Republican top priority.....Raise taxes on the poor

GE earned their money, they are entitled to keep it just as I earned mine and should be entitled to keep mine. Here's an idea why doesn't the greedy creep left keep their hands off what's mine and earn their own money.
by writing off their expences is earning their money???? how do you come to your conclusion that they earn their own money... when you pay billions of dollars to let them earn their money... we pay for the roads they drive their trucks on ...we pay for the gas and repairs for those trucks ,,, hell we even pay for their trucks that they dirve on the roads we pay for ... we pay to up date their plants to build the prouduct they sell ... and you say they earn their money ??? how did you come to that conclusion

Let me respond to each of your points...

Its obvious to any sane person
I'm not a whacko freak liberal drone.
that goodness for that .. you're just a tyical moronic republican
... you bitch about the least cost to the country and let the highest cost to the country slip by you .... welfare is .008% of the national budget ... corporation deductions are 40% of the national budget ... you would rather bitch about the .008%,
typical moronic republican loser

For us to discuss this topic you would first need to understand what a corporate deduction is. I would recommend you attend business school but I don't think it would help in your case.
my point is its ok for a corporation to have these write off ... but when the poor has their write off you go crazy ... the poor pays very little in a taxes ... but the corporation gets billions of dollars of write offs and it fine with you to pay for it... you object to a write off for a poor person and it fine for as corporation ,and you pay for those write offs

We are still waiting for you to give us an example of something specific a corporation is writing off that so enrages you. Well?

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