. Remember, for example, how embattled incumbent Jimmy Carter obliquely brought up Ted Kennedy’s disgrace at Chappaquiddick in 1980 with his comment that “I never panicked in a crisis,” or how Al Gore was the first person to bring up Willie Horton against Michael Dukakis during the Democratic primaries in 1988, and Jerry Brown brought up Hillary Clinton’s dodgy dealings with the Rose Law Firm in the 1992 primary debates. Hillary was the first to go after Obama on the Birther issue.

Biden’s age is sooner or later going to come under direct attack. Here we have The Hill calling for Slow Joe to drop out:

Nice guy Joe Biden should retire from presidential race​

Joe Biden is done. He just doesn’t know it yet. He seems like a nice guy; it would be far nicer if someone told him.​

Why is the former vice president about to skid off the campaign trail? Because his behavior is becoming ever more peculiar, his efforts to raise money and reach voters (the widely mocked “No Malarkey” bus tour) are failing and because there is a new moderate in the race – Mike Bloomberg – who is likely to clean his clock, to use the kind of expression Biden would love.​

The Democratic Party establishment—that is, the non-insane part of the party not based on college campuses, in Hollywood, or in “news”rooms—is terrified that the weak field is doomed to lose to Trump. NBC News reported last month:

WASHINGTON — The offer: A $1 million check from a major Democratic donor to a major Democratic group. The one condition: The money would be refunded if Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren becomes the party’s nominee.

That offer was rejected, according to an official familiar with it, but it was indicative of the larger anxiety felt by many in the Democratic Party’s elite circles about the state of the 2020 Democratic presidential field. “Ninety to 95 percent of our donor base is terrified about Warren,” said a prominent Democratic official.

Democrats, often prone to fretting about elections, have been increasingly worried that their large and divided presidential field, currently led by four imperfect front-runners, doesn’t have what it takes to beat President Donald Trump next year.​

With Warren fading and Mayor Pete surging, it is interesting to watch especially the “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party train their sights on him and sharpening their swords. Out today from McClatchy News:

How progressives are plotting to stop Pete Buttigieg’s rise in the 2020 race

Progressive activists around the country are mobilizing to halt the momentum of Pete Buttigieg, who they increasingly view as a formidable threat to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

Top liberal leaders from multiple organizations are independently crafting strategies that center around three prongs: a heightened focus on Buttigieg’s checkered record on race in South Bend, Ind., his little-known work at the McKinsey consulting firm and an argument that his tempered policy proposals align with the wishes of large corporations.
Buttigieg is the first serious gay candidate, and homosexuality remains highly unpopular among black voters. But there’s no way any of the leading Democrats will risk alienating the identitarians that are so central to the progressive worldview right now, so no one is going to bring this up directly. I predict a huge and very nasty whispering campaign against Buttigieg’s sexual orientation in South Carolina, Iowa, and other non-coastal states.

Donald Trump with the insight of Demosthenes, continues to show he understands how to tap into the sentiments of the common man, such as his comments yesterday about light bulbs and low-flow plumbing. It’s part schtick, but it works:

None of the Democrats are going to beat this guy.


We’re doing things. The lightbulb: They got rid of the lightbulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive. And I hate to say it, it doesn’t make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that’s very important to me. (Laughter.) It’s like a — it gives you an orange look. I don’t want an orange look. (Laughter.) Has anyone noticed that? (Laughter.) So we’ll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple of rooms where I am in the White House. (Laughter.)

But we’re going back to the — it’s a double standard. We have a standard of the new bulbs, and we have the old bulbs. And they’re already making the old bulbs. Many people were complaining that the new bulbs were much, much more expensive. Many times, in some cases, more expensive. And the other thing, they’re considered a hazardous waste that, because it’s largely a gas technology, when the bulb is disposed of, you’re supposed to bring it to a hazardous waste site. I said, “How many people do that?” “No- — nobody does it.” And, you know, that’s a bad thing.

So you probably heard about it. You probably read about it. And you’ll be able to buy lightbulbs that actually are better lighting, in the opinion of many — and, I tell you, in my opinion — and for a lot less money. And so we’re doing that. But you’ll also be able — if you want, you can buy the other bulbs also. And I’ll tell you, even the bulb companies are very happy about that.

But together, we’re defending the American workers. We’re using common sense. We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on — in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it — and you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet; you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. It’s dripping out — very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So, EPA is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion.

You go into a new building or a new house or a new home, and they have standards, “Oh, you don’t get water.” You can’t wash your hands, practically, there’s so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. You end up using the same amount of water.

So we’re looking at, very seriously, at opening up the standard. And there may be some areas where we’ll go the other route — desert areas. But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down — it’s called rain — (laughter) — that they don’t know — they don’t know what to do with it.

So we’re going to be opening up that, I believe. And we’re looking at changing the standards very soon. And that’s a little bit like the lightbulb, where you get a bulb that’s better for much less money. We go back — but you have the other alternative. And you’ll keep the other alternative with sinks and showers, et cetera, too. But that’s been a big problem.

So a lot — a lot of the things we do are based on common sense. Somebody said, “Is that a conservative, is it a liberal thing? Is it — what is it? What are we doing?” I said, “It’s a commonsense thing.” In so many — so many of the things that we do, it’s based on common sense, like the car. The car will end up with that net tremendous saving, environmentally, when you think of all the cars, the old cars, that will come off the road. You’ll end up with a very — a better car. And you’ll end up — environmentally, it will be ultimately much better.​
It would be a hoot if RBG steps down & the senate pauses the impeachment trial to pass Trumps SC nominee! :banana:

MAN would that piss off the filth :auiqs.jpg:

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