Republican top priority.....Raise taxes on the poor

How can you "raise" taxes on those who pay none?

The working poor pay taxes at the same time they struggle to support their families

That is what Republicans don't understand
The working poor do not pay Federal or State income taxes. They do pay Social Security and Medicare taxes as well as state sales taxes. Just exactly what tax is the Republican congress going to raise that affects the working poor?
Any and every one of them and a few that don't exist yet.

George W Bush lowered the tax rates for everyone that worked for a living. That included the poor. What bill has been passed by the Republicans that would raise taxes on the poor. Be specific or fuck off.
Bush redistributed the Social Security Surplus, collected from incomes under $100,000 and redistributed it mostly to incomes over $100,000 and to capital gains tycoons who don't even pay payroll taxers. That kind of redistribution of wealth the GOP loves!!!

George W Bush lowered the tax rates for everyone that worked for a living.
The working poor pay taxes at the same time they struggle to support their families

That is what Republicans don't understand
The working poor do not pay Federal or State income taxes. They do pay Social Security and Medicare taxes as well as state sales taxes. Just exactly what tax is the Republican congress going to raise that affects the working poor?
Any and every one of them and a few that don't exist yet.

George W Bush lowered the tax rates for everyone that worked for a living. That included the poor. What bill has been passed by the Republicans that would raise taxes on the poor. Be specific or fuck off.
Bush redistributed the Social Security Surplus, collected from incomes under $100,000 and redistributed it mostly to incomes over $100,000 and to capital gains tycoons who don't even pay payroll taxers. That kind of redistribution of wealth the GOP loves!!!

George W Bush lowered the tax rates for everyone that worked for a living.
With money collected from wage earners under $100,000. Payroll taxes were the source of the "overcharge" surplus Bush rationalized for his give back to those who were not overcharged, some of whom don't even pay payroll taxes.

"A surplus in tax revenue, after all, means that taxpayers have been overcharged, and usually when you've been overcharged, you expect to get something back."
George W Bush
Just worth saying again I suppose.... The IRS is the Internal REVENUE Service. It should not be the Internal Redistribution Service.
No one should ever get back more than they paid in with very-very few exceptions.
The WORST case scenario for every single working American would be no taxes paid. Period.
The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally. - The Week

Following their convincing victory in the 2014 elections, everyone is wondering what Republicans will do with their new majority in the Senate and House. Well, their policy agenda is becoming clear. It will be unrestrained class warfare against the poor.
This priority was made apparent over the last week during the negotiation of a colossal tax cut package. Senate Democrats and Republicans had been doing some low-key negotiations to renew a slew of tax cuts for corporations and lower- and middle-income Americans, according to reporting from Brian Faler and Rachel Bade at Politico.
Then President Obama announced his executive action on immigration. Enraged Republicans promptly took vengeance on all the goodies for the working poor (as well as for clean energy), cutting them out of the deal and proposing a raft of permanent tax cuts for corporations alone worth $440 billion over 10 years.
Exactly which sentence in this post states anything about the poor?
come on man, it's only ok to raise taxes on the "poor" when Democrats do it.

Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday
Published March 29, 2009
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WASHINGTON -- However they satisfy their nicotine cravings, tobacco users are facing a big hit as the single largest federal tobacco tax increase ever takes effect Wednesday.
Tobacco companies and public health advocates, longtime foes in the nicotine battles, are trying to turn the situation to their advantage. The major cigarette makers raised prices a couple of weeks ago, partly to offset any drop in profits once the per-pack tax climbs from 39 cents to $1.01.

Tobacco taxes are soaring to finance a major expansion of health insurance for children. President Obama signed that health initiative soon after taking office.

all of it here:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday Fox News

Raise taxes on cigs to pay for healthcare for children?

Works for me

So you don't mind raising taxes on the poor as long as it works towards your social engineering goals, right?

Typical. All taxes are equal, but some taxes are more equal than others.

Actually, no I don't

The poor do not have to smoke cigarettes, they do have to eat

That is what Republicans don't understand

Since when is there a sales tax on food?

Republicans are looking to slash funding for food stamps. People have to eat
If the poor have to pay more for cigarettes or beer ....I don't really care
I love the stupid stick, it sure hits these lefties most often. Nice stupid stick swat on this one! dude, come on are you really that fnn stupid? Nobody can just be that stupid can they?
come on man, it's only ok to raise taxes on the "poor" when Democrats do it.

Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday
Published March 29, 2009
Facebook200 Twitter2 livefyre0 Email Print
WASHINGTON -- However they satisfy their nicotine cravings, tobacco users are facing a big hit as the single largest federal tobacco tax increase ever takes effect Wednesday.
Tobacco companies and public health advocates, longtime foes in the nicotine battles, are trying to turn the situation to their advantage. The major cigarette makers raised prices a couple of weeks ago, partly to offset any drop in profits once the per-pack tax climbs from 39 cents to $1.01.

Tobacco taxes are soaring to finance a major expansion of health insurance for children. President Obama signed that health initiative soon after taking office.

all of it here:
Single Largest Cigarette Tax Hike Goes Into Effect Wednesday Fox News

Raise taxes on cigs to pay for healthcare for children?

Works for me

So where does the money come from when people eventually stop buying cigs?

Good question

What would happen to our national healthcare costs if people stopped smoking cigs? It would more than pay for additional healthcare for children
OMG, more stupid!!!!

The working poor pay taxes at the same time they struggle to support their families

That is what Republicans don't understand

The taxes you use to make that statement are those on the State level. They don't pay income taxes and many even get back more in a tax return than they had taken out throughout the year. That's what people like you don't get. If they get back more than they put in, not only do they pay zero income tax, what they get beyond their contributions offsets the other taxes you seem to think make up for not paying income taxes. On top of that, how much do they get in social welfare programs funded by the very taxes they don't pay?

A family of four with 2 adults and 2 children pays zero income taxes until the gross income is almost $47,000/year. That's not poor as it is 200% of the poverty level. Argument have been put forth about paying the single mother working fast food $15/hour. If she has two kids and goes from $7.50 to $15/hour, she still won't pay income taxes and will still get back more through the EIC.

Taxes are still taxes. What difference does it make if they come out of your right pocket or your left pocket? You still have less money to support your family
and more stupid. I supposed as I make my way through this thread, I will be repeating this for you. It is funny as hell to see the complete lack of common sense with some of you on the left. Keep it up, I like your kind of stupid, I feel soo much smarter!!!!!
Since when is there a sales tax on food?

Republicans are looking to slash funding for food stamps. People have to eat
If the poor have to pay more for cigarettes or beer ....I don't really care

Ah, good old noblesse oblige, how bougie of you.

Yet when republicans want to tie benefits to drug tests, or restrict handouts to certain things, you guys get all "stop treating the poor badly!!!". Interesting hypocrisy here.

I don't have a problem with tying benefits to drug tests as long as they drug test those corporations that are receiving $440 billion
I don't want them blowing that money on drugs and hookers

Show me those checks the government writes to these companies. Again you confuse hand outs with tax breaks.

"Those companies" get both and its the middle class and working poor who pay for them.
how do they pay for them? Please explain. I'm interested in your form of stupid!!!
5 years of unemployment insurance would be much more caring then just two... Its hard to find work !!! Lol
if you followed the hole thought here,

"Truth" is a bit like a hole with you... No doubt you were attempting to say that the whole Truth Matters?

instead you picking out my sarcasum here, then you try to sound smart here ???just makes you shake your head some times

Sarcasum? Is that like the sum of sarcasm? No matter what name you log in under, your illiteracy will always give you away, truthy.
alert !!! alert!!! alert !!!! the spelling and grammar police are on the prowl ... if you don't like how I say it or spell it, tuff !!!! go fuck your self
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I feel companies shouldn't be allowed to write off anything.... I feel people who deside to have children shouldn't be allowed to write them off too... i feel you having children is your choice, you should pay for them not me ... as for a company paying for their expences to run that company, they should pay it not me ..
I'm not sure what you're saying here. Of course compnies need to write off expenses. It's impossible to stay in business otherwise. If it costs you $50 to produce $100 in sales you made $50, not $100. No one is "paying for it".
if you followed the hole thought here, instead you picking out my sarcasum here, then you try to sound smart here ???just makes you shake your head some times
There was no sarcasm in what your wrote. Try posting that sober so I can understand what your point is.
try to read it without you smoking so much pot???? I'll make it real simple ... if you want kids pay for your kids your self why should I be taxed for you kids... if you want to own a company pay for it your self why sould I pay for your expences that easer for you to grasp????
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All the while thinking it's actually there money.
when you are taxed each and every month, week, or two weeks, money is taken out of your check.... at the end of the year you get a grand total ....can we agree on that ???? say you have paid 8000 dollars in taxes ....after deductions are made you get back say 1200 dollars ... using these numbers as a example, it is showing you have paid 6800 dollars in taxes ... how can you say, you don't pay taxes ... I have never as long as I've been paying taxes have got back 8000 dollars in taxes I've paid in... never!!! how these people say the poor pay nothing in taxes is beyond me...

The poor often get more back than they even paid in taxes via child tax credits and other wealth redistribution schemes. Hell even illegals get a refund using this child tax credit scheme and they are not even legally entitled to the tax credit, its pure fraud.
illegals don't pay taxes period... they don't file they are illegals ...they would neen a social security number ... big companies don't pay taxes do to their right off... whats your point???? are you saying we need to take away company write offs along with children being written off ???? is that what you're trying to say here
I feel companies shouldn't be allowed to write off anything.... I feel people who deside to have children shouldn't be allowed to writen them off too... i feel you having children is your choice, you should pay for them not me ... as for a company paying for their expences to run that company they should pay it not me ..

You should attend business school, then your opinions would change.
no my opinion would not change complain about the poor getting freebees, but its fine if a corporation gets freebees ....the difference is the corporation is screwing the tax payer a 100000 times more then any welfare family ever could ... yet you would rather go after them because they eat at McDonalds or bought them a bottle of beer ...
when you are taxed each and every month, week, or two weeks, money is taken out of your check.... at the end of the year you get a grand total ....can we agree on that ???? say you have paid 8000 dollars in taxes ....after deductions are made you get back say 1200 dollars ... using these numbers as a example, it is showing you have paid 6800 dollars in taxes ... how can you say, you don't pay taxes ... I have never as long as I've been paying taxes have got back 8000 dollars in taxes I've paid in... never!!! how these people say the poor pay nothing in taxes is beyond me...

The poor often get more back than they even paid in taxes via child tax credits and other wealth redistribution schemes. Hell even illegals get a refund using this child tax credit scheme and they are not even legally entitled to the tax credit, its pure fraud.
illegals don't pay taxes period... they don't file they are illegals ...they would neen a social security number ... big companies don't pay taxes do to their right off... whats your point???? are you saying we need to take away company write offs along with children being written off ???? is that what you're trying to say here

Its not rocket science, the poor and illegals take money out of my pocket and put it in their pocket.
lets look at who takes out more ... many companies like GE and so on don't pay billions of dollars of taxes that they don't pay that you as a tax payer end up having to pay ... you're pissed off at a person who makes 15000 dollars a year and pays nothing on his 2500 dollars that he wrote off??? really this is what makes you pissed off or are you being duped by the right and don't realize it

GE earned their money, they are entitled to keep it just as I earned mine and should be entitled to keep mine. Here's an idea why doesn't the greedy creep left keep their hands off what's mine and earn their own money.
by writing off their expences is earning their money???? how do you come to your conclusion that they earn their own money... when you pay billions of dollars to let them earn their money... we pay for the roads they drive their trucks on ...we pay for the gas and repairs for those trucks ,,, hell we even pay for their trucks that they dirve on the roads we pay for ... we pay to up date their plants to build the prouduct they sell ... and you say they earn their money ??? how did you come to that conclusion
Just worth saying again I suppose.... The IRS is the Internal REVENUE Service. It should not be the Internal Redistribution Service.
No one should ever get back more than they paid in with very-very few exceptions.
The WORST case scenario for every single working American would be no taxes paid. Period.
so when they take your tax dollar to pay for them to buy more equipment for their company who is really getting their taxes Redistributted
when you are taxed each and every month, week, or two weeks, money is taken out of your check.... at the end of the year you get a grand total ....can we agree on that ???? say you have paid 8000 dollars in taxes ....after deductions are made you get back say 1200 dollars ... using these numbers as a example, it is showing you have paid 6800 dollars in taxes ... how can you say, you don't pay taxes ... I have never as long as I've been paying taxes have got back 8000 dollars in taxes I've paid in... never!!! how these people say the poor pay nothing in taxes is beyond me...

The poor often get more back than they even paid in taxes via child tax credits and other wealth redistribution schemes. Hell even illegals get a refund using this child tax credit scheme and they are not even legally entitled to the tax credit, its pure fraud.
illegals don't pay taxes period... they don't file they are illegals ...they would neen a social security number ... big companies don't pay taxes do to their right off... whats your point???? are you saying we need to take away company write offs along with children being written off ???? is that what you're trying to say here
I feel companies shouldn't be allowed to write off anything.... I feel people who deside to have children shouldn't be allowed to writen them off too... i feel you having children is your choice, you should pay for them not me ... as for a company paying for their expences to run that company they should pay it not me ..

You should attend business school, then your opinions would change.
no my opinion would not change complain about the poor getting freebees, but its fine if a corporation gets freebees ....the difference is the corporation is screwing the tax payer a 100000 times more then any welfare family ever could ... yet you would rather go after them because they eat at McDonalds or bought them a bottle of beer ...

If a corporation earns money isn't it their money? How is it a freebee keeping your own money you earned? Its crystal clear a welfare recipient did not earn the money, someone else earned that money and the government took it and gave it to the welfare recipient.
The poor often get more back than they even paid in taxes via child tax credits and other wealth redistribution schemes. Hell even illegals get a refund using this child tax credit scheme and they are not even legally entitled to the tax credit, its pure fraud.
illegals don't pay taxes period... they don't file they are illegals ...they would neen a social security number ... big companies don't pay taxes do to their right off... whats your point???? are you saying we need to take away company write offs along with children being written off ???? is that what you're trying to say here

Its not rocket science, the poor and illegals take money out of my pocket and put it in their pocket.
lets look at who takes out more ... many companies like GE and so on don't pay billions of dollars of taxes that they don't pay that you as a tax payer end up having to pay ... you're pissed off at a person who makes 15000 dollars a year and pays nothing on his 2500 dollars that he wrote off??? really this is what makes you pissed off or are you being duped by the right and don't realize it

GE earned their money, they are entitled to keep it just as I earned mine and should be entitled to keep mine. Here's an idea why doesn't the greedy creep left keep their hands off what's mine and earn their own money.
by writing off their expences is earning their money???? how do you come to your conclusion that they earn their own money... when you pay billions of dollars to let them earn their money... we pay for the roads they drive their trucks on ...we pay for the gas and repairs for those trucks ,,, hell we even pay for their trucks that they dirve on the roads we pay for ... we pay to up date their plants to build the prouduct they sell ... and you say they earn their money ??? how did you come to that conclusion

Let me respond to each of your points...

Its obvious to any sane person
I'm not a whacko freak liberal drone.

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