Republicans Annihilate Democrats in Virginia Election Sweep


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Any little bit helps! :clap:

Republicans scored massive victories in elections held in Virginia on Tuesday, returning two GOP politicians to local legislature following the departure of the incumbents.

While it has leaned to Democrats in recent elections, Virginia is seen as an important battleground state ahead of the 2024 election, with Republicans winning in the latest gubernatorial election in 2021 and political commentators labeling it a competitive purple state

I personally think the term "annihilate" is a bit hyperbolic. It was 2 special elections that happened in 2 strongly Republican districts.

Nope, sorry, but only 2 Republicans being elected in strongly Republican districts via special elections doesn't constitute an annihilation.
You mean it is significant in some way, when Republicans win in Republican stronghold districts?
Yep. As go rural virginia state house seats, so goes the nation.

Southside Virginia was being pummeled with weather yesterday. Rain never favors the democrats, and it was cold windy and coming down pretty good much of the day. The GOP would have won anyway, but it probably wouldn't have been the blow out it was but for the storms. Younger won the only (blue) city in her district but not by enough of a margin to offset the vast swaths of rural area voters.

Cartwright was never going to win as an activist single liberal mother in Henry County and surrounding areas. You can win as a blue-dog democrat-in-name-only, but not when running on a Women's Rights/Environmental Justice platform.

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