Republican State Legislators Need to Ignore The Corrupt Ballot Count And Send Trump Electors no Matter What

Excellent points, and I would have to agree that the majority of Americans will do whatever is necessary to get whatever they want as easily as possible.
Well, *I* want a FAIR ELECTION that has the laws ENFORCED, to include poll watchers being able to VERIFY the counting process. The Dems have ignored that at least in Philadelphia and Detroit, and so those two state elections are invalid, and I would include Georgia if I knew of any specific cases, though the water main burst blocks away does look suspicious. GA is going to do an automatic recount anyway, and Trump will have plenty of time to validate that recount.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.
First you would need some proof of this. The republicans are not even backing him on this.
Excellent points, and I would have to agree that the majority of Americans will do whatever is necessary to get whatever they want as easily as possible.
Well, *I* want a FAIR ELECTION that has the laws ENFORCED, to include poll watchers being able to VERIFY the counting process. The Dems have ignored that at least in Philadelphia and Detroit, and so those two state elections are invalid, and I would include Georgia if I knew of any specific cases, though the water main burst blocks away does look suspicious. GA is going to do an automatic recount anyway, and Trump will have plenty of time to validate that recount.
No they have not, this has only happened on social media.
Excellent points, and I would have to agree that the majority of Americans will do whatever is necessary to get whatever they want as easily as possible.
Well, *I* want a FAIR ELECTION that has the laws ENFORCED, to include poll watchers being able to VERIFY the counting process. The Dems have ignored that at least in Philadelphia and Detroit, and so those two state elections are invalid, and I would include Georgia if I knew of any specific cases, though the water main burst blocks away does look suspicious. GA is going to do an automatic recount anyway, and Trump will have plenty of time to validate that recount.

Sorry, all I can tell you is that if no cheating is recorded anywhere, then the record is a lie.

I don't know how to fix it unless we simply find better ways to capture the cheating.
Arguing over what we can, or cannot prove, is irrelevant until we all understand that there is never an all one way or the other scenario.

If people don't want to believe that there are always instances of humans doing the wrong thing ...
Then they will never understand the desire to capture those instances, instead ignoring the fact they failed to capture them.

That's why I have no faith in the system ... Because the system lacks the integrity to admit it has shortcomings ... :thup:

Even after all that ( ballots will not be rejected enough ) Biden will still be President...

I dont think you grasp the scale of these late arriving ballots.

They number in the MILLIONS.

This aint over yet.

Now when do you want to change your avatar?
I have your avatar picked out and will show it to you once Biden is sworn in as President in January...

Well, send it to me and I'll use it now if you want.

I feel like an idiot thinking that there was any limit whatsoever to Democrat Party audacity.

But my point that the polls were absurdly off has been made, and I feel like I won that point.

How long did we say it would be for?

A month and I am letting you off because it is not fair to hold you or anyone to a bet like this with how everything is coming down...
A month and I am letting you off because it is not fair to hold you or anyone to a bet like this with how everything is coming down...
No, seriously, I dont mind.

As I said, I feel like I misread the election in an important facet of the process.

Shits on me, lol.

Edit: and thanks for being magnanimous, Jack, it is appreciated, but I really dont mind the Avatar of Shame you made for me. Not at all, as long as it isnt gay. :scared1:
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That's why I have no faith in the system ... Because the system lacks the integrity to admit it has shortcomings ... :thup:
And that is really what this whole argument is all about, because more damaging to the USA than a Biden Presidency, is our loss of faith in the election INTEGRITY.

Democrats throwing GOP canvas monitors from the ballot counting undermines if not destroys that integrity and trust.

For THAT reason, if for no other, Trump has to fight this thing and get a valid RECOUNT now that the courts have spoken that GOP observers have to access to within 6' of the counting, not some absurd 30' to 150' of the counting.
Excellent points, and I would have to agree that the majority of Americans will do whatever is necessary to get whatever they want as easily as possible.
Well, *I* want a FAIR ELECTION that has the laws ENFORCED, to include poll watchers being able to VERIFY the counting process. The Dems have ignored that at least in Philadelphia and Detroit, and so those two state elections are invalid, and I would include Georgia if I knew of any specific cases, though the water main burst blocks away does look suspicious. GA is going to do an automatic recount anyway, and Trump will have plenty of time to validate that recount.
in philly, the poll watcher were allowed

however, in detroit, poll watchers were being disruptive. Democrat watchers were treated the same.

And that is really what this whole argument is all about, because more damaging to the USA than a Biden Presidency, is our loss of faith in the election INTEGRITY.

Democrats throwing GOP canvas monitors from the ballot counting undermines if not destroys that integrity and trust.

For THAT reason, if for no other, Trump has to fight this thing and get a valid RECOUNT now that the courts have spoken that GOP observers have to access to within 6' of the counting, not some absurd 30' to 150' of the counting.

Man, I completely understand your frustration, but there is one reason I am not getting upset.
That's because it doesn't matter what we think, and it won't make a difference, until the Democrats are no longer satisfied with the Republican observers being ejected.

You see ... There is no restoration of confidence or trust, until everyone understands that the appearance of impropriety is unacceptable.
We could fight each other over it, but until the goal is bi-partisan, it's a battle not worth fighting ... And just leaves us more vulnerable to our foreign enemies.

I don't see a path through this one ... Ignoring impropriety, disenfranchises everyone who voted.
Everyone has lost ground, and it is foolish for anyone to celebrate this past election.

And that is really what this whole argument is all about, because more damaging to the USA than a Biden Presidency, is our loss of faith in the election INTEGRITY.

Democrats throwing GOP canvas monitors from the ballot counting undermines if not destroys that integrity and trust.

For THAT reason, if for no other, Trump has to fight this thing and get a valid RECOUNT now that the courts have spoken that GOP observers have to access to within 6' of the counting, not some absurd 30' to 150' of the counting.

Man, I completely understand your frustration, but there is one reason I am not getting upset.
That's because it doesn't matter what we think, and it won't make a difference, until the Democrats are no longer satisfied with the Republican observers being ejected.

You see ... There is no restoration of confidence or trust, until everyone understands that the appearance of impropriety is unacceptable.
We could fight each other over it, but until the goal is bi-partisan, it's a battle not worth fighting ... And just leaves us more vulnerable to our foreign enemies.

I don't see a path through this one ... Ignoring impropriety, disenfranchises everyone who voted.
Everyone has lost ground, and it is foolish for anyone to celebrate this past election.

Sounds like in your perspective our election integrity is ALREADY lost.

If that is gone, the soul of America is dead.

I refuse to accept the death of America as an ideal.

Get the paddles out and go to resuscitation if necessary, but dont call a time on America.
Sounds like in your perspective our election integrity is ALREADY lost.

If that is gone, the soul of America is dead.

I refuse to accept the death of America as an ideal.

Get the paddles out and go to resuscitation if necessary, but dont call a time on America.

Well yeah I think our election integrity has been lost, and this season is just one of many I think have gone poorly.
Perhaps my standards are too high, or perhaps I expect too much.

I am not upset about it, and only disappointed.
We can do better, although the current environment doesn't really suggest that many people are interested in doing so.

As for America ... She's a tough old broad, and doesn't have her foot in the grave yet.
She'll change, we have given her a few new scars ... But she has a habit of bringing out both the best, and the worst in folks.

Freedom and Liberty Come With A Price ... :thup:

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Excellent points, and I would have to agree that the majority of Americans will do whatever is necessary to get whatever they want as easily as possible.
Well, *I* want a FAIR ELECTION that has the laws ENFORCED, to include poll watchers being able to VERIFY the counting process. The Dems have ignored that at least in Philadelphia and Detroit, and so those two state elections are invalid, and I would include Georgia if I knew of any specific cases, though the water main burst blocks away does look suspicious. GA is going to do an automatic recount anyway, and Trump will have plenty of time to validate that recount.

Sorry, all I can tell you is that if no cheating is recorded anywhere, then the record is a lie.

I don't know how to fix it unless we simply find better ways to capture the cheating.
Arguing over what we can, or cannot prove, is irrelevant until we all understand that there is never an all one way or the other scenario.

If people don't want to believe that there are always instances of humans doing the wrong thing ...
Then they will never understand the desire to capture those instances, instead ignoring the fact they failed to capture them.

That's why I have no faith in the system ... Because the system lacks the integrity to admit it has shortcomings ... :thup:

Mistakes go in both directions, when it's all going one way, those aren't mistakes, that's malfeasance.
This blatant theft of our PResidential election by corrupt Dimocrats well known for their vote-stealing, in defiance of court orders as they keep Republican observers from verifying that the laws are being followed.

Republican state legislators need to step up and do their Constitutional duty and ignore a wildly corrupted ballot stuffing scandal.

The fraud at the heart of the 2020 election has left the American people with only one surefire remedy: They must demand that Republican state lawmakers send pro-Trump electors to Congress.
By now, every Republican in the country knows what happened on Tuesday night. Donald Trump was headed solidly toward reelection. His lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania was massive and, based on the left’s own models, practically insurmountable.
And then, at 10:30 p.m., the votes simply stopped coming in. From Atlanta to Detroit to Philadelphia, tallies stopped coming out for hours on end. When the tallying resumed, Joe Biden rapidly surged into the lead in key states, with his improvement attributed entirely to the black box of “mail-in ballots.” Already, accounts of fraud and impropriety have started to pile up. Counting resumed, then stopped again, then resumed again. States have taken days to do what could easily be done in hours; often votes keep coming in even as nobody seems to know how many ballots actually remain to be counted. In Pennsylvania, officials are counting ballots that arrive after Election Day with no postmark, even though a postmark is the only means at all of ensuring a late-arriving ballot isn’t fraudulent. In North Carolina, officials have simply announced that they won’t announce any more votes for another week.

What 'ballot stuffing' scandal?

You mean that baseless batshit conspiracy that Trump is whining about on national television?

There's a reason why he's whining rather than presenting evidence of it court.

The lack of evidence.

I just heard, "What scandal? My masters didn't tell me to know about any scandal, so nothing happened! My talking points didn't show any evidence, so that means no evidence exists! How DARE you expect me to know things without marching orders?!"
You people are freaking crazy, and anyone who talks like you is crazy. Why are you supposedly so pro American and so against letting people freaking votes count.
Not ILLEGAL votes, retard
You have about as much evidence of illegal votes being counted as the god damned commission Trump founded when he first got into office. It Boggles my god damned mind how even when the people you supposedly trust can't find shit you still don't believe it.

They are still manufacturing votes as they stopped counting several times to recalibrate and see how many votes Biden needs.
Take it to court you empty headed conspiracy theory nut job. Oh, but wait, judges don't usually take dumb ass suppositions as proof do they. Shit you're out of luck.

"You're not in court RIGHT NOW, so that means the judges think you're stupid and I can dismiss it! I am secure in my ignorance of how the world works!"

We're taking it to court, you talking point drooling mouthbreather. I realize that your masters haven't told you to know about that, so it's probably a big surprise. As I keep telling your intellectual twin, Skylar - and believe me, you should take that as a mortal insult - court cases take time in the real world you so assiduously avoid.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
No, I disagree.
We should hang a few folks.

You must have watched Steven Bannon's podcast.
No I watched an election get stolen.

You'll have to excuse Skylar. He gets all his thoughts from other people, and he doesn't realize that it's possible to create thoughts independently.
1. The last day of voting was November 3rd 2020!

Voting and not counting!

2. If a ballot is postmarked November 3rd or before it should and shall be counted!

If postmarked November 4th or after it should be tossed!


3. Counting and not Voting is going on which is totally different and it will take time and yes you will dislike the results but Counting should not stop until all votes from November 3rd and before are counted!

Notice I am saying Counting and not Voting should continue until all legitimate votes are counted!

4. Trump will exercise his right for recounts and court appeals which is his legal right to do so and he should exhaust all avenues which I support his right to do so but in the end he will lose because the reality is he lost in a very tight election!

5. If for one damn moment if you think I will be threaten by people that believe their candidate won while losing let me be clear I will resist and no matter if it were Biden or Trump if their voting base turn violent then they get the beat down they deserve!

We are a nation of rules and laws and not a nation of savages!

We should find peaceful ways to resolve our differences and let me be clear the Democratic Party win is more of a defeat because they know they are not liked and in 2022 the House will fall and 2024 the Oval Office will not be theirs!

So stop with the talk of armed rebellion and killing of your fellow Countrymen and Women!
No, I disagree.
We should hang a few folks.

You must have watched Steven Bannon's podcast.
No I watched an election get stolen.

There's just no evidence of it. The conspiracy is ridiculously complicated and completely unnecessary.

Though plenty of evidence of butthurt, though.

"Just no evidence of it" - that is, if you're a leftist who's been ordered to not know about videos of people hauling in ballots in coolers and wagons after the GOP count watchers were sent home, ballots in Nevada cast by people who are dead or who moved out-of-state, multiple whistleblowers in the USPS coming forward to talk about orders given on November 4 to postmark ballots for November 3, instructions being given in Pennsylvania to "cure" invalid mail-in ballots by adding information without contacting the voter . . .

As always, "no evidence" translates to "I refuse to know about it, therefore it doesn't exist!" when speaking to a dirtbag, no-redeeming-value leftist.
They did not steal the election and Biden did win but the GOP is in great position in 2022 to retake the House and win in 2024.
Until the results are certified the election is literally not over and the recount has to be done as well, in which the fraudulent ballots will be rejected.

True. All these leftists rushing to declare the election decided reveal yet another area in which they are utterly ignorant, and stupid because they're proud of their ignorance: elections aren't decided by the media, or by the first count if the margin is too small.

Biden hasn't won until the Electoral College and the House of Representatives say he has, and that won't happen until the multiple recounts that have been triggered are completed and the lawsuits are adjudicated.
But what rules are governing their election? You gotta have rules set BEFORE the contest begins.... was it in the rules for their citizen's vote determining the slate of electors after winning the vote, or did the rules say, they, the legislature, were going to pick and send electors of their choice?
The rules are whatever the state legislature says they are, and the state legislatures can also simply ignore the election results and vote for the EC delegate slate they want to.

Massive voter fraud with no opposition oversight of the ballot counting is exactly the kind of situation this is for.

I actually don't believe that's true. Prior to a vote actually being held, they may have had the authority to decide to choose the electors themselves, depending on the state laws and how they went about it; after the election has been held, I don't think they have the authority to simply decide to substitute their preference for the voters'.

However, I'm not sure how that shakes out if it becomes obvious that the election in that state was hopelessly compromised. I don't think it's ever come up before.
So let me get this straight. Every vote counting room has GOP observers. They are obviously in on it. All the counters. They’re in on it. The Republican Secretary of State in the States we are talking about. They’re in on it too.

It reminds me of Hillary and Bill and their asinine Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. They were obviously insane. You are just as obviously nuttier than a fruitcake in may.

So let me get this straight. You didn't bother to read any of the reports about this, but feel you are qualified to comment on the subject and tell us how "silly" the accusations you didn't read are based on the knowledge you don't have about how ballot counting works?

You are obviously more asinine, insane, and nuttier than you have been ordered to believe we are.

Dismissed until you can prove that your existence is justified.
I actually don't believe that's true. Prior to a vote actually being held, they may have had the authority to decide to choose the electors themselves, depending on the state laws and how they went about it; after the election has been held, I don't think they have the authority to simply decide to substitute their preference for the voters'.

However, I'm not sure how that shakes out if it becomes obvious that the election in that state was hopelessly compromised. I don't think it's ever come up before.

So some Republicans — including the president’s son — are starting to promote a bid to have GOP-controlled state legislatures undo the will of the voters in states won by former vice president Joe Biden.
They would accomplish this undemocratic feat with the electoral college version of the nuclear option. The ordinary practice in a state where Biden won the popular-vote total would be that state officials certify the election results and send a slate of electors pledged to Biden to Congress for its formal approval.
But state legislatures that conclude the popular-vote total has somehow been corrupted could claim the constitutional authority to submit competing slates of pro-Trump electors and ask Congress to accept that result instead. That radical move would set up a potential clash between the House, with its Democratic majority, and the Senate, which is likely to remain in Republican hands. This bicameral breakdown would create electoral chaos and a constitutional crisis.
Yes, the Constitution gives state legislatures the technical power to appoint electors. But no state legislature has exercised this mechanism since the 19th century. The long-standing practice has been that legislatures have ceded that authority to the voters in their state and allowed the president to be chosen by popular vote.

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