Are you being Grubered again?

I hope we have her---its a PLUS one for the Civilized People and MINUS one for Mohammedon a war that has being continuing for centuries...and which will last until the body count reaches infinity.

But, I was intrigued by your title: Are we being Grubered again?

Yes, we are always getting Grubered....and we know it...we just din't know what it was called until that Pinultimate Pinhead Gruber discredited the entire Washington/NE Inreligensia (Pinheads). By telling the Truth.

We have Gruber's cousin down here in Mayberry----Cousin, Guber Gruber, who sends hes regards and to tell his cousin he is enjoying seeing him on T. V. so much and being famous and all.

People who trust our leaders to lie to us for our own good get GRUBERED.

Think how proud this turd is to have given the world a new word.---though I understand Monsour de' Toilet's heirs moved to America and changed their name to Smith.

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